Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • MattyJMattyJ Member Posts: 2
    This is a list of 25 potential mutants I’d love to see be added to the mutant category and join the contest

    1. Mimic
    2. Forge
    3. Banshee
    4. Dazzler
    5. Cannonball
    6. Blink
    7. Cloak
    8. Dagger
    9. Rictor
    10. Surge
    11. Hellion
    12. Armor
    13. Petra
    14. Marrow
    15. Dust
    16. Chamber
    17. Vertigo
    18. Mesmero
    19. Avalanche
    20. Elixir
    21. Pixie
    22. Mercury
    23. Anole
    24. DJ
    25. Icarus
  • RedRexRedRex Member Posts: 2


    Nova (Frankie raye)

    High Evolutionary


    Jack O’Lantern
  • adamdcruzadamdcruz Member Posts: 22

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 498 ★★
    Marshall Bullseye (Tech)

    Spider-Gwen (What If?... Dark) (Skill)

    Venom (Ben Grimm) (Cosmic)

    Carina Tivan (Cosmic)

    Voyager (Cosmic)

    Queen Goblin (Mystic)

    Luminary (Mystic)

    Bedlam (Symbiote) (Cosmic)

    Meridius (Cosmic)

    Stardust (Cosmic)
  • F16F16 Member Posts: 10
    edited January 9
    Man-Spider (mutant)

    And Hobgoblin (mystique)

    Please 🙏🙏
  • F16F16 Member Posts: 10
    Molten Man (Science)

    Surtur (Cosmic)

  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 498 ★★
    Tarantula (Maria Vasquez) (Skill)

    White Tiger (Angela Del Toro) (Mystic)

    Collector (Cosmic)

    Widow (Cosmic)
  • JuggaknoxJuggaknox Member Posts: 1
    I would like to see Gentle! The wakandian mutant with vibrinum (?) tattoos with hulk like strength!

    And Prowler!
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 498 ★★
    Carnage (Cortland Kasady) (Mystic)

    Sasha Kravinoff (Skill)

    Grandmaster (Cosmic)

    Brielle Brooks (Skill)
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64
    Juggaknox said:

    I would like to see Gentle! The wakandian mutant with vibrinum (?) tattoos with hulk like strength!

    And Prowler!

    Saw this & had to look up Gentle cause I’ve never heard of him before today. Gotta say, he’d be perfect for the contest as one of the wildcard champs Kabam adds every year like Kindred & Massacre.

    So ideas for Gentle’s play style would be time oriented. Since his power is strength augmentation he wouldn’t be much in a fight until his ability activated. But once it does I could see him dealing serious damage to his opponent.

    It’d be like a frenzy type buff where his vibranium tattoos glow while his ability is in use signalling he’s powered up & looking to do damage. It’d be cool if a stockpile mechanic was used to build up Gentle’s ability. Something like 100 charges equals 10 seconds of power while he’s fighting with a cool off of half the time. Example: Gentle would be able to activate his power at any time. Maybe by using specials or a more fun way would be like Shocker where Gentle would build his dormant charges & have to hold a heavy attack to activate them giving him massive explosive power with the likes of unblockable & unstoppable. Gentle’s dormant charges would scale with time as well with 10 charges equaling 1 second of usage. So even just a single hit from Gentle with 10 charges using his heavy will do plenty of damage to the opponent.

    Obviously this is more for Kabam to organize & all but I had to comment & say how amazing of a character Gentle is, theory craft a character concept & showcase how fun he could be in the contest.

  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64
    Speaking of strength augmentation though, makes me think of Strong Guy.

    If I were to theory craft a character for him it would be something like Strong Guy has to get hit to build his power.

    Blocking builds it but being struck clean doubles its speed.

    Example: Strong Guy gets hit in a block gives 1 passive strength charge where Strong Guy gets hit clean gives 2.

    These “strength” charges would be passive buffs that can’t be nullified. What they would do is increase Strong Guy’s power & physical resistance. Because Strong Guy’s power is kinetic energy based, any non-physical attacks,

    ie; energy attacks, won’t give Strong Guy “strength” passives & would there by be a key exploitable weakness for players to use against him.

