A question to thronebreakers

Salve_maker05Salve_maker05 Member Posts: 424 ★★★
I just wanted to see how many TB players can actually do the TB difficulty monthly EQ to see if it’s a me problem or a we problem if that makes sense. I personally am finding it difficult to get the completion done.

A question to thronebreakers 114 votes

I can clear the whole thing pretty easy
Badrosephillgreenege999menDarkrider05BlackPhoenix44Sw0rdMasterWarlord5386rockykostonArchdemon_TheHeroDeservedAckbar67RabarberstengelAleorIKONDenzel116PandingoCytaCtfz35RocketWafflexLunatiXx 42 votes
I can clear it but not itemless
ChadhoganADDIS0NTreoTendersquadDrenlinJinxesaxeDeadmaddyJackd1989smy168SpeedbumpDarth_Stewiecane47SandeepSMysteriodoctorbRookiieDenslo500AmbjonySarvanga1_SpideyFunko 53 votes
I can’t clear the whole thing
FreakydSinky27HaveinchbutFurious80gazbeaAzenstarBeurky38kevhugoKLZ 9 votes
I can’t get past chapter 1
SnakeEyes69Maverick75CassyMarvelSPMAN14LoukanSalve_maker05FrostGiantLordRealWizardEndgodshut_up_heather 10 votes


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  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,652 ★★★★★
    edited February 2023
    I can clear it but not itemless
    Couldn’t last month. I will explore it this month with some boosts and a few revives/potions.

    The last chapter path with Mojo and Maw got me yesterday. First time I really struggled. I admit I just hate fighting both of those guys
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,652 ★★★★★
    I can clear it but not itemless

    Let me put it this way. You unlock difficulties of event quests as you get new titles. When you unlock a new difficulty you are meant to start working towards completing it. Which most of the time is right away. But from there you will need to work towards exploration. You are not meant to explore it right when you are allowed to do the difficulty.
    If you are a beginner thronebreaker it is thus logical you are having a hard time exploring. But it will come as your roster deepens and you get more rank 3 and 4 six star champions.

    Good points. I would just add for TB difficulty I still use max 5 stars occasionally and Rank 2 six stars. It’s more about having a deep roster… having the right champs for nodes, etc.
  • Salve_maker05Salve_maker05 Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    I can’t get past chapter 1

    Let me put it this way. You unlock difficulties of event quests as you get new titles. When you unlock a new difficulty you are meant to start working towards completing it. Which most of the time is right away. But from there you will need to work towards exploration. You are not meant to explore it right when you are allowed to do the difficulty.
    If you are a beginner thronebreaker it is thus logical you are having a hard time exploring. But it will come as your roster deepens and you get more rank 3 and 4 six star champions.

    Yeah I was never expecting to clear it no trouble I just wanted to see how other people are doing with it. Not saying I should be able to clear it
  • WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Member Posts: 1,014 ★★★
    I can clear it but not itemless
    I cleared last month's TB EQ, but won't on the current TB EQ.
  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★
    I get pretty bored doing EQ, this hasn't made EQ more interesting for me so I'm sitting it out.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,372 ★★★★★
    Useless paragon comment here.

    Explored it withing days, itemless.
    I do 2 runs of 3.2 every EQ completion 22 hour event to get 4th milestone of 25 units.
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  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,939 ★★★★
    I can clear it but not itemless
    Can explore.
    As to using items, it depends on pathway and enemies kabam places. For example, hate fighting annihilus. Don't mind fighting iron fist, lol. Use occasional revives here and there. Would probably use less or none if I remember to use my boosts, lol.
    Only problem is rewards. Please put some T6CC shards, kanam.
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    I can clear the whole thing pretty easy
    Last month i used a few items but this month was a lot easier. Im paragon now but last month i was TB
  • ege999menege999men Member Posts: 391 ★★
    I can clear the whole thing pretty easy
    2 weeks TB with a throwaway r3, can do 1 path itemless. Takes a long time quaking the whole thing tho
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    Cleared without items
    But damn, some of those paths for 100% needed revives lmao

    that goddamn domino path
    everytime a domino in these mystic paths is making me crazy. and it wasnt even jus the domino the same path had maw km and mojo smh
    At least there was no protection this month
  • JoseOkJoseOk Member Posts: 278 ★★
    edited February 2023
    I can clear it but not itemless
    Tb is clearly paragon level, cavalier prior to addition of tb was tb level, but now I’d say cav is more like the old uncollected. The issues are usually only on the boss fights, like zemo and absorbing man were annoying.
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,203 ★★★★
    I can’t get past chapter 1
    Still at 6.1, I can't even get past cav :(
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 461 ★★★
    This is the 2nd month that I haven't touched TB difficulty at all and probably won't until the rewards are buffed to make it more worthwhile or the difficulty is nerfed again. There wasn't a choice for that on the poll......
  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    I can clear it but not itemless
    You stand in you own way, saying things like that....
  • GreenRaptor413GreenRaptor413 Member Posts: 68
    I can clear it but not itemless
    I only got paragon very recently and my roster isn’t all that developed yet. I’m having a bit of trouble with some fights but i managed to do this months eq with only a few items spent
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    Paragon and item less. A few restarts on the mystic chapter last month (longshot path...) But otherwise really liking it, especially for the easy 22 hour EQ completion unit milestone.

    Can't get out of bronze in BGs though... so swings and roundabouts.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,352 ★★★★★
    I can clear the whole thing pretty easy
    Bosses this month were waaay easier than last month.

    I should explore it but once a run through of all difficulties is done I tend to burn the energy in BG instead, better stuff for less time investment IMO.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,352 ★★★★★
    I can clear the whole thing pretty easy
    I remember struggling to complete master back in the day with 2 x 4r5 let alone explore it. It's all relative to roster strength and pure dumb luck with champ crystals I suppose.
  • AmbjonyAmbjony Member Posts: 214 ★★
    edited February 2023
    I can clear it but not itemless
    I just become TB at the end of last month and I could only complete the whole quest and explore act 1 spending many revives. This month, however, i have completed itemless and explored act 1 and 2 fairly easy, now Im in 3.1 and I have spent one revive, I don't know how exploring 3.2 will be as my mystic roster is not that great. If you have the 2-3 champions that work really well under a certain node, it's a simple fight, otherwise, it gets complicated.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    I can clear the whole thing pretty easy
    I used r4 mags a lot for bosses, iirc 4 of 6 bosses were metal. And once or maybe twice I had to restart close to a boss, because I don't really check opponents and sometimes may miss some immunity required or something else
  • ChadhoganChadhogan Member Posts: 463 ★★★
    I can clear it but not itemless
    Fully exploring it costs me items but the easy path initial clear is pretty easy
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