Hercules immortality bug (or hotfix)



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,943 ★★★★★

    I never said that at all. I enjoy some myself. I don't consider them the official source for information, and I go to the source. I also don't think blind faith and allegiance is healthy either, but I don't have any issues with YouTubers in general.

    Yes u surely might like some of them. But your disliking for some of them is also well known. For instance u were against nerfing act6 just because some particular youtuber ranted about the bad design of act6 but hypocritically u didnt liked mysterio SOP fight and were saying why even allowed cavaliers to participate in SOP if fights were designed for thronebreakers.
    Let's back the misinformation train up a mile.
    I don't agree with the practices of *some* YouTubers. Spreading conspiracy, rabble rousing, and using their platforms to hate monger against people, is not what I call quality content.
    Not once did I say don't nerf Act 6. In fact, I was on board once I saw DNA's breakdown on the effects of using the top demographic as the gauge for perpetually-challenging content. What I said, as I've said many times, is that things aren't just changed because X YouTuber speaks out on it. It's not a control situation. Evidence, data, a number of Players pointing things out, many different factors go into change. Not just the attention of someone who makes content.
    As for Mysterio, I had an issue with it being that challenging that fast. When people say, "Git Gud.", or respond with "It should only be open to TB.", then I'm going to respond to that. It's a well-known fact that people are trying to get those T5CCs. Although my point was premature since a number of Fights were doable, there was still a point to what I was saying that you seem to have skipped over.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,943 ★★★★★
    5RSLY said:

    The misleading YouTube videos, and where responsibility lies for people having the wrong impression... That's a very different argument I'm not planning to get into. I can see several sides to that story. If you guys really want Herc-specific RDTs or a system like when Namor was "rebalanced" and you get back any resources you've used on him... Go for it. But consider where in earth you'll actually use those resources: if Herc isn't enough (even without the ability to tank SP3s)... who will be?

    Why would you say that the youtube videos were misleading when they were simply showing how he performed? At what point did Kabam stand up and say "hey this isn't how he is supposed to work, we are going to change it"

    When shang-chi was introduced they accidentally created a mechanism by which he could infinitely chain combos. They realized the error, acknowledged it and set forth expectations that this would be changed.

    The way herc was "fixed" was a completely silent change without warning. When people realized it, Kabam deleted two threads in general which were bringing light to this issue since no one knew if it was an intended nerf or not. Rather than give advance notice or approach the matter head on, this change was clandestine and it can't help but leave a very sour taste in my mouth (and probably many others) despite the fact that I still think that Herc is a great champ, he can just no longer tank SP3s.

    Like others have pointed out, pro-player "bugs" seem to take priority over other issues in the game that have persisted. I would just prefer if Kabam would focus on the quality of the user experience as a means to increase revenue rather than count how many units they can make users spend to complete content.
    There is no such thing as a pro-player bug. No one also posted asking if it was the intended outcome before the fix was implemented either. Once again, this is the only place to ask those questions. Not YouTube. As useful a resource as it can be, Kabam can only speak for Kabam. If it wasn't even brought to their attention by Players, how can they respond? It's been a month of working on some pretty significant issues.
    As for those Threads, it wasn't until I pointed out that the Bugs Section was the proper place to inquire, that it was responded to appropriately. This place has a history of generating "silent nerf" Posts, and if we're not sure if it's working as intended or not, there's a way to find out.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    5RSLY said:

    Like others have pointed out, pro-player "bugs" seem to take priority over other issues in the game that have persisted. I would just prefer if Kabam would focus on the quality of the user experience as a means to increase revenue rather than count how many units they can make users spend to complete content.

    If any of this was true, it wouldn't have taken a month and half for them to fix Hercules.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    BeastDad said:

    BeastDad said:

    Jeal79 said:

    Gmonkey said:

    I guess there will be compensation for anyone that did any eq and side quest last month for fighting a bugged Hercules since an sp3 was supposed to kill him.

    Epic response. An entire month fighting a bugged boss that should have fallen with my first Sp3.

    Kinda overly convenient that the bug wasn't removed when Kabam were the beneficiary.

    We can’t fix bugs during a cash grab event. Now that we have the money, we will nerf him and call it a bug.
    Cash grab event? Lol you must be terrible at the game for you to call anything in July a cash grab.
    Another “git gooodee” kabam apologist.
    Well.... Yeah. Seriously, if you think anything in July was a cash grab, you probably aren't very good and need something to place blame on. We know you won't admit you don't have the skills so you call it a cash grab.
  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,153 ★★★★

    Sorry for all those who are unhappy. But buffs can be (and always have been) instantaneously generated and removed during SP3s.

    Folks are saying it shouldn't be removed if it isn't there at the start of the SP3; but that's just plain wrong.