    Strong Guy would lose “strength” passives when connecting punches with the opponent.

    Example: Strong Guy builds “strength” passives, when Strong Guy hits the opponent with 10 strength charges he dished out direct physical damage to the opponent based on how many charges there are X whatever the base power increase of the strength charge is. So say 1 strength charge is at a base power of 200 & added physical resistance of 200, obviously scaled to his sig & rarity, if Strong Guy had 10 passives & 1 passive is 200 damage then the first strike would be 2000 damage & the combo would follow like this for first to third hit: 1st=2000, 2nd=1800, 3rd=1600, etc. & obviously Strong Guy’s physical resistance would go down the same way.

    This type of kit would make it so that Strong Guy is an absolute nightmare on defence for AW cause of his ability to stockpile these “strength” passives while being struck, increasing his power & physical resistance which will only help increase his power more cause he’ll take less & less damage.

    Obviously Strong Guy would have a massive health pool as well. & another cool way to get Strong Guy to lose these charges is through his special attacks where the final hit of his special attacks removes all of his saved buffs dishing out massive damage to the opponent.

    It would be something like each hit of the special scales the same as it would if Strong Guy was hitting normally but at the end of the special it would be all charges multiplied by their numbers & added together.

    Example: if Strong Guy had 7 charges & they were all multiplied by 200 there individual values would be 1400, 1200, 1000, 800, 600, 400 & 200. Say the special move hit 3 times. It would mean the 1st hit deals 1400 direct physical damage, the 2nd deals 1200, & because the 3rd hit is the final hit it would deal (1000+800+600+400+200) or 3000 direct physical damage to the opponent. Obviously these numbers are small & for a max out, fully awakened 6* I could see a hit dealing upwards of 300,000 direct physical damage if Strong Guy has enough passives going.

    Another play on these “strength” charges affecting Strong Guy’s play is by making his specials unblockable when he’s stockpiled an abundance of charges, like 10 or whatever to maximize his damage output.

    Strong Guy’s class would be Mutant.

    He would probably cause some debuffs like concussion, slow, stun, armour break or physical vulnerability.

    Some synergy champs Strong Guy could gel with are the likes of Hulk (classic), Hulk (immortal), Havok, Drax, Colossus, Cable & Domino. I’m sure there’s more I just can’t think of any atm.

    Hope Kabam reads this & finds it interesting enough that we could get Strong Guy potentially later this year or next year. I figure Kabam maps out there champs for the full year & his earliest chance will be next year.
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64

    This is Strong Guy
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 498 ★★
    Riot (Cosmic)

    Grim Reaper (Tech)

    Eye Boy (Mutant)

    Jean Grey (Mutant)

    Gateway (Mutant)

    Izzy Cohen (Skill)

    Silver Centurion (Classic) (Tech)

    Killraven (Science)

    Ursa Major (Mutant)

    Lorelei (Mystic)
  • Alexandru_2308Alexandru_2308 Member Posts: 7
    It would be great if Kabam could develop a character for each country. E.g. options for Romania:
    1. Razor Fist (Mattias)
    2. Dracula
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 498 ★★
    Red King (Tech)

    Fancy Dan (Skill)

    Tiger Shark (Science)

    Monica Chang (Skill)
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 186
    Thanos-(Infinity War)

    Doctor Strange (Time Stone)

    Iron Spider-(Infinity War)


    War Machine-(Infinity War)

    Thor (Stormbreaker)


    Iron Patriot (Mark V)

    Captain America (Mjölnir)

    Iron Man (Infinity Gauntlet Mark 85)
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 498 ★★
    Namora (Mutant)

    Queen Shiklah (Mystic)

    Xorn (Mutant)

    Hulk Jr. (Science)

    Beast (Blue Team) (Mystic)
  • RedRexRedRex Member Posts: 2

    Ghost Rider (Parker Robbins)
  • DrParadoxDrParadox Member Posts: 1


    The Unmaker

    Old Luke Cage

    Harvestman(Stephen Strange)
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64
    Moon Knight Rework:

    Pre-Fight Ability: Acquired after Awakening Moon Knight.

