I miss these champs !! A lot !!
Corvus Glaive
Cap America IW
And some other too . These champs were at the top of the food chain at some point but seems like they have fallen completely outta the meta now and hardly anybody use them in any content now .
Share your thoughts .
Cap America IW
And some other too . These champs were at the top of the food chain at some point but seems like they have fallen completely outta the meta now and hardly anybody use them in any content now .
Share your thoughts .
CAIW is used in all forms of content still, but players do prefer other science champs over him
Blade is used mostly in BGs
Gwenpool kinda fell out of the loop i’ll give you that
Sentinel is still a good fit for Bg defense but nimrod did replace him because of quick ramp on attack and solid option for defense
Dated? Sure.
Outdated? Never.
There are other champions that can do all kinds of things. Some of them can do a lot of what he does better. But he's the absolute prototype take-him-anywhere-for-anything champion.
If he's your first 6* science champion, congrats. If he's your first Awakened 6* Science champ, huge congrats and build a team around him: he'll take you far.
Now, if he's your tenth science 6* behind Quicksilver, Torch and Scorpion... Fine, he may not find a spot on your team. You just pulled him at the wrong time.
But you play this game with the champs you've got, not the champs you wish you had.
Most of all, play with the champions you enjoy playing with. Don't 'miss' Cap: you absolutely can use him in any game mode against any content. I'm not saying he's the best, but seriously: he's useable everywhere. My r4 Cap gets plenty of wins on attack and defence in BGs, because even without a team, he's really tanky, easy to use and can do reasonable damage. Pick him up and remind yourself how versatile and effective he is.
The champion I miss the most is Doctor strange, loved dancing around until the purple circle appeared and dropping a sp3 to heal to full.