It’s time to increase the amount of Energy received

Between BG, Cav EQ, TB EQ.. side quests and Story.. there just isn’t enough energy to do all the content.
Especially with the added BG and TB difficulty.. energy simply can’t be the same amount.
Between BG, Cav EQ, TB EQ.. side quests and Story.. there just isn’t enough energy to do all the content.
Especially with the added BG and TB difficulty.. energy simply can’t be the same amount.
It’s time to increase the amount of Energy received 94 votes
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on
How to get more energy refill . 1 do the 3 days alliance events 2. Grind arena to get unit and purchase. 3. Open up battleship crystal (low % but better then nothing.
And the guy who posted before you asked me to do more Arena to get units to purchase energy..
It should be fun but it’s getting more like work now.
Maybe introduce them in weekly solo events,
Not asking to add them in the daily 22 hours.
But those useless events like alliance help or loyalty spend. 1 refill aint gonna break the game.
I know many kabam employees play the game... as I've stated on many similar threads like arena grinds: the bar should be what can a Kabam employee reasonably do off the clock on their account without it impacting their job. If there is something that can't be done because it takes too much time (whether that's time in the day or energy available before or after work)... then its too much.
It is the most efficient way. Over the alternative of making energy acquisition frequency increased.
We have BG, Quests , side quests etc . Making separate energy for each would be time consuming. The easiest way and would be to increase the cap . (And may be increase acquisition a little as well)
It is high time we updated it.
But yeah we had the same idea.
- Normal : 1, 1, 1
- Heroic : 1, 1, 2
- Master : 1, 1, 2
- Uncollected : 1, 2, 3
- Cav & Th.Breaker : 2, 2, 3
It's time that last chapters of all difficulties should be adjusted to 2 per tile instead of 3 . Takes hell lotta time to explore all of them when rewards aren't just worth it but you still do it thinking something is better than nothing.
Look at the poll. It’s overwhelming. We need more energy plain and simple.
I can’t do my Cavs EQ now cos I’d just spent 45 energy doing BGs (and lost most of the matches.)
Which got me thinking. There’s too much energy usage nowadays and not many ways to get more.
Hopefully Kabam takes notice and does something.. I’m not doing TB difficulty this month but going forward I think I will be running out of energy.