    Stephen Grant: puts Moon Knight in Waning Moon at start of battle. Also ensures Waning Moon is active during defence.

    Jake Lockley: puts Moon Knight in Waxing Moon at start of battle. Also grants Fury passive at start of fight.

    New Abilities: Moon Knight already has access to Bleed, Stun, Fury, Evade & Precision. Some new abilities that Moon Knight could start sporting are the following:

    - Immorality: percentage chance to activate when duped ranging from 15%-50% depending on Sig Level.

    - Cleanse: percentage chance to activate & remove debuffs. Chances increase the more debuffs Moon Knight is afflicted by. Potential to remove all rebuffs possible when duped. Cleanse passive charge applied during SP2 under Waning Moon.

    - Armour Break: achieved during SP2 during Waxing Moon. Percentage chance during Waning Moon.

    - Cruelty: achieved during SP1 during Waxing Moon. Percentage chance of activating during Waning Moon.

    - Physical Resist: achieved during SP1 during Waning Moon. Percentage chance of activating during Waxing Moon.

    Phases of the Moon: give Moon Knight some unique attributes that sets him apart from other champs depending on the phases of the moon.

    Like for Waxing Moon, Moon Knight could become an offensive power house with the percentage of crits, bleeds, armour breaks gaining a higher likelihood of activating.
    Example: during Waxing phase Moon Knights Crit, Bleed, Fury & Armour Break chance increase from the regular percentages to increased potency’s capable of some serious damage.

    Waning Moon would be more defensive with Moon Knight gaining a higher percentage chance to activate Cleanse, Physical Resist, Stun, Evade & Immortality. Similar to how Waxing affects the more offensive abilities Waning does the same for more defensive/utility abilities.

    Obviously Waxing & Waining can be interchangeable in whichever one is offensive & Defensive. Figure this still keeps Moon Knight’s gimmick while improving on it.

    Moon Knight would still have access to all these abilities regardless of the “state of the moon” Moon Knight is fighting in. It would just alter the percentage of probability that these abilities would trigger.

    SP 1:
    When Moon Knight activates this special during the Waxing Moon he gains cruelty & precision with a percentage chance to inflict bleed

    During the Waning Moon he gains physical resist & has a percentage chance to inflict stun on the opponent.

    SP 2:
    Activating special 2 during the Waxing Moon gives Moon Knight Fury while inflicting Bleed & Armour Break on the opponent.

    During the Waining Moon, Moon Knight inflicts stun & gains a passive evade & cleanse charge. The evade charge does not activate until the next time Moon Knight is about to be struck & when activated lasts X amount of time (maybe 1.5 seconds?). The cleanse charge doesn’t activate until Moon Knight is inflicted with a debuff of any kind.

    Activating SP3 has a guaranteed chance of granting Moon Knight 2 random buffs between Fury, Physical Resist, Cruelty, Precision, Evade, Cleanse regardless of the phase of the moon with a percentage chance of gaining any more with the potential to get all 6 being very low.
    Example: (2=100%, 3=50%, 4=25%, 5=12.5%, 6=6.25%) or something like that.
    Activating SP 3 also inflicts the opposing champ with 1 guaranteed debuff between Armour Break, Bleed, & Stun with the potential to inflict all 3.
    Example: (1=100%, 2=66.7%, 3=33.3%) or something like that.

    Obviously the percentages of the buffs & debuffs could be lower or higher, I’ll leave that to Kabam.

    Sig Ability: Add the Immortality buff. The rest is fine as is. I’d maybe increase it but it’s not a bad ability for his gimmick.


    Age of Khonshu: Thor (classic), Black Panther (classic), Phoenix, Ghost Rider, Iron Fist, Doctor Strange
    - This synergy would enable Moon Knight to inflict Stun, Bleed & Armour Break to the opponent more often & gain Fury, Cruelty & Precision more frequently.
    Other Synergy Champs: gain 5% attack rating.

    Multiple Personalities: Iron Patriot, Green Goblin, Red Goblin
    - Increases the potency of Moon Knights buffs & debuffs by 25%
    Other Synergy Champs: gain 5% on buff & debuff potency.

