Servers down [Merged Threads]



  • Scare_Reaper2Scare_Reaper2 Member Posts: 287
    how many more times will the game go down today...oh i know 1000 more times...
  • battleonebattleone Member Posts: 286 ★★
    serious request in comp plan: Can we get some of those little blue vials to refresh some arena troops. I've got screwed several times with the .... hey looks like there was a network error.... YOU LOSE fights. 5 stars that can only be refreshed every 6-7 hours
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 875 ★★★★
    Vdh2008 wrote: »
    Clearly this is becoming
    No way the outages should be ongoing like this.
    The servers must run on

    Is this a poem?

    Read it as a poem if you so wish.
  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
  • Scare_Reaper2Scare_Reaper2 Member Posts: 287
    i am not taking game seriously if they wont take their players serious
  • 6547many6547many Member Posts: 24
    This is getting so old have been playing for over 2 yrs. Not sure if I even want to play with these constant issues. Seems like the game is down more that it's up.
  • ThreedeadkingsThreedeadkings Member Posts: 97

    Hi Kabam,
    The collage above is a collection of dropped network I have experienced in just inside an hour window after your second outage today.

    It’s rather difficult asking any rational thinking gamers to remain calm when our gaming experience is, well,
    not remotely pleasant.

    I do hope you will find a viable solution in year 2018 or earlier to this persisting issue. In the mean time, Itnwill be greatly appreciated if you can at least provide your community an explanation why has this been a persisting issue after 12.0, and how may want to minimize this from occurring.

    Anyway, kudos to your team regarding December’s challenge. It’s been fun and it sure is amusing KOing without even getting an opportunity hitting IcePhoenix! Keep it up!
  • AleksziuAleksziu Member Posts: 1
    Well said @Darkness275 ....
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    jdawggs316 wrote: »
    The point of this thread is actual currency.

    Money back - whether it be a refund which is honored after submitting a ticket or if it's via in-game credit.

    Again, I ask money back for what exactly? And the same amount for everyone in the game?
  • tearheretearhere Member Posts: 34
    Yup and now almost whole day maintenance..and the moderators are keep ignoring us here they dont post polls to whats goong on so frustrating
  • Zero0978Zero0978 Member Posts: 21
    Dear Kabam,

    If you can't keep your game running on what is clearly an overwhelmed server system, then it's time to eliminate game play timers. It's not fair to players to constrain their game play by placing timers on it while refusing to upgrade your server load capabilities. You wanted 1 million likes on Facebook, who wants to share and spread likes for an unreliable game platform? Is it really surprising that you couldn't accomplish this goal?

    I was taught to under promise and over deliver in my business schooling, keeps customers extremely happy. You guys have chosen to go the complete opposite and over promise and under deliver. So I encourage you to take a note from the old school business practice while you figure out how to win back this overwhelming customer base that is tired of being misled and clearly not happy with your lack of ability to manage your system.
  • Zero0978Zero0978 Member Posts: 21
    Dear Kabam,

    If you can't keep your game running on what is clearly an overwhelmed server system, then it's time to eliminate game play timers. It's not fair to players to constrain their game play by placing timers on it while refusing to upgrade your server load capabilities. You wanted 1 million likes on Facebook, who wants to share and spread likes for an unreliable game platform? Is it really surprising that you couldn't accomplish this goal?

    I was taught to under promise and over deliver in my business schooling, keeps customers extremely happy. You guys have chosen to go the complete opposite and over promise and under deliver. So I encourage you to take a note from the old school business practice while you figure out how to win back this overwhelming customer base that is tired of being misled and clearly not happy with your lack of ability to manage your system.
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    edited December 2017
    187 wrote: »
    Ah ok, understood. Within a certain period of time (if I recall correctly its 14 days) you are able to cancel all purchases through Apple for full refund.
    Just contact them. Kabam can't help you with that demand, since you don't buy directly from them.

    do that and Kabam then bans your account. Same with Google. No discussing whether this is the correct thing to do to not, just making people aware before they do this

