Changes from Beta Preview Back in February:
Good Masteries:
- His Taunt Duration has now been DECREASED from 11 seconds to 7 seconds. (Needs SIG Ability to be 11 Seconds)
- His Stun Duration now CANNOT BE DECREASED by non-skill class Champions.
- His Debilitate Debuff NOW AFFECTS the Parry Mastery
- Webbing Stacks now MAX AT 2 Stacks instead of 3
- Suppression Debuff is now at 35% Potency instead of 10%
- Decelerate Debuff is now at 50% Potency instead of 35%
- Debilitate Debuff is now at 35% Potency instead of 25%
- Special 2 Physical Resistance Reduction has now been INCREASED by about 100%.
- Attack Stats and Defense Stats have been lowered.
Good Masteries:
- Limber (Increases Stun Durations)
- Despair (Can potentially begin to reverse healing)
- Any More?
Still wish they increased his attack/crits per taunt or debuff and didn't hide so much behind synergies. Annoying.
I'm going to need to see him in action stacking a silly amount of taunts and basically no-selling something more substantial than Winter Soldier's Sp1 to get interested in using him over all the other Spider-verse champs. I guess Decelerate is better than nothing, but I'd still use Anti-Venom if I needed that.
What I think his Taunts do is that it gives the 70% Chance for the opponent to Launch the Special Attacks, but it also reduces the Attack of the opponent by 1% (3% if duped). They intend for about 10 Taunts to be active on the opponent. so that reduces the opponents attack rating by a max of 30%. This is to be paired with the inequity mastery, which would reduce the opponent's attack rating by 6% for each debuff, totaling to max up to 36% reduction.
Which means he could have the opponent suffer -66% attack rating.
If his Taunts are the standard (Reduces opponent attack rating by 40% during special attacks) and the opponent also has their attack rating reduced via his passive ability and Inequity. It would decrease opponent attack rating during special attacks by 106%, which I don't think they would implement.
The doc-ock one allows him to inflict injury on the opponent with heavy attack for 13 seconds, reducing opponent by 100%.
Shang-shi one is if he does perfect timed block or dodge, he reduces opponent physical resistance by 1400 for 30 seconds and it stacks 3 times.
Hit monkey one allows him to inflict fragility if he has +6 webbing, increasing his Crit damage rating by 2400 and reducing opponent block proficiency by 50%.
These are pretty good, just would have been better if they were somehow implemented into his actual kit.
Also, no synergies with Venom, scorpion, etc.
I expect the same for Iceman buff
If the Taunt works like I hope it will he'll be a good controlling champion for many (other) fights.
I'm looking forward to giving him a try with Kraven and Doc Ock, to see what the synergies are like. I don't think we've seen the Sandman or Shocker synergies yet either, so there might be something juicy there.
Mine is sitting quite happily at 6*R1, and if he's okay I might rank him up to R2 but the problem is he doesn't seem to be special enough to upgrade any higher.