    West Coast: Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch (classic), Tigra, War Machine
    - Increase Moon Knight’s buff & debuff duration by 50%.
    Other Synergy Champs: increase buff & debuff duration by 15%.

    Lunar Envoy: Werewolf-by-Night
    - Increase Moon Knight & Werewolf-by-Night’s combat power rating by 5%.

    Midnight Sons: Blade, Kushala, Magik, Man-Thing, Doctor Voodoo
    - Moon Knight’s cleanse’s occur more frequently.
    Other Synergy Champs: increase special attack power by 5%

    In the Shadows: Punisher, Daredevil (both)
    - Moon Knight’s evade’s occur more frequently.
    Other Synergy Champs: increase special attack power by 5%.

    This is my Moon Knight revamp. Might be too OP, not totally sure but I do know Moon Knight is in desperate need of an upgrade. Such a cool champ with a unique gimmick. Just need to make him better so he can compete in the contest. Would also love to see him get better animations for his regular combat.
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64

    Moon Knight Rework:

    Pre-Fight Ability: Acquired after Awakening Moon Knight.

    Stephen Grant: puts Moon Knight in Waning Moon at start of battle. Also ensures Waning Moon is active during defence.

    Jake Lockley: puts Moon Knight in Waxing Moon at start of battle. Also grants Fury passive at start of fight.

    New Abilities: Moon Knight already has access to Bleed, Stun, Fury, Evade & Precision. Some new abilities that Moon Knight could start sporting are the following:

    - Immorality: percentage chance to activate when duped ranging from 15%-50% depending on Sig Level.

    - Cleanse: percentage chance to activate & remove debuffs. Chances increase the more debuffs Moon Knight is afflicted by. Potential to remove all rebuffs possible when duped. Cleanse passive charge applied during SP2 under Waning Moon.

    - Armour Break: achieved during SP2 during Waxing Moon. Percentage chance during Waning Moon.

    - Cruelty: achieved during SP1 during Waxing Moon. Percentage chance of activating during Waning Moon.

    - Physical Resist: achieved during SP1 during Waning Moon. Percentage chance of activating during Waxing Moon.

    Phases of the Moon: give Moon Knight some unique attributes that sets him apart from other champs depending on the phases of the moon.

    Like for Waxing Moon, Moon Knight could become an offensive power house with the percentage of crits, bleeds, armour breaks gaining a higher likelihood of activating.
    Example: during Waxing phase Moon Knights Crit, Bleed, Fury & Armour Break chance increase from the regular percentages to increased potency’s capable of some serious damage.

    Waning Moon would be more defensive with Moon Knight gaining a higher percentage chance to activate Cleanse, Physical Resist, Stun, Evade & Immortality. Similar to how Waxing affects the more offensive abilities Waning does the same for more defensive/utility abilities.

    Obviously Waxing & Waining can be interchangeable in whichever one is offensive & Defensive. Figure this still keeps Moon Knight’s gimmick while improving on it.

    Moon Knight would still have access to all these abilities regardless of the “state of the moon” Moon Knight is fighting in. It would just alter the percentage of probability that these abilities would trigger.

    SP 1:
    When Moon Knight activates this special during the Waxing Moon he gains cruelty & precision with a percentage chance to inflict bleed

    During the Waning Moon he gains physical resist & has a percentage chance to inflict stun on the opponent.

    SP 2:
    Activating special 2 during the Waxing Moon gives Moon Knight Fury while inflicting Bleed & Armour Break on the opponent.

    During the Waining Moon, Moon Knight inflicts stun & gains a passive evade & cleanse charge. The evade charge does not activate until the next time Moon Knight is about to be struck & when activated lasts X amount of time (maybe 1.5 seconds?). The cleanse charge doesn’t activate until Moon Knight is inflicted with a debuff of any kind.