    UPDATE not sure why its funny, good if you think so! But there are people on Reddit that have done this, thought they were quids in to only then lose their accounts that they had taken years to build. Not funny at all!
  • JadamurphyJadamurphy Member Posts: 12
    Kabam kabam dis is so not good we dont want them rewards that you just give us alitte an say hold dat we are not dogs ok we want good rewards for dis 5* gem or 5* future crystal dont come an give us a 1000 shard we dont want dat better compensation a 5*gem an a 4* gem with a 5* crystal you could give us dat
  • 5C0T5C0T Member Posts: 28
    Even though the constantly re-appearing load message says to check MY connection (which I have, and everything is fine), this problem is causing losses in arena battles. Is there any resolution for these loading and re-loading troubles?
  • 5C0T5C0T Member Posts: 28
    Even though the constantly re-appearing load message says to check MY connection (which I have, and everything is fine), this problem is causing losses in arena battles. Is there any resolution for these loading and re-loading troubles?
  • 5C0T5C0T Member Posts: 28
    Even though the constantly re-appearing load message says to check MY connection (which I have, and everything is fine), this problem is causing losses in arena battles. Is there any resolution for these loading and re-loading troubles?
  • SamuelzSamuelz Member Posts: 4
    I've been playing this game for a while now, and I really enjoy it. We can't say that this game is perfect, no game is. As we all are aware that there's been a sever failure these days and mostly on today. I hope y'all are working to fix this issue as soon as possible. As usual y'all reduce the AQ energy recharge time upto 30 mins but that's not the solution for all this. When server gets down while playing AQ, we loose 50% health which is some pain in the ass. Specially when playing map 5&6. I hope y'all come up with something that'll help everyone in this type of a situation.
    Thank you.
  • SamuelzSamuelz Member Posts: 4
    I've been playing this game for a while now, and I really enjoy it. We can't say that this game is perfect, no game is. As we all are aware that there's been a sever failure these days and mostly on today. I hope y'all are working to fix this issue as soon as possible. As usual y'all reduce the AQ energy recharge time upto 30 mins but that's not the solution for all this. When server gets down while playing AQ, we loose 50% health which is some pain in the ass. Specially when playing map 5&6. I hope y'all come up with something that'll help everyone in this type of a situation.
    Thank you.
  • Maximus_SpankersonMaximus_Spankerson Member Posts: 445 ★★

    +1 Well said
  • Famille84Famille84 Member Posts: 3
    What is going on, Kabam? the servers have been falling flat since last night. so we're going to miss Mission Day here because of support issues. solve that already !!

  • TeeJayFlashTeeJayFlash Member Posts: 152
    battleone wrote: »
    serious request in comp plan: Can we get some of those little blue vials to refresh some arena troops. I've got screwed several times with the .... hey looks like there was a network error.... YOU LOSE fights. 5 stars that can only be refreshed every 6-7 hours

    refresh a 5* before the fight starts the game goes time the game comes back up..I get a L for that fight, so I loose the units the points and gotta wait 7hrs for the champ to cool down...but I get nothing for the trouble.....yea that's ok......
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★
    the6th wrote: »
    ViciousJ wrote: »
    Don’t know man ..just ungrateful people that have spent money on this game and with only few issues like parry doesn’t work , dexterity doesn’t work, blocking doesn’t work , lag issues , frequent game crashing they decide to complain

    You mentioned the fundamentals of the game there, yes that's few but when those things didnt work well then the game is busted! Parry not working? Block not working? You'll do nothing about that?

    that comment went totally over your head. he was being sarcastic
  • DagonelleDagonelle Member Posts: 13
    187 wrote: »
    Relax, it's just a game. And besides of the current outages, December events have been pretty cool so far.

    Here's the thing: If you can't see that it is the "Pretty cool December" that is causing these issues by overtaxing their servers, then you are part of the problem.
  • 187187 Member Posts: 51
    187 wrote: »
    Ah ok, understood. Within a certain period of time (if I recall correctly its 14 days) you are able to cancel all purchases through Apple for full refund.
    Just contact them. Kabam can't help you with that demand, since you don't buy directly from them.

    do that and Kabam then bans your account. Same with Google. No discussing whether this is the correct thing to do to not, just making people aware before they do this

    UPDATE not sure why its funny, good if you think so! But there are people on Reddit that have done this, thought they were quids in to only then lose their accounts that they had taken years to build. Not funny at all!

