Beyond God 5*s vs Demi 6*s

AYK¹AYK¹ Member Posts: 44
edited November 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Currently I'm at 6.3.2. I have r3 Ultron and Fury will be r3 in few days.
As yhe game is going...
Due to BG sometimes I'm tempted to upgrade good 5*.
Should I upgrade 5* just for BG and fun or should I just focus resources (obviously Limited) for demi or so 6*s ?

Beyond God 5*s vs Demi 6*s 86 votes

Beyond God 5*s
Disbanded_pensMagrailothosArchdemon_RamQuvssJustcause102Wine_Loverphil56201BlackOracleMadEyeMoody_333Chris_118MauledTP33ReignkingTWPraneeth_SP616JJBoy19MasterzxProSpecMReal_Madrid_76_2Soumemiakas1926Phantomfire500 37 votes
Decent 6*s
DL864zuffyFeeney234SpeedbumpfmussapJazz_MessengerG-Hun-GearTotal_Domin01Spurgeon14yuwRepto23AmaadAkiraDenslo500Suxy88Ewell65SSS69Ironman3000J0eySn0wGardoshYsFRenaxqq 49 votes
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • MiniMFMiniMF Member Posts: 848 ★★★★
    Decent 6*s
    I think you should always go for the long term solution unless u're playing casually from time to time.

    Here, investing in 6* will always be better to help you clear more and more content, you can also wait a bit to pull really good attacker/ defender as 6* to rank up. It's a personal opinion tho ^^ hope i helped
  • ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    With 7*s confirmed coming soon, personally, I would avoid ranking up 5*s as much as possible. I'm expecting 5*s to get the same treatment that 4*s did after 6*s came out.
  • YsFYsF Member Posts: 151 ★★
    Decent 6*s
    I'm in the same boat as you and have given up on ranking 5 stars for some time now. Ranking both 5* and 6* requires just too much resources which I'm assuming you will also not have similar to me. It's better to focus on just 6 stars anyway.
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 987 ★★★
    Beyond God 5*s
    I would focus on what would help you the most now. If you're 5* options would be your best options, then maybe rank them to help you're account for the short term. The resources needed to max a 5* aren't really that hard to get these days.
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    The way the meta of the game is heading (a deeper roster is necessary for niche fights) why not both? 6 stars first and I still keep a handful of max 5s in rotation until I pull them as 6 (kingpin, torch, ibom, doom, mags , AAand apoc but I recently pulled the last 3) Also any 5 star who needs dupe and or lots ofsigs it makes sense to rank them as it will be a while before you get a six star 2x plus sigs
  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Decent 6*s
    I only rank up 5* champs if they are good defenders AND I have the 5* rank up gems... So the only ressource I'm "wasting" is Iso...
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    Decent 6*s
    Only 5* I rank I ones that somehow benefit from sig 200 and have some type of utility I like/want (like Namor or CAIW) but really I ranked them a long time ago so idk if I would really rank anyone now. I definitely don't prioritize it. I have a 5* R4 Red Guardian I had almost been taking to R5 for quite some time due to some of his utility (buff immune) and he is high sig but I haven't done it...😂
  • AYK¹AYK¹ Member Posts: 44
    Thanks for opinions.
    I have 14 5* at max out as of today. 14 6* at r2 but more than half of them I don't even use for quests.
    For now, I guess it's better to focus on 6*s on hand.
    There was a time just 2 years back when We were struggling for 4*s. And now we are not even looking at them.
  • AYK¹AYK¹ Member Posts: 44
    Kabam has distributed 6*s so commonly. It was and will be wise ro focus on 6* only.
    Bye bye 5*s, just like 4*s
  • AYK¹AYK¹ Member Posts: 44
    Banquet event has given, in and average 10 to 12 6*s with moderate players like me. (F2P)
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    Decent 6*s
    In this state of the game, 6 stars are the way to go. 5 stars are merely play things at this point.
  • Phantomfire500Phantomfire500 Member Posts: 245 ★★
    edited January 2023
    Beyond God 5*s
    Depends if you see good defenders as "Demi 6*s"

    You're at 6.3.2 though, so the 5*/6* distinction is pretty nonexistent between 6r2 and 5r5. I'd say good 5*s are better to rank, especially if you've already got a few good 6* champs you want to R3.

    I've explored 8.1, but even I'm still ranking up 5* versions of more niche champs or good boss counters for act 7 exploration.
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 676 ★★★
    Decent 6*s
    Same position as you but in a quandary.

    I got a 5* Galan from GBC. I know he is just released and so 6* Galan might be difficult to get. Should i rank him? I have a healthy list of god tier 6*s yet to rank from r1 to r2 including Hulkling (have him as r5 5* already)
  • Phantomfire500Phantomfire500 Member Posts: 245 ★★
    Beyond God 5*s
    Ansh_A said:

    Same position as you but in a quandary.

    I got a 5* Galan from GBC. I know he is just released and so 6* Galan might be difficult to get. Should i rank him? I have a healthy list of god tier 6*s yet to rank from r1 to r2 including Hulkling (have him as r5 5* already)

    The main reason Galan is being hyped up is that he's a shiny, new, popular character who can put up big numbers in a short fight.

    Rank good 6*s instead of good 5*s
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 676 ★★★
    Decent 6*s
    Thanks Phantomfire, was thinking the same. Good to get a second opinion.
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 6,012 ★★★★★
    Decent 6*s
    Ansh_A said:

    Same position as you but in a quandary.

    I got a 5* Galan from GBC. I know he is just released and so 6* Galan might be difficult to get. Should i rank him? I have a healthy list of god tier 6*s yet to rank from r1 to r2 including Hulkling (have him as r5 5* already)

    He's also great for BG, especially thai season, even as a 5*.
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 676 ★★★
    Decent 6*s
    Ya im starting to realize. I actualy got very relevant champs in the gbc for this bg meta - 6* king groot ( power burn immune), 5* galan (power burn immune) and 6* red goblin (power burn immune). Not to mention 6* Wiccan who is armor break immune plus neutralize champ.

    I didnt rank any of them :( . Not the smartest preparation. Now have to make quick decisions. Going for King Groot first
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