    Activating SP3 has a guaranteed chance of granting Moon Knight 2 random buffs between Fury, Physical Resist, Cruelty, Precision, Evade, Cleanse regardless of the phase of the moon with a percentage chance of gaining any more with the potential to get all 6 being very low.
    Example: (2=100%, 3=50%, 4=25%, 5=12.5%, 6=6.25%) or something like that.
    Activating SP 3 also inflicts the opposing champ with 1 guaranteed debuff between Armour Break, Bleed, & Stun with the potential to inflict all 3.
    Example: (1=100%, 2=66.7%, 3=33.3%) or something like that.

    Obviously the percentages of the buffs & debuffs could be lower or higher, I’ll leave that to Kabam.

    Sig Ability: Add the Immortality buff. The rest is fine as is. I’d maybe increase it but it’s not a bad ability for his gimmick.


    Age of Khonshu: Thor (classic), Black Panther (classic), Phoenix, Ghost Rider, Iron Fist, Doctor Strange
    - This synergy would enable Moon Knight to inflict Stun, Bleed & Armour Break to the opponent more often & gain Fury, Cruelty & Precision more frequently.
    Other Synergy Champs: gain 5% attack rating.

    Multiple Personalities: Iron Patriot, Green Goblin, Red Goblin
    - Increases the potency of Moon Knights buffs & debuffs by 25%
    Other Synergy Champs: gain 5% on buff & debuff potency.

    West Coast: Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch (classic), Tigra, War Machine
    - Increase Moon Knight’s buff & debuff duration by 50%.
    Other Synergy Champs: increase buff & debuff duration by 15%.

    Lunar Envoy: Werewolf-by-Night
    - Increase Moon Knight & Werewolf-by-Night’s combat power rating by 5%.

    Midnight Sons: Blade, Kushala, Magik, Man-Thing, Doctor Voodoo
    - Moon Knight’s cleanse’s occur more frequently.
    Other Synergy Champs: increase special attack power by 5%

    In the Shadows: Punisher, Daredevil (both)
    - Moon Knight’s evade’s occur more frequently.
    Other Synergy Champs: increase special attack power by 5%.

    This is my Moon Knight revamp. Might be too OP, not totally sure but I do know Moon Knight is in desperate need of an upgrade. Such a cool champ with a unique gimmick. Just need to make him better so he can compete in the contest. Would also love to see him get better animations for his regular combat.

    His major down side would be any bleed immune champ for sure. Also any champ that can stagger will be an issue for this reworked Moon Knight.
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64
    edited January 15
    Champ Rework: Thanos

    Pre-Fight Ability: Achieved after Awakening. Requires charges to activate each ability. Charges acquired after defeating an opponent in battle.
    Abilities: These abilities are on a rotating clock that activates every 10s & deactivates 5s.

    - Reality Stone: inflicts a random damage overtime debuff on opponent (ie: bleed, shock, poison, incinerate, neuroshock, degeneration)
    - Power Stone: grants Thanos immense amounts of power (ie: plenty of fury & armour up buffs)
    - Time Stone: regenerates 1/3 of Thanos’ health that was lost while the ability was on cool down.
    - Mind Stone: inflicts opponent with inverse controls for 5s.
    - Soul Stone: inflicts opponent with power drain for 5s.
    - Space Stone: grants Thanos evade & stun immunity for 5s.

    Thanos would keep his armour up, fury, heal block & true damage & would gain the following abilities for his base abilities without his pre-fight abilities:
    - Disintegration
    - Stun
    - Unblockable
    - Unstoppable
    - Immortality

    Thanks keeps the percentage chances of gaining fury & armour up buffs from his current kit.

    SP1: would still inflict heal block but would also have the chance to inflict stun lasting 1.5s & disintegration lasting 2s dealing X amount of damage overtime. (X is dependent on rarity)

    SP2: would still inflict heal block but would also grant Thanos unstoppable & unblockable for 3s.

    SP3: if Thanos isn’t awakened he activates 1 of the infinity stones granting one of the buffs mentioned in the pre-fight abilities that will persist until the end of the fight. If Thanos is awakened then he will activate 2 of the infinity stones that will also last until the end of the fight. Which stones are activated during the SP3 are random.

