From the Global Chat discussions, it's starting to look like that the "LEGEND TITLE" has...

...become associated with modding, cheating, "carrying..."
If this trend goes on, it would probably be embarrassing to have a LEGEND Title especially if it was obtained through this month's incursion danger rooms.
If this trend goes on, it would probably be embarrassing to have a LEGEND Title especially if it was obtained through this month's incursion danger rooms.
This event has definitely reduced the value of the Legends title
I don’t think most players in high tiers look at a legends title and think wow this guy is good, I must recruit them.
I got it because it looks cool, which is the same reason I’d say 99% of players got it.
Now that I have it and I see how shameless so much of the community is at low, medium, and top tiers it feels dirty to have it. By not taking the issues around cheating seriously it really is starting to ruin the game as hard earned accolades for sincere players are a joke to these scumbags.
Now, with a game with this much data to mine there is a part of me that hope that this kind of cheating will be really easy to catch, detect and punish. As it should hopefully be possible to find out who got a Legend tag last week, this month, the time stamp they got it, and if they were playing incursions solo or with another gamer. I’m sure an investigation like this will cost resources… but when you are being defrauded as a company at this scale wouldn’t you at least attempt it?
Lastly, the current punishment structure is far far too weak, there is no teeth to how modding and cheating is treated, so as a community we suffer from this massive influx. The stick punishing these cheaters seems to miss too often, and when it connects it might as well be a chop stick. There needs to be more severe bans like starting at a 30day ban, and your account is reset to remove any progress that occurred during the time you were found to be cheating, including any rewards that might have been obtained fairly during that time. It doesn’t matter your account integrity is compromised and the game team shouldn’t be expected to figure out which is which. 30 days should also allow for an appeal process for any accounts that may have been caught by accident or for smaller infringements (like trying to broadcast to another screen while playing).
btw...both my accts are paragon, 1 is 8 years old, the other is 7 and I've completed EOP and Carinas for my 6r5s on both...I'm far from being embarrassed having the "legend" border...I could care less if you guys don't value the title but I do care that you guys b*t%h and moan about almost everything except whats important like Input issues...
Apologies if this sounds aggressive or offends but I'm speaking my mind on this..
The earlier method of "use an iPhone, full suicides, full recoil, max boosts" was definitely a flawed criteria for giving away "legend" status but at least most of all who got legend that way were genuine accounts who put in the time & efforts
But now we have Legend accounts with 2* & 1* champs in profile
Getting to zone 25 is definitely more skill based than what it used to be be & hence more deserving of being considered a Legend
I completely understand your point about not worrying so much about what others do, but stealing and cheating like this aren’t victimless crimes. And there is a reason why it’s good for all of us that they are policed.
I'm gearing up for a run to get it at the end of the month and I'm looking forward to doing so as I want that title not because I want everyone to see it but because I want it. It holds a certain amount of quality/value to me irrespective of modding.
Out of curiosity though, what would you like kabam to do?