I was kicked 2days before BG ended 😞
I scored well above 300,000, in that alliance I was top 10.
This is the message I got when I asked kabam if I will get alliance BG event rewards.
Hello Summoner,
Thank you for contacting Kabam Support! I understand that you were kicked from your Alliance and you are concerned about your Battlegrounds Alliance Event Rewards.
In general, Kabam Support is unable to give Season Rewards to players. However, we can make exceptions for eligible players under certain conditions including but not limited to:
A player who accidentally left but rejoined their Alliance within 24 hours.
A player who was kicked from their Alliance at a point in a Season when they would not have been able to requalify for Season Rewards.
Please note that players must first have participated in the required number of Battlegrounds fights needed to qualify for applicable Season Rewards. Additionally, we cannot make exceptions until the relevant Season has ended.
Will I receive the rewards?
This is the message I got when I asked kabam if I will get alliance BG event rewards.
Hello Summoner,
Thank you for contacting Kabam Support! I understand that you were kicked from your Alliance and you are concerned about your Battlegrounds Alliance Event Rewards.
In general, Kabam Support is unable to give Season Rewards to players. However, we can make exceptions for eligible players under certain conditions including but not limited to:
A player who accidentally left but rejoined their Alliance within 24 hours.
A player who was kicked from their Alliance at a point in a Season when they would not have been able to requalify for Season Rewards.
Please note that players must first have participated in the required number of Battlegrounds fights needed to qualify for applicable Season Rewards. Additionally, we cannot make exceptions until the relevant Season has ended.
Will I receive the rewards?
Do it only after Rewards are out for everyone.
They'll send, if your story is true.
What a surprise, Not!
I think they should have a system that will not allow the officers/leader to kick someone just at the end of war/battleground season before rewards...
Whatever might be the reason for kicking but still the member has participated in the alliance event and put the scores on board for the alliance...
Or if kicking cannot be blocked then the score taken by the member who has been kicked (not self left) should be cut from the alliance total milestone
@Kabam Miike there should be something done about this mate
In every serious ally 99% of the times, there is a reason a member gets kicked.
I’m an officer at a G2 ally for many years.
During that time I have never kicked anyone before they receive any pending rewards, despite many of them had zero contribution and didn’t respected other members effort.
I’m pretty sure from G1 allies and above, officers aren’t so “soft” with members and they don’t give a damn if the kicked member will receive rewards, same as probably the kicked member didn’t gave a damn for the ally minimums and got kicked.
It’s a give and take situation, where leaders and officers have the “upper” hand for a reason.
Alliances wouldn’t work otherwise, there would be chaos.
Sucks, but that is the way it is. Players that are kicked still get rewards from contacting support so it isn't the end of the world.
It's not necessary alliance kicked you for genuine reason, sometime they kicked just because as soon they get any higher prestige summoner and sometimes just for their ego especially in alliances like p4 or gold alliance this things are more common.
I think once any player get kicked from the alliance, all his points contribution should be removed from the score so that alliance feel the impact on overall rank rewards
I can confirm you, Since you participated and scored points, you will get the rewards.
Submit the ticket once rewards are out for others in your old alliance.
Literally the first reply in the thread. Because you are not the first one who brought up this issue, and I praise support that they have and are willing to help people in this position.
Take the L, for the kick, we don't need to discuss personal vendetta or what happen between players, it doesn't concern the support or the community. You did your part, you may get your rewards.
Good day!!
Best of luck wherever you go, but with that attitude you will run in to more problems real soon.