New Kits/Buffs for Old Champs

This Thread will be dedicated to listing down possible Kits/Buffs for the Champs that have been nearly forgotten in everyone's roster. It could be as simple as saying that this Champ should have this buff/debuff in their kit because...
I would love to hear everyone's suggestions and opinions because I can't read every comic or possible source of info on every champ
Thanks in advance
I would love to hear everyone's suggestions and opinions because I can't read every comic or possible source of info on every champ
Thanks in advance
His basic attacks place web shots on his opponents. Let's say 30% chance per light attack which decreases by 5% if consecutive, while 50% percent for Medium attacks decreases by 10-15% if consecutive. Each web shot lasts around 10-15 seconds. Heavy attacks refresh them.
The web shots are buffs that don't do anything like Voodoo's Loas and Man-Things charges.
At a certain number of web shots trigger specific debuffs on the opponent depending on SP:
SP1: Same animation
10+ Suppresion, 20+ Rooted, 30+ Paralyzed,
SP2: Same Animation
10+ Armor break, 20+ Concussion, 30+ Fracture
SP3: Change the animation, (I always thought Gwen's SP3 looked stronger than Peter's) maybe make Pete's SP3 where he web-shoots the enemy to a wall, then he goes end to end of the map to web catapult himself.
10+ Passive fury potency dependent on Foe's Debuff Passsive count , 20+ Retrigger all passives, 30+ Inflict All passives
Signarure Ability: Quips
Spider-Man never stops talking, so let's give him a taunt passive that is triggered whenever his foe messes up.
He inflicts a taunt passive whenever he evades an opponent 3x, the taunt passive lasts for 10-15 seconds.
Spider-Sense is a part of his basic kit
With the new buffs/debuffs present in the game, maybe it's time to upgrade Star-Lord's Element Gun
Original Element Gun:
Fire: Armor Break
Air: Shocks (How)
Water: Power Drain
Earth: Heal Block
New Element Gun: (Randomized at start of fight, can be switched by dashing back)
Fire: 1 Incinerate for every 10 hits in combo meter, Plasma for Mutants
Air: Heal Block duration increased by 5 seconds for every 10 hits in combo meter, Heal Block and Power Lock against Mutants
Water: Power Drain with percentage increase based on every 10 hits in combo meter, Power Burn to Mutants
Earth: 1 Armor Break per 10 hits on combo meter, Armor Shattered for Mutants with duration increase per 10 hits
My biggest issue with Moon Knight's present kit is that his moon phases have no guarantee on which phase, you'll fight with. Hopefully everyone hopes for a full moon with enhanced power rate at the start of the fight.
My suggestion is to give him a pre-fight choice between either having a Full Moon or a New Moon, his default will be at a Half-Moon. Both phases showing what Skill Champs are known for inflicting debuffs and cleansing debuffs
With a Full Moon, Moon Knight goes "berserk" with buffs (furies, precisions, cruelty) with bleeds
While at a New Moon, Moon Knight goes on a "Cleanse" shrugging non-damaging debuffs, while inflicting non-damaging debuffs of his own like concussions, suppresion, and traumas.
I'll come back when I think about Specials and his Half-Moon Phase