Bug in Battlegrounds???

So I've won 2 fights with Claire, with at least 30% health at a minimum up to 60% health, with my opponent dead. But then I go to the victory screen and it says I didn't fight and had 0 time in the fight, so I get the lose for that round. Please look into the bug, it's effected the out come against Nimrod opponent. And yes I would have won both matchups if this bug wasn't there.

Kitty is throwing heavies less, so she goes in phased and then instead of throwing a heavy after her combo, she dashes out and back in. So they made her more like a player. I take this one in stride.
I don't even see 3 red bars before they throw a special 3. My special button is trumped by theirs.
I usually laugh at people coming here to post quitting game posts, but this month is wearing my arse out. I'm not quitting, but not having fun either.
I never come on here and complain but this KEEPS HAPPENING I'm not even getting the chance to fight I get matched up and then this screen pops up and says I lost. No fight no nothing just me wasting money time and time again
Just realized I didn't block out the player names I honestly never posted on here before, just to clarify I don't not think they are cheating in any way and I'm not trying to put them on blast I'm just to lazy and don't have the time while I'm at work to erase this post go back and blot out names right now. This bug definitely needs to get worked out because I spend to much money playing this game to be getting cheated out of rewards
Herc showing 0.0% HP remaining (instead of a double KO) is because that value is shown as a rounded number (unlike when in Fight itself the health bar will always show 1 HP left as still 1 % remaining, not 0 % which in a fight would mean KO). So with 1 HP left (invincible time) when he killed IMIW, the 1 HP rounds to show 0.0% on this post-fight BG screen.
Also, while it might still qualify for points, the 1 HP is probably below the point where (divided by his original Health Pool) it would round to ZERO points score for Health Remaining too.
No. Dying or not dying. And KO’ing opponent or not. Does not dictate a win or loss.
It is just a factor of level of Health remaining (both you and opponent, with opponents health counting for twice as much per % change as what your health counts).
Only factor with a KO is that you need to actually KO the opponent in order to get ANY points for Fight Duration (more points for a faster KO of opponent).
You had 28.8% more health remaining than opponent attacker did.
But they took your defender down 33.4% further down that what you took their defender down (and that difference counts twice as much as the attack side, so they had 10,000 more defender remain pts than what your 4300 attacker remain pts was).
All other apps on the phone had no connectivity issues, as well as other MCOC game modes, just Battlegrounds.
There are SO MANY BUGS in Battlegrounds. And the very strict season's meta is not funny. Is Kabam trying to kill the newest game mode they introduced?
1 second pause win
Or a 3-1 win loss for a round?
I should have won both fights but then this happens...
Will Kabam refund the Elders Marks and the Shuffle Signets used?
u grind so hard and then lose because of bugs...this is unacceptable
This bugg keeps happening to me nonstop is kabam doing any thing about this???
Same issue to me also