Have recent events altered the way you will chase "new" champs moving forward

GMAX77GMAX77 Member Posts: 512 ★★★
Poll question says it all. Considering all that has taken place the last few weeks with recent champ adjustments, will the way you attempt to aquire new champs look differently moving forward?

Have recent events altered the way you will chase "new" champs moving forward 80 votes

I plan on waiting at least 6th months before really going all in for a new champ
BeastDadabamVance2_jrDeath33RealpgWindows10 6 votes
I'll wait the re-balancing period, but after that all bets are off
SecondSkrillerCropDusterHungaryHippoWhoDaPooThoye3OmedennAnsh_AChuck_Finleyhi_im_sir 9 votes
I'll wait a month or so to hear how people like the champ and will then go from there
Giantwalrus56CyrillFromTulaHickdog27 3 votes
I'll look to pick up champs within a few weeks, but only if I get lucky
Ironman3000Ferahgo 2 votes
Gotta Catch Em All - I'll do what it takes to get the newest of the new
AzKicker316LiquidkoldFiiNCHChiefGoatThePredator1001 5 votes
I'm just chillin...I'll get them when I get them
GroundedWisdomBigPoppaCBONEWorld EaterzuffyTheVyrusNescioCat_MurdockcausticLilMaddogHTcfpreludeGodrohrDtl7714Doom_and_GloomDRTOBarrier ReefOurobørost123459BowTieJohnAR48Dart1981 55 votes


  • SonOfArgu16SonOfArgu16 Member, Guardian Posts: 263 Guardian
    I just open up crystals hoping for new champs, don't particularly care when they came out or if they get buffed or nerfed.
  • Mknight123Mknight123 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
    edited July 2023
    Getting an old champ seems to be way harder to get than a new champ for me, I got iron doom when he released, I got baron zemo when he released in basics, I got galan before he was released in basics so I don't have any trouble getting new champs at all but one champ I've been chasing since last year is LONGSHOT AND I CAN'T GET HIM! it's ridiculous.
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,114 ★★★★★
    I'm just chillin...I'll get them when I get them
    I believe most of the ftp players like me, only get the new champs after a few months after their release if ever. I still have no Torch or Apoc, so I wouldn’t wait for just released champs
  • I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    I'm just chillin...I'll get them when I get them

    Getting an old champ seems to be way harder to get than a new champ for me, I got iron doom when he released, I got baron zemo when he released in basics, I got galan before he was released in basics so I don't have any trouble getting new champs at all but one champ I've been chasing since last year is LONGSHOT AND I CAN'T GET HIM! it's ridiculous.

    For the love of God I can't get a hood no matter how many crystals I open
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,093 ★★★★
    I'll wait the re-balancing period, but after that all bets are off
    Not really interested in 6* Featured. Opening basic crystals for 7*.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,180 ★★★★★
    I plan on waiting at least 6th months before really going all in for a new champ
    I will NEVER bother with trying to get new champs when they are released again. And if I do get them, I will not be investing heavily into ranking them.

    Saves me a ton of money, I should be saying thank you.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Nothing has changed my approach. If a champ seems overly OP (Abs man for ex), I will only rank to 3 until the rebalancing is announced. Otherwise I do not consider it a risk to take them up to rank 4, esp considering how fast rank up materials come these days.

    But the root issue is not a Zemo rebalancing issue anyway. Mole Man was fixed after like two years. But that kind of situation is rare and shouldn't impact your decisions. So don't overact. Zemo was not designed to do the thing you wanted him to do, and now he cannot. I have a r4 Zemo and approve of this fix. It's one thing if there is an occasional boss fight with some node/attacker combo that lets you cheese the fight, but IMO you shouldn't be able to just lock every defender in a root every time. There are tons of videos of Zemo crushing content without this cheese.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,999 ★★★★★
    I'm just chillin...I'll get them when I get them
    I feel the same as I always did. If there's a change that needs to be made, they're going to make it. That's how it's always been. That was a cheat code. It was fixed. The health of the game comes before anything else. I've accepted as much for a long time.
  • Dtl7714Dtl7714 Member Posts: 493 ★★★
    I'm just chillin...I'll get them when I get them
    But this has always been my approach.
  • SpecMSpecM Member Posts: 168 ★★
    I'm just chillin...I'll get them when I get them
    GMAX77 said:

    Poll question says it all. Considering all that has taken place the last few weeks with recent champ adjustments, will the way you attempt to aquire new champs look differently moving forward?

    Do we even have a choice?
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    Did we not know about champion rebalancing before the last few weeks? Has this really come as a surprise to so many people? I feel like I am reliving every thread I've ever seen after Kabam has taken away any champion ability.
  • I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    I'm just chillin...I'll get them when I get them
    BeastDad said:

    I will NEVER bother with trying to get new champs when they are released again. And if I do get them, I will not be investing heavily into ranking them.

    Saves me a ton of money, I should be saying thank you.

    Yeah many should thank Kabam for opening their eyes
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,820 ★★★★★
    edited July 2023
    Weird how you're fine with it if they only buff the champs but crying when one gets changed where you don't like it.
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