Hercules immortality bug (or hotfix)

DizzyDizzy Member Posts: 237 ★★
Hi all - a few of noticed that Hercules is no longer going immortal if an SP3 otherwise would have KOed him.

Here’s how he used to behave - https://youtube.com/clip/Ugwd4d7FaeUwDuE678Z4AaABCQ

… and that’s consistent with our experiences facing him in EQ and side quest.

Now, when he takes an SP3 that would otherwise knock him out (BEFORE immortality has been triggered), the immortality never procs and he is KOed.


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  • DizzyDizzy Member Posts: 237 ★★
    Honestly, I could see this going either way with Hercules in terms of “he is currently functioning as intended” or “this is a bug and we will revert”. It’s more important that Kabam communicate what is happening and why than the change itself, just given the hype around him (pun intended), the size of the grind, and the number of times everyone fought Hercules and learned his “kit”.

    Obviously I view this as a nerf if it stands, but Kabam reserves the right to tweak champs as they see fit, and this isn’t completely character-breaking. They just need to be better about clear communications versus silent changes.
  • GiomeGiome Member Posts: 170 ★★
    It would be good to know whether this is a bug or an intended change. If it is a change it should be communicated properly as it is definitely not a minor one. With all the issues that we have experienced recently there is definitely no need to add more frustration. Please give us a quick reply on this.
  • Onurre2Onurre2 Member Posts: 221 ★★★
    edited August 2021

    I know ive been alerted here, does anyone have any footage of this happening? also need to find out;
    . Has this been since the Hotfix?
    . Is this just like all fights or fights where there is No Nodes?
    . If there are nodes your fighting off against then what nodes are they?
    and the Champs you facing off against.
    The reason I say that is I've been able to use champs to reduce ability accuracy against him in the past bypassing that ability and knocking him out.

    Happy to help to get this to kabam once people can get the above info filled out so it can be looked into.

    - I really don't know if this started with the Hotfix or the August update, maybe the OP knows @Dizzy
    - It is like this in all fights. Nodes or no nodes really doesn't matter. He used to get his buff, if there are no nodes that prevented it like fisticuffs.
    - I tested him in act 6 and act 7 and really the active nodes doesn't matter. He doesn't get his immortality buff like he used to get in the video OP posted. I tested him against act 7.2.4, B path, first fight jubilee and act 6.4.3, A path, first two fights, blade and void. AAR champs like AA or maybe even falcon worked like a charm against him, even the assassin mastery worked for him too, but now without any AAR, after 1 sp3, he just dies. If you are at %83 like in the video, and eat a sp3 from that same act 6 boss nick fury, you just die now. You can't tank 1 sp3 like in the video anymore. Hope OP knows if that came with the Hotfix or August update. Thank you RichTheMan, you are the man. I'll try to get a video against the same act 6 boss nick fury.
  • RichTheManRichTheMan Member Posts: 203 ★★★
    thanks for that extra info.
  • Onurre2Onurre2 Member Posts: 221 ★★★
    Here is the video against the same act 6 nick fury boss. Hope this helps, thanks again @RichTheMan
  • Onurre2Onurre2 Member Posts: 221 ★★★
    I made the video a little bit long, just to make the same conditions with nick being on his second life.
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,285 ★★★★★
    I am saving my 6* shards for the next featured for him - need some clarification here please
  • Kacar99Kacar99 Member Posts: 57
    I already invest in Hercules and I will R3 him and use the 75 generic sig stones we getting from SOP rewards.
    So before that I would like to know if this is a bug or silent nerf?
  • DizzyDizzy Member Posts: 237 ★★
    I unfortunately do not know if this is linked to the hot fix or not. I believe it IS, but cannot confirm - I think I noticed this bug (still hoping it is a bug) in the past 48 hours because I tank SP3s fairly consistently with Herc but again, not 100% positive and don’t want to spread misinformation.

    Rich, to your other questions - I’ve noticed this as well in a TON of fights without nodes or AAR - ie., 6.3.2 Fury (making sure there is no disorient), 5.4.6 Ultron (making sure he has no armor up buffs) - and at this point I think many others have observed the same issues across the game.
  • Onurre2Onurre2 Member Posts: 221 ★★★
    Thanks to Rich hope kabam responds soon to the hopefull "bug".
  • OurbeeOurbee Member Posts: 92
    edited August 2021

    thanks for that extra info.


    Check out the above for your channel before they edit it all and close the thread lol.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,939 ★★★★★
    The Abilities are clear. It's removed by a Special 3. This isn't the first time people have jumped on an Ability that was advertised on YouTube and not working as intended.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★

    Can we get our sig stones back? The wording of the signature ability makes it seem like as long as it’s not activated he can take a SP3.

    But why? The main focus of Herc was his damage. That's WHY everyone wanted him is because he's an offensive powerhouse. He's also a prestige champ as well so why would you want those removed?

    Honestly, I read it as if there's an SP3 involved, no immortality. You're being KO'd during that animation and you don't have a chance to recover like you do on other Specials.
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