Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Alt account holders, what are your plans after the Banquet event?

Dude17Dude17 Posts: 133 ★★
This is the last time we can gift from one account to another. For those with multiple accounts, what do you plan to do with them?

Alt account holders, what are your plans after the Banquet event? 105 votes

I will continue to be active on at least 1 alt account
SnizzbarzuffySpeedbumpBlackfriar63phillgreencaptaincushyuwJimmyBKGold29Ewell65SSS69Webhead055GardoshCaptainDenversXguard77MasterzxProDukenpukeChiefGoatSearmenisHelpingJeff77 31 votes
I plan to retire my alt(s)
danielmathEb0ny-O-M4wChovnerFeeney234meoreanCrusaderjrGarloch4rnPanchulon21Archdemon_BulmktSaske97CyporgAleorIvarTheBonelessSCP1504WebheadUnltd_Sham_johnlaw3742SamojayX0 42 votes
I don’t have an alt account
GroundedWisdomKeonexDeemonbalaTerraMqc19KiptonadeSandeepSLiquidkoldScopeotoe987Grootman1294DannyB01BowTieJohnLuke9523Giantwalrus56Beurky38willrun4adonutRealWizardPapaMidnite007PowerOfACandleSuelGames 24 votes
Other (pls explain in comments)
AddyosPikoluAmazing_Demon05SkyLord7000XedTruthseekerMarvelfan30Wong_99 8 votes


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    KingAzKingAz Posts: 56
    I plan to retire my alt(s)
    I only got alts cause I’m broke as
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    WhyMe1984WhyMe1984 Posts: 63
    I plan to retire my alt(s)
    Yeah didn't meet the requirements so they can delete my alt to save server space
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    Other (pls explain in comments)
    Get on them when the game is super boring for my main.
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    CrusaderjrCrusaderjr Posts: 1,059 ★★★★
    I plan to retire my alt(s)
    my alt got better stuff in 5 crystals than my main got in 100.... rng at its finest, well over 3mill in scrap, that could have been something better...
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    DukenpukeDukenpuke Posts: 658 ★★★
    I will continue to be active on at least 1 alt account
    I have 3 accounts and play them all equally. All 3 are Thronebreaker.
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    WarlockjrWarlockjr Posts: 798 ★★★
    I will continue to be active on at least 1 alt account
    my alts got nothing good of the free gbc but like the 6* ronin was nice ig
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    MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Posts: 4,536 ★★★★★
    I will continue to be active on at least 1 alt account
    I’ll keep one alt active, it picked up 3 AGs and 16 6* this event
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    Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Posts: 1,171 ★★★★
    Other (pls explain in comments)
    I got an alliance to run on my alt
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,860 ★★★★★
    I will continue to be active on at least 1 alt account
    I'll use my alt for AQ when I can be bothered doing it, save the free units from the calendar and buy whatever I can in the next not gifting event.

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    XedXed Posts: 32
    Other (pls explain in comments)
    I had a little over 3.5k units on my uncollected alt account. Spent everything on GBCs. Got 6* Spiderman 2099, Knull, Herc, Dr Doom, Sunspot, White Mag, Warlock, generic 6* AG and a 6* skill AG, a science T5CC, 2.5 T3A and T6B. It was a pretty lucky 2 weeks. I'm now on fast track to Thronebreaker!
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    Rohit_316Rohit_316 Posts: 3,391 ★★★★★
    I plan to retire my alt(s)
    I made 1 alt in 2022 and 2 alt in 2021 ...2021 alts helped me in 2021 gifting event , current one helped me in this year's event .

    Gonna retire from alt now since the only purpose of making them was because of this event.
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    I plan to retire my alt(s)
    I had a couple but most didn’t meet requirements. I was able to send about 7 Carb cores over in total so not too shabbby.
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    PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    I don’t have an alt account
    Try for Paragon
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    Wong_99Wong_99 Posts: 604 ★★★
    Other (pls explain in comments)
    I use my alt for when I have nothing to do on my main, so it depends on what content Kabam puts out
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