Titania silent-nerf/bug, opponents throwing specials often while intimidated
I have noticed recently that opponents are far more likely to use special attacks while under the effect of an intimidate debuff(s). It has never been a 100% guarantee, but has gone from probably a 1/20, to now a 1/2 chance for them to use a special attack. It is crucial to her rotation that she is able to spam heavies in the corner with the security of the intimidate, and has lead to countless occasions where I have died while using titania in both PvE and PvP. Is this happening to anyone else? thanks
Do you have any video footage of this? Can you go and document it? Can you easily replicate it?
Again, stop calling something a silent nerf with no evidence.
You've pretty much answered yourself in your comment here. If you can't replicate it over and over, it's generally just your brain thinking something is off and there isn't anything wrong. You can't claim silent nerf if you don't have anything to back it up with.
Remeber what happened with moleman?