Battlegrounds points needs major overhaul

How can you lose when the opponent doesn’t even kill your champion, major flaws to battlegrounds that have been going for to long with no changed or repairs. And this is only one of them another is finishing with 100% health and the opponent finishes 10 seconds earlier but has like 65% or so health and still wins

How can you lose when the opponent doesn’t even kill your champion, major flaws to battlegrounds that have been going for to long with no changed or repairs. And this is only one of them another is finishing with 100% health and the opponent finishes 10 seconds earlier but has like 65% or so health and still wins
You make as much sense as Kabam or your special, it is like finishing a game is less important than failing is what your saying?
Had you a)lost less health, or b)beat spiderham faster, then you would have deserved to win. 1 second faster is all you needed to win.
In arena do I get more points for not completing it or for ko’ing the enemy?
This is why a lot of plat 1-2 and masters don’t do bg as it is crazy (and yes I do know as I have r5 champs and am in those tiers before you ask)
Not your. I don't own 'special'. It's 2023 and you still use that as a derogatory term?
Yea, they didn't finish but you finished with only a few seconds left. You would have won if you finished it in under a minute which isn't impossible since you were using Hercules. Also... you almost died with Hercules (the best champion in game)... How?!
Also would you be complaining about the points system if you won by 70 points?
Also, how would it feel to finish the fight at 100% health, but you timed out with them at 1% and you lost the match because the other dude used herc and survived at 1hp and KOed the opponent with 2 seconds to spare? Would you consider that fair? You obviously did much better because you had 100% health, but lost to a dude using herc cheese, not even fighting well.
If you don’t ko the opponent you should auto lose unless both fail in the time, then points should come into it
In situations like this, there's two kinds of scoring systems. I call them tiered scoring and synthetic scoring. In tiered scoring there are a number of objectives in some priority order. One of them is the primary objective. Whomever does the best at this wins. If there's a tie, then the second objective criteria is consulted, and so on. Hypothetically speaking, we could make such a criteria for Battlegrounds: whoever defeats the opponent the fastest wins, if that's a tie then whoever finishes with the most health wins. That sort of thing (it would have to be more complex than that to catch all the corner cases, this is just an example).
However, many people don't like that kind of scoring for certain legitimate reasons. Prioritizing one thing locks the meta into one kind of strategy, even with shifting nodes. And not everyone agrees what the priority order should be or how to account for all the corner cases. The alternative is synthetic scoring where there's no single primary objective. Instead, the goal is to optimize all of them at once. In other words, defeat the opponent as fast as possible while taking as little damage as possible. How do you balance the two? With weights: attacker health is worth this much, time is worth that much. Many people prefer this kind of scoring, and that's what the game ultimately implements.
It was not my first choice, but it is not "flawed." it is a choice. The game chose that way, and honestly I don't think it is likely they will ever change it. At least not in such a dramatic way, they could tweak the weights over time. Like it or not, thems the rules and at this point I think trying to change it is wasted effort. I've accepted it and moved on myself. I would suggest others to do likewise. When something like this comes down to preference and opinion, the designers are going to have theirs, and yours isn't going to override theirs any more than theirs are going to change yours. Except they make the game, and we play the game. Their opinions are the ones that ultimately matter, and I wouldn't respect a designer that gave up their opinions without overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Don't let a loss in a mobile game get the better of you. Losing a round of battlegrounds isn't the end of the world.
My advice: Just take your L and move on.