Why Do You Still Play This Game?

NeoDazarasNeoDazaras Member Posts: 127
July 4th has ruined the balance of Battlegrounds and, soon to be, AW. AQ and Solo Content is outdated, bugs and game issues are more common than ever, and meaningful changes to the game look to be super far off in the distance.

I ask the common player - not the whales or the youtubers - what part of the game do you still genuinely have fun with?

Why Do You Still Play This Game? 122 votes

Permanent Content (Story, Variant, Abyss/Labyrinth, etc.)
Darkrider05TheBroookMrTicTac19992008AR48_Sham_Luke9523WhoDaPooErcarretGiantwalrus56AdokTheholyplungerAlto_Dalto1_Rick87_Johny_JoestarUnOriginalBwer777_TakeItEasy 16 votes
Monthly and Side Quests
SnakeEyes69TerracaptaincushCassyRasiloverDRTOIngi_Freyr1975MoosetiptronicEugene_VirtuosoOurobørosFloorKillerForevernarwhalsIron_Patriot_is_litPowerofpain1001Spider_RicoCaptainGameDkcody42HoitadoAshacekarInsaneSkull 34 votes
New Champion Releases
AzKicker316Mqc19SandeepSrcm2017Dr_M3Barrier ReefRabarberstengelSbkruebSonOfArgu16UsagicassidyzerodudeEwell65SSS69RocketWaffleDoctorwho13MCOCHazzaBeastDadIoniqus_797sherin_66Sceptilemaniac2Ruwqiersa 32 votes
EgyptOverseerEmil_LimsonhydrogohardGarloBrokendfmoore26IamnikedzikidzikIvarTheBonelessZuroFiiNCHNgoalong711TheGodfather39Roronoazoro99Yodabolt21ElwindUltragamerGoingBackLickySwamp_Dragon 24 votes
Community Engagement (Tournaments, Forums, Streams, etc)
BlackPhoenix44KillSwitchBugmat78psp742HungaryHippoRenaxqqBe_SomebodyValmezMasterzxProAce2319Night_RiderShivacruxLee99KnightOfTheRealmMarvelNoobSlayerOfGods 16 votes


  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,929 ★★★★★
    Monthly and Side Quests
    Mostly for enjoyment. I don't care if I'm in celestial, arcanum, or whatever as I don't place value on that for my life.
  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★
    A bit of all of them and I haven't found anything better. I like being able to play a little here and there.

    Consoles are too much effort for me - time commitment and learning the games.
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,762 ★★★★★
    Other: Hope.
  • EgyptOverseerEgyptOverseer Member Posts: 392 ★★
    Sunk cost and cheer stupidity for believing that FTP players have any chance of success.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,078 ★★★★★
    Permanent Content (Story, Variant, Abyss/Labyrinth, etc.)
    There's no one thing that I like while thinking the rest suck, but I do really enjoy the Story whenever new chapters are released. I also had a lot of fun with the EOP: Acceptance.

    Regardless of game mode, I just think the game is fun and enjoy playing it. It's one of the few games that I've really sunk my teeth into and learnt well, especially on mobile. I mean, sure, I do play a lot of "regular" (as in, not f2p) games as well. I just finished a 180h playthrough of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous on PC, which is a huge time investment for me when it comes to a non-mobile game. Especially without any expansions.

    However, that's still nothing compared to my time investment into MCOC. I've played almost every day for I don't know how long. Six years, perhaps? In that time, I've gotten really good at the game. Not only playing it as such, but I have a deep understanding of it. I enjoy planning and strategizing in it. I enjoy the challenge of using my current roster to tackle new nodes and champions, and adding new tools to my roster so that I can tackle even more obstacles in the game.

    I also enjoy the community. MCOC is the only game where I actively follow a bunch of Youtubers' game-related content. The MCOC community is the only gaming community that I'm a part of despite being a huge gamer in general. MCOC is the only reason I got Line, and the MCOC chats I'm part of there are still the only use I have of that app. I don't have any similar connection to any other game at the moment, nor have I ever had so in the past. I don't anticipate that I will in the future either. That's not some kind of grim prediction for when MCOC closes somewhere many moons from now, just a statement regarding how special my current affinity for this community is.

