Other than restarting, any suggestions against this zone 25 KG boss?
So I messed up and went in with Doc Ock, Heim, and Herc thinking I could outdamage him. NOPE. 12k healing per tick.
Problem is, Herc has odin and galan buffs so he starts regen, I knock him down, he auto evades. I gain a bar of power, he regens, I use a special, I gain a buff, he regens. I parry stun he shrugs it off and eventually turns to regen.
This is of course on TOP of biohazard damage so my time is limited
“Oh zone 25, mini is CAWW2 and boss is KG with Biohazard and some healing? I’ll be fiiiiiiine.”
Famous last words right there.
Not like this…
But for a suggestion, I would try to dex and get the buff eaten, then let him hit you so you can go into immortality mode without that getting taken from you. That's how I try to deal with that node, for the most part.
Guardian boss on zone 23 yesterday....he had personal space regen...
I thought I could out damage his regen with my 5* Hercules ( no suicides )....Yeah I was using 5* Herc.
Boy I was wrong.... guardian was healing 27k per tic.
Fortunately I had Doc Ock....Doc Ock also has heal block...i used Doc after trying with herc 2 times and got a solo with Doc Ock.
Got my title yesterday