    Luke Cage has always shown us this. His Invulnerability is a buff, too. It's triggered when he is struck. When fighting with him since he was introduced around five years ago, it's been a legitimate strategy to punch the opponent all the way to SP3, then tank it.

    It's what Luke Cage does.

    Except when he's fighting Magik (or Symbiote Supreme). She Nullifies all buffs with her SP3. And she Nullifies his Invulnerability buff, even though it's only generated 'after' she hits him with the SP3. The 'tank an SP3' strategy doesn't work with her, and never has: He dies.

    So I'm afraid the argument about "It shouldn't be possible to remove a buff that isn't there" is simply out of keeping with the way the game works.

    This is how Herc should always have worked. If he didn't then that was a bug.

    The misleading YouTube videos, and where responsibility lies for people having the wrong impression... That's a very different argument I'm not planning to get into. I can see several sides to that story. If you guys really want Herc-specific RDTs or a system like when Namor was "rebalanced" and you get back any resources you've used on him... Go for it. But consider where in earth you'll actually use those resources: if Herc isn't enough (even without the ability to tank SP3s)... who will be?


    If Luke Cage can activate an indestructible buff during a special 3 that would have killed him (assuming it's from a champ that doesn't nullify buffs during/after the special 3), then why wouldn't Hercules activate his immortality buff in those same scenarios?


    I agree with everything you wrote here, but to that end, I think you've inadvertently proven the point that Hercules should survive a special 3 if his immortality buff hasn't been triggered yet.

    In the case of Luke Cage, if his indestructible is not on cool down, and he gets hit by a special 3 that would have killed him, his indestructible buff activates, and he survives the sp3. Completely agree that a champ like Magik, who nullifies all buffs with her sp3, will negate this. That said, a sp3 from Cyclops for example, would trigger Luke's indestructible leaving him at 1% health after the sp3.

    So with those scenarios in mind, I'd completely agree with Magik being able to kill Hercules with a sp3 regardless of whether or not his immortality buff was already up. That said, if Cyclops deals what would have been a killing blow when immortality is not active, it should active.

    Ultimately, I guess I'm joining the chorus of folks that think this is kind of a raw deal.
  • magnus_xixmagnus_xix Member Posts: 2,043 ★★★★★
    mgj0630 said:

    Sorry for all those who are unhappy. But buffs can be (and always have been) instantaneously generated and removed during SP3s.

    Folks are saying it shouldn't be removed if it isn't there at the start of the SP3; but that's just plain wrong.

    Luke Cage has always shown us this. His Invulnerability is a buff, too. It's triggered when he is struck. When fighting with him since he was introduced around five years ago, it's been a legitimate strategy to punch the opponent all the way to SP3, then tank it.

    It's what Luke Cage does.

    Except when he's fighting Magik (or Symbiote Supreme). She Nullifies all buffs with her SP3. And she Nullifies his Invulnerability buff, even though it's only generated 'after' she hits him with the SP3. The 'tank an SP3' strategy doesn't work with her, and never has: He dies.

    So I'm afraid the argument about "It shouldn't be possible to remove a buff that isn't there" is simply out of keeping with the way the game works.

    This is how Herc should always have worked. If he didn't then that was a bug.

    The misleading YouTube videos, and where responsibility lies for people having the wrong impression... That's a very different argument I'm not planning to get into. I can see several sides to that story. If you guys really want Herc-specific RDTs or a system like when Namor was "rebalanced" and you get back any resources you've used on him... Go for it. But consider where in earth you'll actually use those resources: if Herc isn't enough (even without the ability to tank SP3s)... who will be?


    If Luke Cage can activate an indestructible buff during a special 3 that would have killed him (assuming it's from a champ that doesn't nullify buffs during/after the special 3), then why wouldn't Hercules activate his immortality buff in those same scenarios?
    Luke Cage doesn't have a line in his abilities saying indestructible is removed when struck by a sp3. Hercules does.

    Another example would be Corvus funnily enough. If he's at 0% health and still has glaive charges, a knockdown will KO instantly. What doesn't happen, and what should happen if Hercules' cheat death mechanics were consistent here, is his glaive immunity go on cooldown for a few seconds and in those seconds you have to hit him to KO him.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    edited August 2021
    5RSLY said:

    5RSLY said:

    Like others have pointed out, pro-player "bugs" seem to take priority over other issues in the game that have persisted. I would just prefer if Kabam would focus on the quality of the user experience as a means to increase revenue rather than count how many units they can make users spend to complete content.

    If any of this was true, it wouldn't have taken a month and half for them to fix Hercules.
    Actually herc was “fixed” pretty quickly after players no longer had to fight him in EQ and the side event 😂
    Sure. If you call 2 weeks fast.

