Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Who are you currently chasing?



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    TKS87TKS87 Posts: 375 ★★★
    6* Nick Fury. Honestly still use his 5* a decent amount. I'm also sort of chasing herc but I'm pretty stacked in the cosmic class so I'm going after NF more
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    MDxMDx Posts: 91
    Redhulk , shangchi , ibom
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,706 ★★★★★
    Apoc kitty nimrod
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    rcm2017rcm2017 Posts: 590 ★★★
    5 or 6* CGR and 6* herc.
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    spider_man_guy_123spider_man_guy_123 Posts: 162 ★★
    Tigra and literally any good skill champ
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    MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Posts: 1,377 ★★★★
    At the moment I really want Kate as a 6* from featured and to dupe my 7* rocket. Kate because I’m big fan of the skill class and she sounds like she’ll be a lot of fun to use, the synergy with ronin would pair really well with my R4 sig 200 Ronin as well.

    Rocket is an old favourite of mine. Got him as my first 4* back in 2015 and used him a lot back then. It’s nice to go back to him after so long, I actually love his buff and it would be great to get access to that heal block in his sig. even unawakened I’m using him a lot and having a lot of fun with him. Great champ
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    Bugmat78Bugmat78 Posts: 2,258 ★★★★★
    These 6* champs- Spot, wolverine, Kate bishop and Viv vision.
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    HulkbusterN1HulkbusterN1 Posts: 223 ★★
    As for me, I really want Purgatory and awaken her so badly. I know she is not the best and useful champ, but she is so hot 🥵 Also I think that would be great if Kabam tunes up her, because at the moment she is probably the worst character produced by Kabam.
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    SyndicatedSyndicated Posts: 613 ★★★
    Archangel as a Classic champ

    From new champs, Cassie Lang

    From 7* i want mantis so bad
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,068 ★★★★★
    As 6* I'm still chasing nick, kitty, switch, warlock, Omega Sentinel, scorpion and hyperion. As 5*, it don't matter I have the majority of them. As 7* probably gamora, Wiccan, Hulk, bishop and domino.
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    OakenshieldOakenshield Posts: 1,866 ★★★★
    Wolvie, Viv, Masacre, Falcon
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    Mknight123Mknight123 Posts: 276 ★★★
    Longshot, I've wanted him for too long now.
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    Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Posts: 1,898 ★★★★★
    Happiness and peace in life
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    GhostFace2022GhostFace2022 Posts: 168
    edited May 2023
    Valkyrie dupe
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    Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Posts: 1,408 ★★★★
    Falcon, Hulkling, Korg, Rintrah and Hyperion.
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    RasiloverRasilover Posts: 1,471 ★★★★
    Galan, hulk king, nick, OS, Abs man, and warlock
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    I really want 6* Elektra but outside of Skill crystals and I never really get the opportunity to chase her since I mostly use my shards for Featureds. I did finally get my Daredevil HK from a luckily story exploration nexus though so I got to cross him off my list.
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    ForevernarwhalsForevernarwhals Posts: 17
    I'm still after a 6* Mr Fantastic. He eludes me at every turn it seems!!
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    VbnmeVbnme Posts: 29
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    ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Posts: 3,105 ★★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Ooouu, great question!

    I'm chasing "newer champs." I don't have a specific name in mind, but I believe I only have one champ near the top of my roster that was released after I started working here: Scorpion. I think we've released sooo many cool champs lately, I want some of that action!

    I understand if you don't want to share your IGN but you got to give us a tour of your roster one of these days.
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    JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Posts: 1,032 ★★★★
    Herc, only missing like 5 cosmics but I gave up. Now just saving for features champs for bgs.
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    hyp3r05hyp3r05 Posts: 79
    I want Viv and CGR out of the current featured. A mutant that I could use my 6* ag on (I’m looking at you kitty and AA) would also be very nice
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    firemoon712firemoon712 Posts: 546 ★★★
    Well I'm chasing a lot, but in many different games.
    In terms of this one, as 6 stars:
    - Doom
    - Apocalypse
    - Scorpion

    7 stars:
    - Elsa Bloodstone
    - Sunspot
    - Domino
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    MostAverageGorr_FanMostAverageGorr_Fan Posts: 110
    7 Star Gorr o:):(
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    KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Posts: 915 ★★★
    Mr.0-8-4 said:

    Scorpion has been evading me for a while. Prior to that, I was trying to land Hulkling and after months of trying to land him, he's finally part of my roster.

    Pun intended?
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    TrashPanda12TrashPanda12 Posts: 531 ★★★
    Scorpion and any good mystic to use one of my three 6* awakening gems on. Missing Tigra, Doom, Diablo, abs man, rintrah, Sassy, juggernaut
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    WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Posts: 879 ★★★
    6* Doom, 5* Quake
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    UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Posts: 1,130 ★★★★
    I've been chasing Apocalypse for a millennium it feels like.
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