Have recent events altered the way you will chase "new" champs moving forward

Poll question says it all. Considering all that has taken place the last few weeks with recent champ adjustments, will the way you attempt to aquire new champs look differently moving forward?
Have recent events altered the way you will chase "new" champs moving forward 80 votes
Edit: Spelling mistake
For the love of God I can't get a hood no matter how many crystals I open
Saves me a ton of money, I should be saying thank you.
But the root issue is not a Zemo rebalancing issue anyway. Mole Man was fixed after like two years. But that kind of situation is rare and shouldn't impact your decisions. So don't overact. Zemo was not designed to do the thing you wanted him to do, and now he cannot. I have a r4 Zemo and approve of this fix. It's one thing if there is an occasional boss fight with some node/attacker combo that lets you cheese the fight, but IMO you shouldn't be able to just lock every defender in a root every time. There are tons of videos of Zemo crushing content without this cheese.