
Battlegrounds points needs major overhaul

slayer6slayer6 Posts: 377 ★★
How can you lose when the opponent doesn’t even kill your champion, major flaws to battlegrounds that have been going for to long with no changed or repairs. And this is only one of them another is finishing with 100% health and the opponent finishes 10 seconds earlier but has like 65% or so health and still wins


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    slayer6slayer6 Posts: 377 ★★
    edited May 2023
    @Vendemiaire almost dying and killing them is a lot better than timing out and leaving near 15k health, you shouldn’t lose if you ko them but they can’t ko you.
    You make as much sense as Kabam or your special, it is like finishing a game is less important than failing is what your saying?
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    slayer6slayer6 Posts: 377 ★★
    edited May 2023
    @Pikolu you miss the point if they don’t ko you but you ko them then you shouldn’t be able to lose, if I fight a boss in war do I get more points in war for timing out or for 1 shot?
    In arena do I get more points for not completing it or for ko’ing the enemy?
    This is why a lot of plat 1-2 and masters don’t do bg as it is crazy (and yes I do know as I have r5 champs and am in those tiers before you ask)
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    slayer6slayer6 Posts: 377 ★★
    @Vendemiaire yes you are special it was a r5 ham so makes plenty of sense if you had any idea you would realise that when your high prestige this stuff happens
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    slayer6slayer6 Posts: 377 ★★
    @JChanceH9 ita not about the health if someone can’t complete the fight and drop you they should not be able to win if you ko them is my point, makes zero sense
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    JChanceH9JChanceH9 Posts: 852 ★★★
    @slayer6 They already have the defenders remaining health weighted as 50% of the points. If it were 100% and both players defeated the defender then it’s a tie. They’ve got to split point somehow. It seems pretty fair to me, but I understand your frustration. It sucks losing by that small of a margins when you got the KO and they didn’t. Got to draw a line somewhere though.
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    JChanceH9JChanceH9 Posts: 852 ★★★
    Also, rereading that it looks like English is my second or third language. Good grief autocorrect failed me.
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    slayer6slayer6 Posts: 377 ★★
    @Pikolu if I didn’t finish them and lost I’d be fine with that as I failed tbh
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    slayer6slayer6 Posts: 377 ★★
    @JChanceH9 we all have that predictive text issue at times
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    slayer6slayer6 Posts: 377 ★★
    My rants good for now lol pi$$ me off a touch and the guys in line chat where if same thoughts even in life unless you actually finish how can you be beat by someone who fails to get to the end goal.
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    AnlyAnly Posts: 615 ★★
    slayer6 said:

    @JChanceH9 ita not about the health if someone can’t complete the fight and drop you they should not be able to win if you ko them is my point, makes zero sense

    Look at your health... you lost the points you wouldve earned when you got hit
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    slayer6slayer6 Posts: 377 ★★
    Rant done you guys don’t understand where myself and the line chat are coming from.
    If you don’t ko the opponent you should auto lose unless both fail in the time, then points should come into it
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    AnlyAnly Posts: 615 ★★
    slayer6 said:

    Rant done you guys don’t understand where myself and the line chat are coming from.
    If you don’t ko the opponent you should auto lose unless both fail in the time, then points should come into it

    No we or at the very least i understand where your coming from we just dont agree
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    There are times when the scoring seems if and I can agree with you, but this isn’t one of those times. You almost lost this fight and with some more time or a different strategy maybe, they would have KO your opponent. I don’t think the scoring is perfect, but you shouldn’t automatically lose if you don’t KO the opponent.
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    slayer6slayer6 Posts: 377 ★★
    @GinjabredMonsta yer it’s def one of those times Kabam kicked my cat and I’m a bit unhappy about it lol rant out I feel a little better haha
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    AnlyAnly Posts: 615 ★★
    Imagine losing because they put peni or rintrah the only upside would be kabam would would make big 💵 from people whaling trying to get tanky af defenders 😂 then maybe we can get free mastery swaps
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    slayer6slayer6 Posts: 377 ★★
    @Anly id have liked rintrah I had counter for that lol but that was 1st fight
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,265 ★★★★★
    slayer6 said:

    Rant done you guys don’t understand where myself and the line chat are coming from.
    If you don’t ko the opponent you should auto lose unless both fail in the time, then points should come into it

    Sounds like a really bitter chat room.
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    slayer6slayer6 Posts: 377 ★★
    @DNA3000 best comment yet very thought out and makes sense thank you I like that input
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    slayer6slayer6 Posts: 377 ★★
    @xNig yer I had my rant then got some silly comments so I got sour and they got bitter and was no singing and holding hands around the fire lol
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