Very exciting. I just took up my Prof X and thought it was a shame I didn’t have a reason to use iceman with him besides the synergy. I’d love both a little more damage and would really love some more utility beyond the immunities and evade counter. Maybe he can build to an absolute zero that functions like webfoam where he counters miss and unstoppable on top of his cold snap countering evade. But even just a value buff and fourth immunity would be a win
Trees are very much not immune to lightning. If I recall correctly, they contain a lot of water which gets superheated and turns to gas when struck by lightning. When that water expands from its liquid form into its gaseous form, it blows the tree apart.
Kind of how Antman would have dealt with Thanos if a certain segment of the fanbase had been the writers of Infinity War.
Trees are very much not immune to lightning. If I recall correctly, they contain a lot of water which gets superheated and turns to gas when struck by lightning. When that water expands from its liquid form into its gaseous form, it blows the tree apart.
Kind of how Antman would have dealt with Thanos if a certain segment of the fanbase had been the writers of Infinity War.
Big difference between lightning and getting shocked. Wood is a poor conductor of electricity
A forum user once made the argument to a Kabam mod that trees can’t be shocked
Let’s see if we can make it happen
Was wrong about the Kabam mod part unless that happened elsewhere (can’t recall tbh, or I mistook Guardians for mods).
Granted Icesnap immunity.
Removed bleed immunity
Trees are very much not immune to lightning. If I recall correctly, they contain a lot of water which gets superheated and turns to gas when struck by lightning. When that water expands from its liquid form into its gaseous form, it blows the tree apart.
Kind of how Antman would have dealt with Thanos if a certain segment of the fanbase had been the writers of Infinity War.
I mean, they’re not wrong