Shut down Battlegrounds until you fix it!!

Currently, battlegrounds is the most unplayable game mode.
In all these years of MCOC, I've never faced a game mode being plagued with so many issues.
It is a joke BG is still up in spite of so many posts on forums informing Kabam of all the issues.
In the past few days, I've faced almost everything.
1. Connection issues while banning champs, selecting defenders or attackers.
2. Even after you have selected, defenders or attackers don't get locked in and some champ gets randomly selected.
3. After clicking on "I'm ready" to enter a fight, you get taken straight to the post-fight screen and are shown KO in 2 seconds.
4. It shows 'waiting for opponent to get ready', but the fight never starts. Your opponent has finished their match and on the post-fight screen, it shows you KO.
5. The symbol showing an 'internet problem' and the 'loading symbol' are almost always on.
I'm done with BG for this season. Not wasting any more elder's marks on this trash.
In all these years of MCOC, I've never faced a game mode being plagued with so many issues.
It is a joke BG is still up in spite of so many posts on forums informing Kabam of all the issues.
In the past few days, I've faced almost everything.
1. Connection issues while banning champs, selecting defenders or attackers.
2. Even after you have selected, defenders or attackers don't get locked in and some champ gets randomly selected.
3. After clicking on "I'm ready" to enter a fight, you get taken straight to the post-fight screen and are shown KO in 2 seconds.
4. It shows 'waiting for opponent to get ready', but the fight never starts. Your opponent has finished their match and on the post-fight screen, it shows you KO.
5. The symbol showing an 'internet problem' and the 'loading symbol' are almost always on.
I'm done with BG for this season. Not wasting any more elder's marks on this trash.
Just lose 2 fights in a row because of “connection problem”. But I was connected to my Wi-Fi, running 100% properly.
Since last night I won from a guy wich apparently had the same problem.
Besides that, when the match os not set down, the choice of defenders or attackers is made by AI. It happened in many other matches.
You need to fix it. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @""Kabam Lyra"
The opponent left after they couldn't pick thier attacker and 0 point bug.
I'm not even showing what random deal, I, Myself have been given by this new feature called Autopick.
Getting champs chosen by ai every other match.
Just acknowledge the issue and that it is being looked into and put a banner on the forums. If this was an issue effecting something you purchased you would’ve been all over it straight away.
These posts are clearly being looked at because they keep getting moved from general discussion and ‘hidden’ in bugs and known issues and all it is resulting in is more and more posts on the same subject.
Please shot down bg. We have spent money!!!!
Ref. Thread about new monthly card answered in 6min 🤣🤣🤣