Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

7 day solo event missing



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    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners.

    There was a hiccup this morning and , as a result, Summoners are no longer able to accumulate points in the Fun in the Sun Solo Event as of 10am PT this morning.

    The team is aware of it and have a solution locked and loaded.

    Resetting the event would reset Summoners' progress, and that's certainly not ideal! The backend is still tracking contributions towards the event, it's just not attributing them toward milestones. So the team is going to take all of that information, after the event ends, and distribute all the rewards from any missing milestones; so don't worry, you will still get your milestone rewards!

    Summoners are still able to contribute points and the event will remain visible in-game until 10am PT on July 7th. Any 48-hour timers from tiered offers should still extend beyond the end of the event, as intended, however the points will not contribute to the solo event.

    We are working on getting an in-game message created and distributed to inform all Summoners.

    Apologies for the inconvenience, thank you for your patience.

    Dude what have you even been getting paid to do the last few days? Get your priorities straight when you make this huge of a mistake you dont go drop the new update anyways. Now yall are trying to fix new arena bugs when you should be fixing the solo rewards issue. I swear kabam mods are pretty much discord/reddit mod tier imbeciles
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    NegativePersonNegativePerson Posts: 13

    Go_To said:

    I am not looking for compensation. I just want what I paid for. I submitted a Helpdesk ticket the day of and got the same answer as above. It is unnerving that Kabam has yet to respond/provide an update. @Kabam Miike. I spent 6,750 units (over $200) on the last unit bundle that I needed to get Jessica Jones, and 5M gold. As of right now, you stole my and everyone else’s money.

    It's sort of pathetic. Not even one response by a moderator on this thread this week. This is our money we're talking about, you can't just take it and leave us in the dark about something like this.
    I'm going to keep bumping this thread every night and morning until we receive our items or SOMEONE gives a better timeframe than "soon".
    Tons of people were hoping to get to use their Jessica jones this bg season, your taking away time that we can use her and potentially weapon x. Sorry if I'm ranting, this just pisses me off.
    Well, I spend 1k+ $
    Probably I should use chargeback

    Honestly bro i spent around 400$ and im thinking of doing a chargeback just to ensure i can never spend money on this game again. Win win situation honestly. Ill give them untill this friday but after that im charging all my money back, dont even care about my galan i got from the selector at this point
    Yeap. If I'll made chargeback, I won't spend money here anymore.
    Ignoring our messages, they show their complete incompetence and inadequacy. There is such a thing as a service, and if you demand money for something (not small money), you have to provide it.
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    Lestat2499Lestat2499 Posts: 274 ★★★
    How about fixing this issue as quickly as the mythic crystal one. Here you actually said you had the solution locked and loaded. Ridiculous to have to wait this long.
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    Fuzion_FantasyFuzion_Fantasy Posts: 9
    Still nothing?? It’s been almost a week, it’s getting a little ridiculous
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    Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Posts: 8,270
    Hey everybody,

    Thank you all for your patience. First, I need to point out that is not at all comparable to the issue that happened today. It takes quite some time to find the affected players after an event ends, and then to make sure that we measure exactly how each is affected.

    We are hoping to have this out to everybody by the end of day tomorrow, though it may take longer if other issues arise.
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    Go_ToGo_To Posts: 317 ★★★
    edited July 2023

    Hey everybody,

    Thank you all for your patience. First, I need to point out that is not at all comparable to the issue that happened today. It takes quite some time to find the affected players after an event ends, and then to make sure that we measure exactly how each is affected.

    We are hoping to have this out to everybody by the end of day tomorrow, though it may take longer if other issues arise.

    Thank you! All we asked for was a timeline and a response, next time maybe do it sooner….
    I think the frustration came from you guys saying that you had a solution ready, so that made people think we would get everything on Monday, and without communication you left us in the dark for three days.
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    Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Posts: 8,270
    One more update, the Comp messages are starting to roll out right now! You should get it soon.
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    STShortySTShorty Posts: 102
    I just got mine thank you @Kabam Miike i know it’s hard to keep on top of everything especially with everything else going on in the game right now. Appreciate the update!
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    ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Posts: 3,096 ★★★★★

    One more update, the Comp messages are starting to roll out right now! You should get it soon.

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    LogeyBear87LogeyBear87 Posts: 41
    Hi Mike, I received an in game message but i don't think my rewards are correct. However I can't remember the milestones, I purchase one of each in the tier 1, 2 and 3 which should have got me to the milestone with kang in if memory is correct, 11,250 points. But my in game message has 2 paragon crystals some iso and gold?
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    noregrets100noregrets100 Posts: 28
    I just got mine too. Thank you. However, the level of communication needs improvement.
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    LogeyBear87LogeyBear87 Posts: 41
    Can anyone post a pic of the milestones so I can see if my rewards are right?
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    LogeyBear87LogeyBear87 Posts: 41
    Ok never mind, managed to check some YouTube vids and I needed 18k points for kang
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    Punisher99Punisher99 Posts: 18
    I just got JJ, thank you Kabam. However, this was a horrible experience. I really hope your testing and communication improve in the future!

    @Kabam Miike are we still going to get additional compensation for this? Support has been telling me that affected players will receive something but I didn't see anything.
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    ItsClobberinTimeSuxItsClobberinTimeSux Posts: 1
    edited July 2023
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    I just got JJ, thank you Kabam. However, this was a horrible experience. I really hope your testing and communication improve in the future!

    @Kabam Miike are we still going to get additional compensation for this? Support has been telling me that affected players will receive something but I didn't see anything.

    I’m also confused about that point and am wondering if that is something that maybe coming after everyone gets their milestone rewards, which I did. Thank you.
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    @Kabam Miike
    @Kabam Zibiit
    @Kabam Porthos
    @Kabam Vydious
    @Kabam Jax

    You have all failed us. You have untill friday to make this right or im doing a chargeback 🤷‍♀️ every morning and night untill then ill be sure to remind you of this situation

    They aren’t in control of the in game issue’s though….
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    AndyB1985AndyB1985 Posts: 41
    I received my missing rewards. I think I may have been a wee more patient than some others here, lol. At any rate, I am glad this issue is being resolved.
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    NastyPhishNastyPhish Posts: 583 ★★★

    Just a couple of paragons and some gold. But worth the wait. 🤘
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