    Signature Ability: when awakened Thanos also gains a percentage chance of gaining the immortality buff when being struck by a death blow. This buff would activate between 25%-100% depending on signature ability level. Thanos would gain the pre-fight abilities mentioned up top & would keep his current signature ability of passively reducing the base attack of opposing champs by 40%.


    Black Order: Kull Obsidian, Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Ebony Maw
    - Thanos & his army gain +5% attack rating for each “Thanos’s Army” champ on the team.

    Daughters of the Mad Titan: Gamora, Nebula
    - Solo: Thanos’s special attacks consume 25% less power.

    Wielders of the Stones: Vision (AOU), Ronan, Doctor Strange, Iron Man (IW), Hulk (Rag), Adam Warlock, Loki
    - Solo: Thanos gains increased armour rating by 5% for each synergy champ on the team.

    Rulers of the Contest: Maestro, Kang
    - Solo: Thanos’s special attacks gain 10% potency for each synergy champ on the team.

    King Thanos: Cosmic Ghost Rider, Silver Surfer, Hulk (classic)
    - Solo: Thanos gains increase to his fury buff potency by 10% for each synergy champ on the team.

    Deaths Favour: Deadpool, Deadpool (X-Force), Goldpool, Platinumpool
    - Solo: Thanos gains increase to his fury buff frequency by 10% for each synergy champ on the team.

    I tried to make Thanos OP considering he’s one of the strongest characters in all of Marvel he should be a serious threat in the contest. Didn’t want to make him too OP to the point he demolishes everything though.
  • FisichellaFisichella Member Posts: 86



    Madeline Joyce

    Avril Kincaid



    Ashley Barton

    Citizen V


    Wind Dancer



  • IgaveyoupizzaIgaveyoupizza Member Posts: 1

    Angel (Warren Worthington)

    Deathlok (Michael Collins)

    Madame masque


    Dark Beast
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 186


    Okoye-(Classic) And Nakia-(Classic)






  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    edited January 21
    Champion Concept: Stan Lee

    Stan Lee was a revered comic-book creator who co-launched superheroes like the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and the X-Men for Marvel Comics.

    Character Class: Combined

    Abilities: Sunder, Physical Vulnerability, Shock, Energy Vulnerability, Trauma, Overload, Fury, Pierce, Cruelty, Precision, Armor Break

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Strengths - Pre-Fight Modes, Strong Immunities

    Weaknesses - Shock Immunity, True Damage

    The following Stats and Abilities are based on a Rank 5, Level 65, Sig 200, 6-Star Champion.

    Always Active
    Stan Lee’s Excelsior Powers grant him specific abilities based on his modes.

    Excelsior Modes - Pre-Fight Ability
    Stan Lee has three modes to choose from the Pre-Fight Screen. Select one mode before each fight: Iron Stan, Stanbuster, and Excelsior Hulk.

    Excelsior Mode Effects
    Iron Stan: Start each fight with an indefinite Armor Up Passive, increasing Armor Rating by 9000. While the above Armor Up Passive is active, gain +100% Critical Damage Resistance, immunity to all Armor Break and Armor Shattered effects, and the opponent’s Ability Accuracy Reduction effects suffer -100% potency.
    Stanbuster: Gain an indefinite Armor Up Buff every 8 seconds, increasing Armor Rating by 2250. Max: 4. Additionally, gain full immunity to all Bleed, Shock, Incinerate, Coldsnap, Frostbite, Slow, and Ability Accuracy Reduction effects, and all Attacks have a 25% chance per Armor Up Buff to inflict a Shock Passive, dealing 17244 Energy Damage over 20 seconds.
    Excelsior Hulk: Gain full immunity to all Poison effects, and all attacks have a 50% chance to grant an indefinite Fury Passive, increasing Attack Rating by +8084. Max: 20.

    Heavy Attacks
    While in Iron Stan Mode, inflict a non-stacking Armor Break Debuff, reducing Armor Rating by 2250 for 20 seconds.
    While in Stanbuster Mode, inflict a non-stacking Energy Vulnerability Passive, reducing Energy Resistance by 2250 for 20 seconds.
    While in Excelsior Hulk Mode, inflict a non-stacking Physical Vulnerability Debuff, reducing Physical Resistance by 2250 for 20 seconds.