    It is, simply put, a special game to me.

    Also, BG is a lot of fun.
  • Eugene_VirtuosoEugene_Virtuoso Member Posts: 378
    Monthly and Side Quests
    What I enjoy most is playing with my favorite champions (mainly Claire❤️ of course) in various areas of the game; Aq, War, Incursions, Event quests, etc. That and being in a great alliance playing with friends & fun teammates.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,346 Guardian
    It is a fun skill-based game that I have devoted a lot of time to to get good at and I quite enjoy the game.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    i have nothing else to turn too if i quit
  • coolspiderman17_coolspiderman17_ Member Posts: 322 ★★★
    For fun??
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    I want to see where it ends.

    Been with it since the beginning, heard many times that it's dying, but here we are with 7 stars in the game.

    I do enjoy it, playing at the highest level I've ever been, and want to stick around to get that final "Goodbye" title.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,401 ★★★★★
    As a Masochist, I Am
    I love pain, suffering and........

  • LordSmasherLordSmasher Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★★
    I enjoy collecting champs and using them to punch stuff.
  • RonSwansonRonSwanson Member Posts: 1,169 ★★★★
    For the tears of the ftp crowd
  • GlazzyBearGlazzyBear Member Posts: 135 ★★
    Messing around with my favorite characters in marvel is the simple reason why
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,846 ★★★★★
    Force of habit should be an option
  • Ngoalong711Ngoalong711 Member Posts: 329 ★★
    i beat USAFA as a 100% ftp player. but no that's not the reason. i just like collecting champions
  • RockyshockyRockyshocky Member Posts: 108 ★★
    edited July 2023
    i like to see the numbers on my champions go up
  • Bee2JayBee2Jay Member Posts: 109
    New Champion Releases
    Diversity of the content irrespective of how outdated some of them are
    This is a game that you gives you so many alternative play anytime should you lack some requirement for other modes in the game
    Leave ALMIGHTY STORY if you're stuck somewhere
    Go for MQ or EQ
    Incursion is there anytime to farm something
    Special Quest - Labyrinth & Legends stuffs
    Black Issues,
    Never ending Arenas,
    BG's, AW whenever on,
    AQ when its on,
    Daily Quests
    You can even try practice mode if you feel like
    And all the above listed has rewards of their own whether it is worth or not
    Not to forget Random unexpected compensations that pops up in our in-game message whenever KABAM feels like.
    And them FORUM cracks me the F up everyday :D:D:D

    I know most of us DON'T like so many issues with the state of the game RN but sometimes we just gotta understand give credits to them too for they are trying a whole lot.

    That being said, "I like the feeling of HITTING ON THESE HEROES & VILLAINS ALIKE ANYTIME I FEEL LIKE" plus opening crystals, claiming rewards and ranking up my CHAMPS randomly sweetens my tummy :D:D:D

    Maaaan I LOVE MCOC with their UPS and downs
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,093 ★★★★
    Community Engagement (Tournaments, Forums, Streams, etc)
    BG is a close second but I’m not going to beat the whales.
  • Mdowney80Mdowney80 Member Posts: 83
    Monthly and Side Quests
    Because the game is addictive. It’s just a different form of gambling and Kabam knows how to bait addicts.
  • SonOfArgu16SonOfArgu16 Member, Guardian Posts: 263 Guardian
    New Champion Releases
    For me, it has always been the character releases with monthly events second pulling me back in.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,644 ★★★★★
    the top three.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    i think you need to put an option for the most important reason


    at the end of the day why does anyone play games?
    why does anyone have any hobbies for that fact?

  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,609 ★★★★★

    July 4th has ruined the balance of Battlegrounds and, soon to be, AW. AQ and Solo Content is outdated, bugs and game issues are more common than ever, and meaningful changes to the game look to be super far off in the distance.

    I ask the common player - not the whales or the youtubers - what part of the game do you still genuinely have fun with?

    All of the above, beacuse I LIKE AND ENJOY THE GAME
  • PalistesPalistes Member Posts: 174 ★★
    I love the Marvel characters. And, all issues aside, I enjoy the game (solo, anyway. Don't like anything alliance related)
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