Howard the duck - not getting armor up when fight starts [merged]



  • JK_47JK_47 Member Posts: 344 ★★
    Maat1985 said:

    ignoring a problem does not make it go away.
    the problem still exists if you ignore it or not.

    all ignoring it does is infuriate people.

    it literally takes 2mins for someone to come here and respond and say "sorry there is no update at this point. the team has been working on other bugs and has not got to looking at this yet"
    "sorry there is no fix yet the team is looking into it but as yet has been unable to find the cause"

    seriously when there are people employed to engage with the community it should be routine to just check in and respond to bug report posts from time to time

    Dude hate to disagree ignoring the problem does make it go away,
    See now no one talks about wifi symbol and other 99 ignored basic stuff

    Or this one for example takes the cake for making problems go away for ignoring
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 686 ★★★
    fairly confident Howard made time with a dev's mom, and there's some resentment... o_0

    auto masher is FINE? mostly. cool enough for questing. but it's not an option for anyone who uses him in Arena.
  • HulkbusterN1HulkbusterN1 Member Posts: 286 ★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners!

    The game team is looking at this issue right now! Sorry for the delayed response, this one slipped through the cracks.

    We'll provide any updates as we get them! Still investigating, no ETA right now.

    How can the team investigate for so long??🥵
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,852 ★★★★★
    4 months since a mod responded

    Didn’t see this bug listed on their useless, 3rd parry bug board

    Par for the course for Kabam at this point.

    Expect nothing. Responses to valid bug reports are as low as I’ve ever seen it. Pretty pathetic.
  • theHootchinatortheHootchinator Member Posts: 31
    I love the duck. I wish KABAM cared about fixing him.
  • ElthanElthan Member Posts: 108 ★★
    Any update on the Trello board @Kabam Miike?
  • dannyrottendannyrotten Member Posts: 95
    edited July 2023
    4+ months since acknowledgment. Imagine if it benefited us…
  • ElthanElthan Member Posts: 108 ★★
    Do you mean like if someone gave us 1250 mythic crystals instead of 1250 crystal shards? That would be a shame and I sure hope they would react immediately.
  • dannyrottendannyrotten Member Posts: 95
    edited July 2023
    Elthan said:

    Do you mean like if someone gave us 1250 mythic crystals instead of 1250 crystal shards? That would be a shame and I sure hope they would react immediately.

    EXACTLY what i mean lol

    Maybe if we continue to bump the subject, devs will get the hint and fix this egregious bug with Howard. 10 month bug with no known fix is worrisome. Yeah yeah i know kabam has their stats of what champs get used the most but i ranked this champ with saved resources and would like to get the champ abilities as described.
  • Java_JunkieJava_Junkie Member Posts: 686 ★★★
    it's less of an issue if HtD can't get his armors in Arena, if Arena's broken, sooo... issue resolved? o/
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,190 ★★★★
    This thread was created back in January, so 7 months down the road and still no fix??? lol
  • vertiGovertiGo Member Posts: 93
    vertiGo said:

    Another Monday, another bumping of the thread. The mods have at least popped their head in though as there's a new update...

    Lovely to see some new faces in the thread. It's Monday which means it's weekly check in time. Of course, still nothing (back) in Trello, and after the excitement of a number of bugs which may have cost Kabam profits, the duck remains neglected.
  • ThePharcideThePharcide Member Posts: 211 ★★★
    This wouldn’t be an issue if it was turned on by default instead of having to select it.

    I use him daily and I always kick myself when I forget to turn it on. Never understood why they did that with him.
  • vertiGovertiGo Member Posts: 93
    I disagree with that because manual masher is so much better. But honestly, it they acknowledged any of this it would be better than the current situation of head being firmly in the sand
  • dannyrottendannyrotten Member Posts: 95

    This wouldn’t be an issue if it was turned on by default instead of having to select it.

    I use him daily and I always kick myself when I forget to turn it on. Never understood why they did that with him.

    This wouldn’t be an issue if it was turned on by default instead of having to select it.

    I use him daily and I always kick myself when I forget to turn it on. Never understood why they did that with him.

    Howard is an average champ with auto buffs selected. There’s a payoff for manual smashing and that’s faster ramp up and much more damage/utility (10-12 sec heal block anyone?).
    Bottom line is that his description says multiple armor up at fight start with manual mashing and it’s not working. We just want that fixed…. Or acknowledged with a time table.

  • ElthanElthan Member Posts: 108 ★★
    I was expecting to see an update on the Trello since they recently updated it with Rintrah bugs... But no :(

    @Kabam Miike and @Kabam Jax
  • vertiGovertiGo Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2023
    Oh hey, it's Monday again, which means checking in to see that this duck is still rhymes with duck-ed, and being ignored. I've checked Trello (again) which as we all know is the only trustworthy way Kabam share bug reporting with us, and still no rhymes with ducks given it would seem
  • ElthanElthan Member Posts: 108 ★★
    Hello there!

    I didn't expect anything at this point, and still, they exceeded my expectations!

    See you next week.
  • dannyrottendannyrotten Member Posts: 95
    edited August 2023
    Another Monday, another week of bugged Howard. Just bumping the thread hoping for a miracle answer from the team on why HTD isn’t proc armor buffs on fight start in manual mode. Please please please fix this so we can get the Howard back that we love.
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    From the new patch notes, maybe they finally fixed this?

  • Noob_Master69Noob_Master69 Member Posts: 702 ★★★★

    From the new patch notes, maybe they finally fixed this?

    That's cool and about time, still makes me wonder why this wasn't on the Trello or clearly communicated to us recently if they were still actively working on it
  • ElthanElthan Member Posts: 108 ★★
    Or why they simply didn't reply to this thread, reassuring us this was on the works and that a fix would be released soon.

    I don't like the way they communicate, or the lack of communication in this case.
  • vertiGovertiGo Member Posts: 93
    Huge if true. It's only been 7 and a bit months and next to no communication or acknowledgement
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,852 ★★★★★
    edited August 2023
    And Kabam and the mods want us to rely on trello!???

    Zero acknowledgement of the bug , never posted on trello, last communication on the forums was 4 months ago ….. and now a potential bug fix is in the patch notes ? What are they fixing if they didn’t even bother to communicate that he is/was bugged.
  • vertiGovertiGo Member Posts: 93
    Oh, it was on Trello in March, don't worry. They just removed it in April whilst he was still broken
  • ElthanElthan Member Posts: 108 ★★
    I can confirm that he is fixed after downloading the latest update. I want to believe that bumping the thread was a little bit for something and that our hope was not in vain 😊
  • Potatoslice500Potatoslice500 Member Posts: 329 ★★
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★
    edited August 2023
    At least this gives a bit of Hope that not because its ignored It is'nt going to be fixed but this really should have been done earlier and communicated better
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