Continuous monitoring of arena is needed!

Looking at the arena that just ended. There are 33 with no alliance tag (13 in featured, 20 in basic) in the top 200 of the leaderboard. That’s over 16% of the top scorers and seems abruptly high for the game. Since we don’t have the full leaderboard, no idea what top 400 looks like.
Even with alliance tag, it may mean nothing too. Top score in the basic leaderboard, 1.18 mil pvp and 3500+ Highest win streak. That seems to be humanly impossible number to do. Number two is not that great either. 789k pvp and 2900+ highest win streak. The ban wave doesn’t seem to work that well.
Going forward. Any boting or modding should be permanent ban. I hope we will see another ban wave sooner than later. Hope Kabam won’t wait more than 1.5 years to do this again and let the problem getting out of control like last time.
Even with alliance tag, it may mean nothing too. Top score in the basic leaderboard, 1.18 mil pvp and 3500+ Highest win streak. That seems to be humanly impossible number to do. Number two is not that great either. 789k pvp and 2900+ highest win streak. The ban wave doesn’t seem to work that well.
Going forward. Any boting or modding should be permanent ban. I hope we will see another ban wave sooner than later. Hope Kabam won’t wait more than 1.5 years to do this again and let the problem getting out of control like last time.
2,696,197 fights divided by 3121 days is 863 rounds every day for eight and a half years. How is this possible?
When did arenas even launch?
Could a player even do this given how small rosters were? You will run out of champs quick before you get anywhere close to 800 fights a day.
What about refresh timers?
Dna, how is this possible?
2696197 divided by 3121 is 863 fights per day, not rounds (actually, about 864). That's 288 arena rounds per day. That is mathematically possible, even for a human. If we factor in growing rosters, it is still possible although to make up for earlier years you'd probably have to be doing over 500 rounds a day now. That's possible for a human over a short stint, but I do not believe a human being could sustain that level of performance for long enough to rack up 2.7 million arena fights.
Not mathematically impossible, not even technically human being impossible, but not credible.
Banning cheaters and redistributing rewards is certainly on the right track but if it’s only a 7-day ban and they only lose the 6* and not all the gold and units along with it then they’re only reducing the incentive, not disincentivizing cheating.
Plenty of the arena bans we saw were permanent
Imagine doing that 12 hours a day for the past 9 years (if started in 2014).
I agree with regard to revoking gold and units. It is something I specifically asked Kabam to look into including in their arena fair play process.
Keep in mind ban waves happen after an arena ends. Just because someone finished on top, doesn't mean they're not going to get banned very soon.
I saw that same account in last few arens, not just last one. However, he just changed his name. Still online as i just checked. I wouldn’t surprise it will be on leaderboard again. Disgusting to think how it screw honest players to get the prize they deserve.
56,800 seconds
946 minutes or 15.7 hours of straight fighting in 22hrs
If each fight takes 30 seconds it's 18.9hrs of straight grinding
no eating
poop bucket?
barely sleeping
busted thumbs
someone call the united nations because somewhere in the world a prison warden is clearly running a torture camp
Will they actually ban them? Maybe when their cash dries up