Who is a champion who you ranked up that is a weird choice but you don’t regret

MasterAMasterA Member Posts: 574 ★★★
Mine is spider ham so fun to play


  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,803 ★★★★★
    Howard the Duck - my first and only r3 tech so far. Zero regrets, such a utility beast
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Pikolu said:

    America Chavez for me. She is one of my favorite champions to play.

    Have her duped as a 6* - is it worth to learn her? What does she bring to the table what other mystics can not do? I am really interested since she got her buff as well :smile:
  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,104 ★★★★
    Silver Centurion. He was also my first max sig. He's not for every fight but really fun when everything is set up right
  • ShannonSacrifice013ShannonSacrifice013 Member Posts: 49
    I have a newer champs i get **** for too that I've rank 3'd as well but don't sleep on this guy either cuz his locked on is clutch and of course I'm talking about my boy Falcon
  • ShannonSacrifice013ShannonSacrifice013 Member Posts: 49

  • ShannonSacrifice013ShannonSacrifice013 Member Posts: 49
    MasterA said:

    Mine is spider ham so fun to play

    This is literally one of the most common rank ups i see on the game . There's about 10 people in my alliance alone that have him at R3 or higher lol he is good but not a weird rank up in any way.
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 1,919 ★★★★
    I absolutely loved BWDO from the moment she came out. Such a beast, and tears through AW, AQ and Incursions. Took her straight to rank 3. No regrets so far :)
  • DonDudu2809DonDudu2809 Member Posts: 348 ★★

    I only ranked him to become Paragon because he was my best option at the time (cosmic gem) , but I don't necessarily regret it :)
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,609 ★★★★
    Basami said:

    I love cable at rank 4

    Mate drop a few screenshots of his degen damage…
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,609 ★★★★
    I just took my Hulk OG to R4…he’s unreal…
  • TheWatcher_TheWatcher_ Member Posts: 153
    Sersi at r3. Such a beast. She will be my first r4.CGR and galan can wait. Also gamora at r2. She will go to r3 soon.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    edited March 2023

    Some of you guys are naming new champs lol those don't even count for "weird rank ups" i have seen tons of people rank up newer champs. Now i have one rank up I'm CONSTANTLY getting told I'm "dumb" for "wasting resources on" BUT this OG champ is one of my favorite ones and i use him to this day in map 5 AQ w epic mods daily cuz dude hits like a MAC truck, his sp1 chain stuns Are amazing, the industructable is top notch plus the added bleed immunity is a good quality to have as well and i love everything about him. The one and only Luke Cage ❤️

    So you are saying we cannot name NEWish champs?

    I guess I will have to go with -

    Dragon Man
    Invisible Woman
  • Dart1981Dart1981 Member Posts: 226 ★★★
    My favorite buff in a very long time, storm, is an absolute monster now
  • Tristysaurus99Tristysaurus99 Member Posts: 3
    One of my favorite r3s and very underrated is definitely joe fixit he’s a bgs beast
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