Battleground matchmaking is just pure unreasonable

Uncollected account paired with Paragons and Thronebreakers?
Why can’t BG adopt something like the Incursions pairing?

Why can’t BG adopt something like the Incursions pairing?

For now, you're competing for the same rewards as those Paragon players so you gotta go up against them at some point
On the other hand, all UC players that reached Platinum3 were facing other similar low accounts.
Even if the matches are between equal power accounts, competition level is much higher between higher accounts and room for mistakes limited or zero.
But thanks to the new 2/1 medal system, most people from all tiers advance till Platinum tiers, where Prestige matchmaking is wearing off gradually, and stronger competitors move up the ladder.
BGs are a competition that the strongest competitors should move up.
Not the most skilled, not the most experienced (with game/characters knowledge), not the strongest accounts, but players with the combination of all.
These define how strong a competitor is, and the game mode should reward them all (not punish progressed accounts), in order to find the stronger competitors, that should make it to GC 🙂
You need to be taken off these forums. Any thread you get involved in becomes a shambles and descends into childish arguments and name calling.
Utterly pathetic.
Oh just think about how much worse off the world would be if nobody ever criticized anyone who "thought differently than them" and remind me what month is it again?
Im not saying this because they think differently than me im saying it cause the way they think is absolutely egregious and pathetic.
Even if you have a strong point, you are losing it by calling people names.
If someone or something gets you angry, take a minute and respond after, when you get calm.
There is no reason to turn forums into Global Chat V.2 😉
Maybe have an opinion that dosent make you look like a tyrant...
It's between the whales and the smallest fishes
We medium ones better keep ourselves safe
UC and below players have mistaken BGs as a method to make themselves more powerful than the content they will face in story so that they can stomp through acts which is wrong
Your ideology will thrive there
Forums is for reasonable players
In my opinion, VT changes and matchmaking are in the right direction.
I’m generally critical to Kabam, but kudos to them, they listened the community and did an overall great job to BGs.
If they manage to also implement seeding at some point in the next seasons, the win will be even bigger 🙂