    From my very own experience I can confirm, that your above statement is simply not true.
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    187 wrote: »
    187 wrote: »
    Ah ok, understood. Within a certain period of time (if I recall correctly its 14 days) you are able to cancel all purchases through Apple for full refund.
    Just contact them. Kabam can't help you with that demand, since you don't buy directly from them.

    do that and Kabam then bans your account. Same with Google. No discussing whether this is the correct thing to do to not, just making people aware before they do this

    UPDATE not sure why its funny, good if you think so! But there are people on Reddit that have done this, thought they were quids in to only then lose their accounts that they had taken years to build. Not funny at all!

    From my very own experience I can confirm, that your above statement is simply not true.

    Glad if that didnt happen to you mate. But im not making this up, easy to find on reddit and other sites. All I was doing was warning people to check before they do

    When did you do your out of interest, maybe before the mass lot that did at 12.0?
  • Huffma89Huffma89 Member Posts: 45
    Here a prime example. How can this happen. One of my alliance members. Basic run on master quest. One run through. I do the same and i don't get the same rewards.
  • patel3186patel3186 Member Posts: 47
    I Know the community is mad about the server outage that we are facing recently. I hope you guys have identified the problem of the server crash and working to get it fixed but please fix it from the root so it does not occur again. I can wait till its permanently resolved rather then having it fix it temporarily.

    The new content and recent announcement its taking to game to right direction and hope it will also hold true in future. Please take your time and find permanent solution to server crash.

    Thank you
  • patel3186patel3186 Member Posts: 47
    I Know the community is mad about the server outage that we are facing recently. I hope you guys have identified the problem of the server crash and working to get it fixed but please fix it from the root so it does not occur again. I can wait till its permanently resolved rather then having it fix it temporarily.

    The new content and recent announcement its taking to game to right direction and hope it will also hold true in future. Please take your time and find permanent solution to server crash.

    Thank you
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    WTH are you all doing over there kabam with your servers to have them go down so many times in the last 10+ hours and yet you are still having issues with them.

    What about all events going on, what about aq, what about the areanas, what about the quests, what about all the boosts and items people are using which go to s it because of your non stop maintenances and outages today, what about the upcoming war and the changes you want to implement to it.

    How are you going to compensate your player base, how you going to make up for all the lost items and time people have wasted because you can't keep your antiquated servers up or fix all the bugs issues and glitches that plague your game despite all the money and input we give you.

    Just what are you doing over there now, what changes are you trying to implement when your servers and game are unstable, you can't make new content, make new changes offer all kinds of events and stuff if you can't keep your game or don't fix them because when you do stuff happens like this and you get the tons of outages because your game and servers can not handle what's going on and is being crushed under the weight of everything.

    This isn't the first time this has happened either, this has been ongoing since 12.0 ( despite what a certain someone says people still talk about 12.0 all the time) and since then the game has gone down the drain and many players are getting sick of.

    Just when is enough, enough do we all need to stop buying things again like back then and hit you where it hurts and take away what you care about the most instead of your game because it's getting pretty obvious that you don't care about the game or us at this point but were starting to make up for this and what happens your game basically goes off for almost a half a day now depending on where you live which is ridiculous and then there are the lies and excuses you come up which just anger us further.

    Honestly just listen to us and fix and upgrade your game and servers already and stop all these outages already, what happened to the old kabam I've played the other netmarble games recently and it doesn't seem to be because of them because they are stable and generous and compasate us though they are pretty geedy to but at least they appolgize when stuff happens whereas you don't really do so anymore.

    Sometimes this game seems like a second class one that you've dropped for a shiny newer one and took your best ones there and left you worst ones here which is why we've been having so many issues, why you've made so many changes that are universally despised by almost everyone and why you don't fix the bugs and issues or your servers.

    I have some hope for a better future but it's wainning quickly.
This discussion has been closed.