4th of July

I don’t put a lot of stock on what the ‘Experts’ think. But I don’t don’t see ANY posts about predictions. I used to like to watch. They have no idea I guess. Nobody wants to be wrong. And they’ve been real wrong. Anyone want to take a shot? Paragon.
I am hoping for good rank up materials for 7s/6sr5.
I’ve moved into the second category with two r5, 18 more r4 and 6 7-stars. Looking at the 2022 offers as a baseline, here’s what I have:
1000 units: 6-star nexus, 1-2 gem, and 20 sig stone crystals
4000 units: class nexus selector, 5 t5cc, 3 t6b and t3a, 100 generic sigs
I’ll post my 10k and 3k guesses later
How long after they introduced 6* that they expanded the original pool?
I hope that's how it goes again this year because I blew all my units on the paragon event!
But I'd be shocked by a 4-5 gem in the Odin. Maybe a 3-4 gem and a 4-5 in the highest unit package.
Every player by now should know not just in this game, if there are pay options players that invest in the game will always be ahead of those who spend little to none.
These complaint are exhausting to read everyday, players needs to know their limit. If you don't invest in the game don't expect to compete at the top any time soon, I am no big spender I can throw in 10€ if I see that a deal is good but I still know my limits.