Banquet event rewards
Looks like it's out, but not for the alliance ones.
Also, how can I tell my ranking. Kabam and their typical bugs doesn't show you where you placed...they just gave the rewards and the past events disappeared
Also, how can I tell my ranking. Kabam and their typical bugs doesn't show you where you placed...they just gave the rewards and the past events disappeared
Mine shows my rank.
I feel like Zudan Zysecksky hearing Aaron Aarons being called out in attendance knowing I got several hours before they get to me.
Is there an actual "order" to how these things get rolled out (EOP is another great example), or am I forever going to be hours after everyone else?
My sumoner name, alliance, etc. all isn't in the front or back of anything special. Not like we begin with X or are #1 or #999999 in some rating.
We put up about 4.6 mil and got top 1000 which doesn’t seem right. The rewards are juicy though
Still waiting on solo awards. These came alot faster than I was expecting.
Why not together?
1-2 gem
2-3 science gem
Took Scorpion to R3 🥳
Mid 600’s
It's 26-50%.. if you check kabam's own post on solo Banquet rewards
It's missing one more 3* relic... I know 3* relic does not do much but.. disparity is still disparity.