It’s time to increase the amount of Energy received

Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
edited January 2023 in Suggestions and Requests

Between BG, Cav EQ, TB EQ.. side quests and Story.. there just isn’t enough energy to do all the content.

Especially with the added BG and TB difficulty.. energy simply can’t be the same amount.

It’s time to increase the amount of Energy received 94 votes

Energy should increase
SnakeEyes69DarthVadidCarnage313zuffyFeeney234FireatwillCazMaverick75Blackfriar63TerraIrakliTigerphilLeslie316SgtSlaughter78critical1Sachhyam257Troy_Elric123pine_aplleGogeta91199Abk_118 75 votes
It’s fine right now
Leediman39FitnesscwDarkrider05Total_Domin01GarloSCP1504JollyHawkHera1d_of_Ga1actusB00tblackReignkingTWJessieSSkyLord7000Salve_maker05The_0wenpusCoppinTruthseekerTopgunrulesSlayinAliveMiniMF 19 votes
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


  • KeltanKeltan Member Posts: 553 ★★
    You manage it very simple just do the EQ when the solo objective for quest completion on and for BG is about how active is your alliance in BG by hitting each milestone you get some marks for you to enter.
    How to get more energy refill . 1 do the 3 days alliance events 2. Grind arena to get unit and purchase. 3. Open up battleship crystal (low % but better then nothing.
  • solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    You have more than enough energy to complete content. All that matters is if you put in the time.
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  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    Energy should increase
    Yeah it's the time.
  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    Energy should increase
    Ghost_Fan said:

    Between BG, Cav EQ, TB EQ

    This game more and more looks like a full time job
    It sure does feel like it this week to be honest… and add to that AQ and AW..

    And the guy who posted before you asked me to do more Arena to get units to purchase energy..

    It should be fun but it’s getting more like work now.
  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    Energy should increase
    solopolo said:

    You have more than enough energy to complete content. All that matters is if you put in the time.

    There used to be enough but now with BG and TB surely you can see that we need more now.
  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    Energy should increase
    It was enough, but not now. If Kabam doesn't want to increase energy they have to give us some ways to get more free energy refills. The numbers should be double of now.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,273 ★★★★★
    2-3 extra energy refills per week, will cover most issues.
    Maybe introduce them in weekly solo events,
    Not asking to add them in the daily 22 hours.
    But those useless events like alliance help or loyalty spend. 1 refill aint gonna break the game.
  • Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 865 ★★★★
    If all events were 5 weeks long, it would probably be enough.... but for a for week long event where the side quest also uses energy: we need a little more. Especially if any more nerf's are done to farming locations like happened a year ago because "there was too much energy there".

    I know many kabam employees play the game... as I've stated on many similar threads like arena grinds: the bar should be what can a Kabam employee reasonably do off the clock on their account without it impacting their job. If there is something that can't be done because it takes too much time (whether that's time in the day or energy available before or after work)... then its too much.
  • Troy_Elric123Troy_Elric123 Member Posts: 542 ★★★
    Energy should increase
    Energy cap should go from 70 to 90 or even 100.

    It is the most efficient way. Over the alternative of making energy acquisition frequency increased.

    We have BG, Quests , side quests etc . Making separate energy for each would be time consuming. The easiest way and would be to increase the cap . (And may be increase acquisition a little as well)

    It is high time we updated it.
  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    edited January 2023
    Energy should increase

    Energy cap should go from 70 to 90 or even 100.

    It is the most efficient way. Over the alternative of making energy acquisition frequency increased.

    We have BG, Quests , side quests etc . Making separate energy for each would be time consuming. The easiest way and would be to increase the cap . (And may be increase acquisition a little as well)

    It is high time we updated it.

    Yes I was thinking increase it to 100 as well but didn’t want to pre empt anything.

    But yeah we had the same idea.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Rather than increasing energy we receive, it would be much more efficient to just reduce energy spent per difficulty of the monthly EQ. Like just recude number of paths or dots
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,654 ★★★★★
    Energy should increase
    Ghost_Fan said:

    Between BG, Cav EQ, TB EQ

    This game more and more looks like a full time job
    It's only as much a job as one makes it. You have a month to do everything the game offers in the time.
  • edited January 2023
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  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Energy should increase
    They should probably reduce the energy required for lower difficulties, at least for Paragon players & may be for Thronebreakers as well

    - Normal : 1, 1, 1
    - Heroic : 1, 1, 2
    - Master : 1, 1, 2
    - Uncollected : 1, 2, 3
    - Cav & Th.Breaker : 2, 2, 3
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    edited January 2023
    I am not able to decide where should i put my energy refills in . TB and cavs. don't give any units. Gives rewards which do not make up for the grind . I can just do some rounds of BG and earn better rewards than TB difficulty.

    It's time that last chapters of all difficulties should be adjusted to 2 per tile instead of 3 . Takes hell lotta time to explore all of them when rewards aren't just worth it but you still do it thinking something is better than nothing.

  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    edited January 2023
    Energy should increase

    @RichTheMan you should do a new video on this topic

    i was thinking about doing a video that looked how much free energy you could get in a month + free energy refills you get from Ally 3 day events. Then look at theoretically how far that would get you to do Story Mode, Event Quests, Side Quests and how many Battlegrounds matches. So look at the data on this topic, but don't know if those 9 disagrees and LOL's are saying no don't do it. In any case that would be approach is look at the topic, get data and analyse.
    I think those LoLs were more for my comment. Don’t worry about them.

    Look at the poll. It’s overwhelming. We need more energy plain and simple.

    I can’t do my Cavs EQ now cos I’d just spent 45 energy doing BGs (and lost most of the matches.)

    Which got me thinking. There’s too much energy usage nowadays and not many ways to get more.
  • zerozzeroz Member Posts: 15
    only problem is if they increase the energy the paths will be increased shortly after as well.
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  • RichTheManRichTheMan Member Posts: 204 ★★★
    Lets just say early calculation put us in deficit of 2000 energy. There will be exceptions , explanations, disclaimers and alternate scenarios to look into for the Spreadsheet and Vid. Hoping to have it out tomorrow. But im pretty surprised by the data to be honest.
  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    Energy should increase
    Thanks @RichTheMan great work bro.. you’ve proved what I suspected.. there’s a lot less energy to go around now.

    Hopefully Kabam takes notice and does something.. I’m not doing TB difficulty this month but going forward I think I will be running out of energy.
  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    Energy should increase
    Here’s Rich’s analysis if you haven’t seen it
  • edited January 2023
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