    Special Attacks
    On activation, gain a Precision Passive, increasing Critical Rating by 2250 per level of Special Attack used for 20 seconds.

    Special Attack 1
    On activation, gain a Grit Passive, causing Unstoppable opponents to react to hits as though they weren’t for 20 seconds.
    While in Iron Stan Mode, gain a non-stacking Energize Passive on activation, increasing Combat Power Rate by 100% for 20 seconds.
    While in Stanbuster Mode, inflict a non-stacking Shock Vulnerability Passive on activation, increasing the potency of all Shock effects by 100% for 20 seconds.
    While in Excelsior Hulk Mode, inflict a non-stacking Sunder Passive on activation, setting the opponent’s Critical Resistance to 0 for 20 seconds.

    Special Attack 2
    On activation, gain a non-stacking True Strike Passive, allowing attacks to ignore all Armor, Resistances, Evade, and Auto-Block effects for 20 seconds.
    While in Iron Stan Mode, gain a non-stacking Cruelty Passive, increasing Critical Damage Rating by +1321.43 for 20 seconds.
    While in Stanbuster Mode, inflict a non-stacking Overload Passive for 20 seconds. Overload causes hits and Shocks to deal an additional 70% of the damage recently dealt as a burst of Energy Damage.
    While in Excelsior Hulk Mode, inflict a non-stacking Trauma Debuff for 20 seconds. Trauma causes hits to deal an additional 70% of the damage recently dealt as a burst of Physical Damage.

    Special Attack 3
    At the end of this attack, gain a non-stacking Pierce Passive of 750 potency for 20 seconds.
    While in Iron Stan Mode, inflict a non-stacking Plasma Passive, dealing 24876.5 Energy Damage over 20 seconds.
    While in Stanbuster Mode, inflict three Shock Passives, each dealing 8854 Energy Damage over 20 seconds.
    While in Excelsior Hulk Mode, inflict a Stun Passive for 8 seconds.

    Signature Ability - Excelsior!
    Stan’s Excelsior Modes are enhanced, granting additional abilities.
    Iron Stan: Each hit of Special Attack 1 inflicts his Heavy Attack Armor Break Debuff with their stack limit removed.
    Stanbuster: Inflict an additional Shock Passive for each Armor Up Buff active.
    Excelsior Hulk: Attacks cannot Glance and reduce the opponent’s Ability Accuracy by 100%.

    Recommended Masteries
    Double Edge/Liquid Courage

    Synergy Bonuses

    Excelsior Gamma Brawlers - Unique Synergy (5* or Higher)
    With Hulk, Red Hulk, Joe Fixit, Hulk (Immortal)
    Stan Lee: While in Excelsior Hulk Mode, attacks cannot Miss.
    Hulk Champions: Gain +100% Debuff potency for each Synergy Member present.

    Excelsior Iron Men - Unique Synergy (5* or Higher)
    With Iron Man (Classic), Infamous Iron Man, Silver Centurion, Iron Man (Infinity War)
    Stan Lee: While in Iron Stan Mode, attacks bypass all Damage Caps.
    Iron Man Champions: Gain +100% Armor Break Debuff duration for each Synergy Member present.

    Excelsior Iron Buster - Unique Synergy (5* or Higher)
    With Hulkbuster
    Stan Lee: While in Stanbuster Mode, personal Shock Passives gain +100% duration.
    Hulkbuster: Gain +250 Critical Rating for each Shock effect on the opponent. Additionally, Heavy Attacks inflict an additional Shock Debuff for each Armor Up Buff on Hulkbuster, and inflicting a Shock effect also inflicts a non-stacking Intimidate Debuff for 5 seconds.
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    So @HankSpector, would this be a good Champion Concept?
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    He'd mostly be a trophy champion if he entered the game.
  • LaughingmanLaughingman Member Posts: 5

    Atlas Bear (Shoon’Kwa)

    Black Mamba


    Power man (Victor Alvarez)

    Cosmic Spider-Man

    Arsenic & Old Lace

    Captain Universe
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