7-Star Celebration unfair

I want to start by thanking Marvel for the awesome event this is…NOT.
For the first time since playing this game as FTP, I am unable to complete a quest, and that’s total garbage.
Requiring 5 x 7-Star to complete a quest is such a bad move, as not all players have their 6-Star roster close to complete, so whenever you open another one, to get shards of 7-Star.
For every single quest in the game, no matter the difficulty, you can spend units for revives, etc, and get it done, but not this special one.
Since the start of the event, I’ve been farming like crazy for Arena to get those units, as I did not spend money in this game in all these years.
All I got after spending all my units, my time, all the Paragon Crystals I got, not a single 7-Star.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not upset about that, given the chance. I just wasn’t that lucky.
What upsets me is that I can’t complete a quest due to not having enough 7-Star champions, unless I spend money to buy Paragon crystals.
Is that fair ?
The difference between non spending and spending players should not be the ability to complete a quest, but the rewards.
I rest my case, hopefully you won’t pull the same move in the upcoming events.
All the best !
For the first time since playing this game as FTP, I am unable to complete a quest, and that’s total garbage.
Requiring 5 x 7-Star to complete a quest is such a bad move, as not all players have their 6-Star roster close to complete, so whenever you open another one, to get shards of 7-Star.
For every single quest in the game, no matter the difficulty, you can spend units for revives, etc, and get it done, but not this special one.
Since the start of the event, I’ve been farming like crazy for Arena to get those units, as I did not spend money in this game in all these years.
All I got after spending all my units, my time, all the Paragon Crystals I got, not a single 7-Star.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not upset about that, given the chance. I just wasn’t that lucky.
What upsets me is that I can’t complete a quest due to not having enough 7-Star champions, unless I spend money to buy Paragon crystals.
Is that fair ?
The difference between non spending and spending players should not be the ability to complete a quest, but the rewards.
I rest my case, hopefully you won’t pull the same move in the upcoming events.
All the best !
And besides those 7 star gates motivate others to get 7 stars and try harder if they are F2P.
Some things are unfair believe me i know but if all things were fair in this game it wouldn't be fun in the first place.
If you don't like them doing this in the game then don't play it, you can just NOT play it, it's THAT SIMPLE!
Not every quest can be done by everyone for example cavalier can't do thronebreaker event quest and for a good reason.
Do you really want to see a case where for example in danger room two months ago of some people and i mean a lot of people getting a legends title by getting carried by a hacker or being a hacker themselves?
The answer to this is a hard NOOOO!!!
No hard feelings
However you will miss the points from exploration reward(paragon crystal) for the 7star event.
Let’s be honest for a second, that everyone is looking to complete the quest while the event is still ongoing.
It is about equitability.
Let’s put it this way: A player gets those 10 Paragon, and while opening, gets 7-Star heroes, allowing him to complete 100% the entire quest.
Those 8 Paragon crystal that could have earned from completion would have made a difference for me into reaching a milestone in Solo for T6 or T3, that was all. - 6400 points added.
I don’t care at all if I get a 7-Star or not, I would have still opened those Paragon using my units.
But that’s limited to a point as to how much time I have allocated for the game and farming.
Anyway, you are entitled to an opinion just like I am. Not here to argue and I am definitely understanding your point of view.
Thanks !
all of that with only 1900 units from my bank. how is this unfair?
Act 6 had lanes gated behind the number of 6* champs you brought in.
Some earlier Acts (can't recall which) had specific champ gates if I'm not mistaken.
I think some other quests in Act 6 also had class gates.
Long story short, there's precedent for these types of gates, and I've only ever seen them placed in permanent content, so let's be honest about why you're mad....you can't complete the content in the time frame you want to complete it, and that's a far stretch from a problem.
C) The idea of free to play players being entitled to the same as "pay to win" players baffles me. I do not have YouTube premium...I have a friend who does. I understand as a result of him paying a premium, he will not have to deal with ads in the way that I do. If free to play players have access to the same as those who pay (and make no mistake, everyone has the option to pay even if they choose not to take it) what is the point of the game having a pay option?
This same luck is what allows some summoners to complete difficult content or content which needs a specific counter.
I clearly see your point and I appreciate the way that you've expressed it, I just would like you to consider that "luck" (and yes spending) have always been ingrained in the fabric of MCOC.
5 x 7 = 12,500
47 x Paragon = 37,600
Total points: 50,100
Free Paragon:
15 x solo/alliance milestones
18 x 7* Quest
Free Units:
Paragon crystals to buy = 14 = 2,800 units. Take away free units = 1700
Starting units = ~350
I got a 7* from Paragon crystal #30 or so which allowed me to fully explore the 7* Quest. However, without that I’d have had 6 less Paragon Crystals. But that would have only stopped me hitting the 50k solo milestone for the 700 units.
Btw, at 7* Mangog actually kinda feels good ngl. Tanky boi too
I appreciate your answer and this is what I like to see, arguments, and I take it.
Not replying for the sake of being part of a thread and a duck, just because “it is what it is”.
I couldn’t agree more, I know for sure I am not entitled to the same prizes as someone that spends on the game, units or money, or any other resource more than I do.
I was a bit triggered with the quest, while the event lasts, because I am farming like crazy.
And even after opening Paragon crystals using all of my units, I am unable to progress due to number of heroes.
As stated in my previous replies, I understand, and did mention this, yet some are reading between the lines and calling me crazy
All the best !
Why do you feel you get the same access as people who are willing to give more. In a game like this time is not equitable to $$ spent on the game, money will always give people a huge leg up. This is something that should happen as they keep the game going. I am not a whale or a dolphin, but I do spend around $20-50/mo on the game and even I will not be able to 100% the content unless I get lucky on Paragon crystals. To get ahead in a game like this you either have to spend an ungodly amount of time grinding, spend money, or get lucky.
This is not the first time there has been content that behind a paywall/champ rarity gate and it will not be the last.
I am not entitled to the same rewards as others that are spending money or more units
Have fun !
The bigger picture is folks here don't take kindly to entitled whining and excuses, and the kings of those haven't even weighed in on this thread yet.
Probably should take note for future reference.