Battlegrounds alliance score cut offs
We scored 3.192m and we're in the 31% to 40% bracket.
Intrigued to know the cut offs for 1-10% and 11% to 20%?
(We did a similar score last time and reached 11% to 20% - so quite surprised by the huge drop!)
Actually, pretty staggered at the drop - that's something in the order of 5k+ alliances scoring much higher than before.
Intrigued to know the cut offs for 1-10% and 11% to 20%?
(We did a similar score last time and reached 11% to 20% - so quite surprised by the huge drop!)
Actually, pretty staggered at the drop - that's something in the order of 5k+ alliances scoring much higher than before.
Just realized that an alliance completely full of uncollected *alt* accounts, can get a much, much, much higher alliance score, than my alliance of mainly paragons.
@Mauled your idea of brackets could be needed in alliance scoring too.
Feel a bit foolish, knowing that much lower prestige and rating alliances than ours will receive all these r3 and r4 mats.
Edit; I also scored 252k solo and only ranked 37k position - genuinely surprised. We're top 1,700 alliance in AQ, despite only running map 5. What's the point in loading the alliance season rewards with r3 and r4 mats, if 13.3k average prestige alliance can't get a sniff compared to 8k prestige alliances.
Where my ally mates are only matching paragons and high TBs even in bronze, so are squeezed out of the top rewards by alliances that won't have a single paragon or TB.
This is war matchmaking all over again.
This will be wars all over again; the superwhales will set up uncollected alt alliances, to suppress the competition from reaching higher ranks.
If you can't see the prior war situation repeating again, that's a you problem.
My idea for divisions is essentially to allow people to play similar abilities and progress/fall based on their wins/losses, just over a slightly longer period than it is now but to contain the matchmaking within each set of players for so that it’s a positive experience for the middling tiers of player and making it very difficult to mod an account up 20 divisions without getting banned.
The bg rewards for contributing aren’t incredible unless you’re putting up big numbers. Sure you could buy your way to the top. Realistically that’s not happening with a small account because the biggest weighting on the points is from wins and to win enough to place highly you’ve got to have a decent roster. You wouldn’t have an uncollected account placing highly because they’d get smashed pretty consistently and an uncollected roster isn’t that big a spender until they’re a bit further down the line - Cav/TB most likely.
So yes, a team of 30 uncollected could easily get to 6m+ only fighting other uncollected and in this season, that gets them r4 mats.
Surely that's not intended.
Season 3. Scored 1.2m(61%-80%)
22 plp in the player 10 to 12..
Also I don’t have a “you problem” I am having no issues climbing the ladder season after season regardless what roster size I’m using
They implemented a Required Minimum Ally Points in order to qualify for Rank. (think it was like 300,000 Ally Points)
So before, relatively inactive alliances would be considered part of Rank pool with very little points. Causing everyone else to Rank much higher previously.
Now with Minimum necessary, lot fewer alliances qualify for Rank Pool, and everyone fell way down the % bracket ladder this time.
They are the same thing as what you were talking about in your own post in early Dec.
(quote) How many alliance BG event points is good?
Or do you mean where do you find out how many points your alliance had done ? (Look in “Finished” events)
“ Summoners!
Starting with this season, we will be making the following changes to the Battlegrounds Alliance Event.
To Qualify for Rank and Milestone Rewards, a Summoner must have been in the Alliance for 7 or More Days and contribute at least 1 Point
To Qualify for Rank Rewards, an Alliance must complete at least 1 Milestone (300,000 points).
This change will affect the current season (Season 2).
Post edited by Kabam Miike on November 1”
When you have the same % of UC and Paragon players at GC then something is really wrong.
I sweated and made it to GC last week.
When I entered GC I was matching at URU tiers noob 200k UC accounts that they were of course instantly forfeiting when they were seeing my deck 😂
But the most infuriating is that these accounts, might be there from week1 and got ranked rewards, while at the same time, half the stacked Paragons I was fighting at VT didn’t made it to GC and missed any ranked or even tier rewards 😠
Very, very unfair.