Your favorite MCOC YouTuber

So I don’t watch many MCOC YouTubers and I’m curious who you would recommend and why. If I left people out feel free to let me know in the comments. Again I don’t use YouTube and only know of these three
Your favorite MCOC YouTuber 184 votes
Admittedly, I don't watch some of the ones not listed.
As others have also pointed out, MCOCnoob is great when new content comes out. Probably has the best guides, especially now that Seatin's gone. Nowadays I'm at a point where I finish new story content before proper guides come out, but MCOCnoob was a great source back in Acts 6 and 7. Can't imagine that his quality has gone down since then.
Kingslayer MCOC is also a good channel. He does a lot of quick side-by-side comparisons that give you a decent first impression of how champs compare to each other, damage when awakened/unawakened etc. Those videos aren't any deep dives by any means but are usually pretty fair comparisons.
Also shoutout to @BitterSteel who has this knack for pulling champions that I don't have yet and then making videos on them, informing me about their brilliance. Then I pull them immediately afterward and know what to do with them.