Shortcomings of the Trello board

So with Kabam's reply to the "Root-lock" issue they made multiple references to the Trello board. Whilst I think that the Trello board is a decent way at showing off what bugs are in the game and what Kabam is working on it has a few shortcomings that in my opinion really need to be adressed.
1. Not a lot of people seem to know about it, whenever it gets mentioned I alway see people being surprised, not knowing it's a thing. Whether this is something Kabam can easily fix, I don't know... But in my opinion this does not make it safe to assume that if something is on Trello that it's "public knowledge" like Kabam stated about Zemo's root
2. Some things on there aren't all too clear, take for example a bug listen under Gameplay: "Specials can be cancelled in ways they shouldn't." That doesn't really tell me a whole lot about what the bug is, there is no further description, is this something I may be doing in my day to day playing of the game that might suddenly not working anymore in 2 months? Is this something only a select few champs in extremely rare circumstances can do? Who knows!
I feel like for issues like these there should be a further explanation or something of the sorts. Or if it's an issue that has been reported here, a link to a thread, which leads me to my next point
3. "Unable to Repro/Need More Info" is one of the tags for bugs. Who do you need more info from? Us as the players? If so, where do we give it? Is there a specific thread on the forums, should I make a new one, what info do you need?
One of the bugs under Battlegrounds with this tag is: "Match starts with less than 2 mins on the timer", I have been able to have that happen damn near every fight I start in BG, timer usually starts at 1:54 and by the time I get control of my character it's at something like 1:50. Are they not able to reproduce this issue? If so, what can I do to help when I clearly can?
4. And my last point, it's not always up to date I feel, there has been a thread going around the forums for months now about Howard the Duck being bugged, this issue has yet to be fixed from what I gather, and also has yet to receive a spot on the Trello board. And there are more examples like these that I cannot think of from the top of my head
So why, with all these issues to the Trello board, should I as a player be expected to keep track of it?
And don't get me wrong, I think the Trello board was and still is a great step in the right direction for Kabam with regards to being open to the community, but as it stands it's not as useful as it can be
1. Not a lot of people seem to know about it, whenever it gets mentioned I alway see people being surprised, not knowing it's a thing. Whether this is something Kabam can easily fix, I don't know... But in my opinion this does not make it safe to assume that if something is on Trello that it's "public knowledge" like Kabam stated about Zemo's root
2. Some things on there aren't all too clear, take for example a bug listen under Gameplay: "Specials can be cancelled in ways they shouldn't." That doesn't really tell me a whole lot about what the bug is, there is no further description, is this something I may be doing in my day to day playing of the game that might suddenly not working anymore in 2 months? Is this something only a select few champs in extremely rare circumstances can do? Who knows!
I feel like for issues like these there should be a further explanation or something of the sorts. Or if it's an issue that has been reported here, a link to a thread, which leads me to my next point
3. "Unable to Repro/Need More Info" is one of the tags for bugs. Who do you need more info from? Us as the players? If so, where do we give it? Is there a specific thread on the forums, should I make a new one, what info do you need?
One of the bugs under Battlegrounds with this tag is: "Match starts with less than 2 mins on the timer", I have been able to have that happen damn near every fight I start in BG, timer usually starts at 1:54 and by the time I get control of my character it's at something like 1:50. Are they not able to reproduce this issue? If so, what can I do to help when I clearly can?
4. And my last point, it's not always up to date I feel, there has been a thread going around the forums for months now about Howard the Duck being bugged, this issue has yet to be fixed from what I gather, and also has yet to receive a spot on the Trello board. And there are more examples like these that I cannot think of from the top of my head
So why, with all these issues to the Trello board, should I as a player be expected to keep track of it?
And don't get me wrong, I think the Trello board was and still is a great step in the right direction for Kabam with regards to being open to the community, but as it stands it's not as useful as it can be
Miike's mentioned before that they're always looking to improve it, and hopefully this makes it all the more clear just how much it needs improving.
The trello board is incomplete, has insufficient detail, and is not well known. The fact that the dev team thinks something being posted there means anything is a red flag that they don’t really understand how the community is getting our info.
I would probably rank down zemo to r3 if given the choice... But requiring to do a whole research across multiple sorces if a champ is worth ranking up is a bit too much...
I'd also add that for the last 6-8 weeks there has been no oversight in the bug reporting forums at all. Zero mod or admin attention, radio silence on all but the bugs which are posted in General too
While reading that entire post I was thinking exactly this. How bad is that board supposed to be if they just throw an issue on there without much detail and saying things like, we never assessed the impact, it slipped through the cracks and didn't make it in the release notes.
I see release notes everyday for every little thing that's going into prod, never have I seen something fall through the cracks. It's about process and following it diligently.
To my knowledge, suggestions were not acted on. And so we have the same old Trello.
This undermines the notion that bugs are taken seriously. In my opinion, of course.
Dr. Zola
Seeing as nothing was done in that regard I figured it was worth shining a bigger light on the issues with this thread, seeing as Kabam referenced it in their post and seem to think it's sufficient communication
I don't really have a bone in the fight over this whole Root issue since I don't have any of the affected champions ranked up, but I will admit to some confusion when Miike said that they considered posts on the Trello board apt warning for Zemo users. That is definitely not where I get my info on the current state of the game from, so I get why people would be annoyed that those posts negate any kind of compensation. Especially since Kraven users are getting RDTs.
I would suggest making the Trello board a sticky post on the forum so that it's front and center and clearly visible, even if it's just a link to it. Just something to make it more easily findable.
Then, whether or not the board itself needs to be improved, well, that's another conversation. I haven't seen it enough to have an opinion on that.
I am yet to see the ban on one person I know who opened those mythics and is now 10times more powerful than me
But I'm really just guessing. I don't remember removing it or my reasoning for it at the time.