He'll be a big help against Absorbing Man in this month's EQ! (he said, longing for help against Absorbing Man in this month's EQ...)
Ibom works too. And if all else fails, IHulk nuke. Just don't parry him. You will be fine. Had fun using Overseer as well. Its a little slow but punishing his SP1 gets the job done.
I appreciate everyone trying to help me; I didn't mean to derail this thread. haha Somehow I have zero of the champs you've all suggested. I'll keep working on it; I'll make you all proud!
I appreciate everyone trying to help me; I didn't mean to derail this thread. haha Somehow I have zero of the champs you've all suggested. I'll keep working on it; I'll make you all proud!
The Mystic/Science dual crystal should work. its every 3 days of course.
I appreciate everyone trying to help me; I didn't mean to derail this thread. haha Somehow I have zero of the champs you've all suggested. I'll keep working on it; I'll make you all proud!
I appreciate everyone trying to help me; I didn't mean to derail this thread. haha Somehow I have zero of the champs you've all suggested. I'll keep working on it; I'll make you all proud!
Kabam Jax, I'm not sure if you can say but what's your in-game account? It just blows my mind for some reason that yall play the game. No hate one bit your amazing I'm just curious
See, the problem with sharing that means he’s gonna get endless friend requests from all sorts of people
I appreciate everyone trying to help me; I didn't mean to derail this thread. haha Somehow I have zero of the champs you've all suggested. I'll keep working on it; I'll make you all proud!
jax my guy. how tf do you not have any champ suggested by these guys. do you have fury atleast. somehow i worked abosorbing man with duped fury. it works just a bit tedious.
He'll be a big help against Absorbing Man in this month's EQ! (he said, longing for help against Absorbing Man in this month's EQ...)
Somehow I have zero of the champs you've all suggested. I'll keep working on it; I'll make you all proud!
derailing? no.
hijacking? possibly!
(though, in your case, it would be hi-Jax-ing)