Sometimes Herc can get by her sig ability, but it depends on how much health she has at the time the special is thrown. If you throw it at the right time you can deal enough damage on a hit to deliver the final blow with his secondary damage, but because his secondary damage is based on the initial hit if she is too low it won’t be enough to do it.
Saw this post on reddit sometime back. Even at low health it deals one damage each hit so eventually she does i guess
No kabam just didn't put a 0 there. Back a couple years ago I tried to ghost a powershield gwenpool and did about 50 sp1s with each hit saying 1 damage and she lived.
Insightful discussion and appreciate the appropriate interactions between fellow summoners in here. This is always much appreciated when coming to the forums.
Insightful discussion and appreciate the appropriate interactions between fellow summoners in here. This is always much appreciated when coming to the forums.
this is the kind of classy comment i expect from someone in a bow tie
This brings up an possible debate question though. Her sig ability allows her not to die from special damage even if at less than %1 health but Corvus now can die even if he has glaive charges at very low health during a timeout. I know it’s not quite the same ability but why is one champ who is an annoying defender with survivability allowed to have this immortality while a great attacker with survivability is not.
This brings up an possible debate question though. Her sig ability allows her not to die from special damage even if at less than %1 health but Corvus now can die even if he has glaive charges at very low health during a timeout. I know it’s not quite the same ability but why is one champ who is an annoying defender with survivability allowed to have this immortality while a great attacker with survivability is not.
Because timeouts affect attackers and even she can't survive timeouts as an attacker. Also I wouldn't even call her an annoying defender because her specials are easy as heck to avoid, so unless you're not aware of her sig and she has power shield, then she is going to be slightly annoying. Even then if you run assassins, she can still die from specials.
This brings up an possible debate question though. Her sig ability allows her not to die from special damage even if at less than %1 health but Corvus now can die even if he has glaive charges at very low health during a timeout. I know it’s not quite the same ability but why is one champ who is an annoying defender with survivability allowed to have this immortality while a great attacker with survivability is not.
So if I'm getting you correctly, you're wondering why is Gwen immune to death from specials while Corvus immortal while having charges? I think the difference lies in the fact that is not immortal at all, she can still die from specials if her AA is down, and she can still be killed by basic attacks and DOT's at one percent. On the other hand, Corvus is temporarily immortal as long as he has Glaive Charges or knocked down.
So in a scenario where you fight Gwen with no Power Shield, you can take her down with DOT's and basic attacks no problem, but as for Corvus you either have to knock him down to negate immortality or hit him quick enough to dwindle down his Glaive Charges, obviously Corvus has the better advantage here since one wrong move from the attacker can allow Corvus to still damage you or even win since the Glaive charges still ensure critical hits
This brings up an possible debate question though. Her sig ability allows her not to die from special damage even if at less than %1 health but Corvus now can die even if he has glaive charges at very low health during a timeout. I know it’s not quite the same ability but why is one champ who is an annoying defender with survivability allowed to have this immortality while a great attacker with survivability is not.
Because defenders do not clear content and earn rewards while doing so.
At the end of the day, the game is player-centric. Defenders are made hard to kill because players are really good at figuring out how to kill them. Attackers are not made really hard to kill because defenders are not very good at figuring out ways to kill players that the developers don't just hand them. Gwenpool has a very strong defense against specials but there are ways around that for players to find. Corvus' immortality is not something the defenders are going to figure out how to bypass unless the developers program them to do so.
Saw this post on reddit sometime back. Even at low health it deals one damage each hit so eventually she does i guess
So in a scenario where you fight Gwen with no Power Shield, you can take her down with DOT's and basic attacks no problem, but as for Corvus you either have to knock him down to negate immortality or hit him quick enough to dwindle down his Glaive Charges, obviously Corvus has the better advantage here since one wrong move from the attacker can allow Corvus to still damage you or even win since the Glaive charges still ensure critical hits
At the end of the day, the game is player-centric. Defenders are made hard to kill because players are really good at figuring out how to kill them. Attackers are not made really hard to kill because defenders are not very good at figuring out ways to kill players that the developers don't just hand them. Gwenpool has a very strong defense against specials but there are ways around that for players to find. Corvus' immortality is not something the defenders are going to figure out how to bypass unless the developers program them to do so.