    Abyss Havok took close to a year and that save people countless revives and pots. "Pro player" bugs aren't always fixed right away. Bugs are bugs and should be fixed when they can.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,157 ★★★★★

    BeastDad said:

    BeastDad said:

    Jeal79 said:

    Gmonkey said:

    I guess there will be compensation for anyone that did any eq and side quest last month for fighting a bugged Hercules since an sp3 was supposed to kill him.

    Epic response. An entire month fighting a bugged boss that should have fallen with my first Sp3.

    Kinda overly convenient that the bug wasn't removed when Kabam were the beneficiary.

    We can’t fix bugs during a cash grab event. Now that we have the money, we will nerf him and call it a bug.
    Cash grab event? Lol you must be terrible at the game for you to call anything in July a cash grab.
    Another “git gooodee” kabam apologist.
    Well.... Yeah. Seriously, if you think anything in July was a cash grab, you probably aren't very good and need something to place blame on. We know you won't admit you don't have the skills so you call it a cash grab.
    The cash grab was showing Hercules with a certain ability, then people popping crystals and spending highly to get him. After the event they silently nerf one of his awesome abilities now that it doesn’t benefit them.

    Seriously, wake up.
  • Kacar99Kacar99 Member Posts: 57
    You waited for a month to fix Hercules after everyone including my self went hard for him and I used my 6* generic on him, which I wouldn’t do if I knew this would happen.

    No Hercules bug fix was to find when the update was up. Why did you fix him silently kabam?
    To me this is cash grab and greedy move from you.

    Yea my English isn’t the best if anyone going to correct me.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    AntzRodz said:

    BeastDad said:

    BeastDad said:

    Jeal79 said:

    Gmonkey said:

    I guess there will be compensation for anyone that did any eq and side quest last month for fighting a bugged Hercules since an sp3 was supposed to kill him.

    Epic response. An entire month fighting a bugged boss that should have fallen with my first Sp3.

    Kinda overly convenient that the bug wasn't removed when Kabam were the beneficiary.

    We can’t fix bugs during a cash grab event. Now that we have the money, we will nerf him and call it a bug.
    Cash grab event? Lol you must be terrible at the game for you to call anything in July a cash grab.
    Another “git gooodee” kabam apologist.
    Well.... Yeah. Seriously, if you think anything in July was a cash grab, you probably aren't very good and need something to place blame on. We know you won't admit you don't have the skills so you call it a cash grab.
    @Demonzfyre You are always against the community 🤣🤣... Buddy not all are skillful like u or I can say not all are pro dud like you... I sometimes guess whether u even play this game... 90% or just paid to get ur roster going.half the time you are commenting on post that others are having problems and u say no or is always against it... Everyone is free to say their opinions and suggestions but you .. always disagreeing and not accepting issue's just because u don't face them is soo Very unjust.... Take a break bud.. the play park is waiting for you..
    Nah. I'm good. Like you said, everyone is free to say their opinions.

    I'm not always against "the community". There's no way I'll ever agree that anything in July was a cash grab. It wasn't. Nothing about it can be considered that. That's my opinion, take it or leave it. Disagree with if you want or be one of the disagree trolls who hits the button but won't respond.

    Even in this response, you attack me instead of giving a reason why it's supposedly a cash grab.

    You do you though. Stay mad at Kabam but keep playing the game. Continue to only hate on them. I'll do me and stay true to myself.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    BeastDad said:

    BeastDad said:

    BeastDad said:

    Jeal79 said:

    Gmonkey said:

    I guess there will be compensation for anyone that did any eq and side quest last month for fighting a bugged Hercules since an sp3 was supposed to kill him.

    Epic response. An entire month fighting a bugged boss that should have fallen with my first Sp3.

    Kinda overly convenient that the bug wasn't removed when Kabam were the beneficiary.

    We can’t fix bugs during a cash grab event. Now that we have the money, we will nerf him and call it a bug.
    Cash grab event? Lol you must be terrible at the game for you to call anything in July a cash grab.
    Another “git gooodee” kabam apologist.
    Well.... Yeah. Seriously, if you think anything in July was a cash grab, you probably aren't very good and need something to place blame on. We know you won't admit you don't have the skills so you call it a cash grab.
    The cash grab was showing Hercules with a certain ability, then people popping crystals and spending highly to get him. After the event they silently nerf one of his awesome abilities now that it doesn’t benefit them.

    Seriously, wake up.
    Lol. Okay, sure. You're tinfoil is a little tight there. How's the Prof Hoff nation these days? Tin foil still easy to come by?
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    BeastDad said:

    BeastDad said:

    BeastDad said:

    BeastDad said:

    Jeal79 said:

    Gmonkey said:

    I guess there will be compensation for anyone that did any eq and side quest last month for fighting a bugged Hercules since an sp3 was supposed to kill him.

    Epic response. An entire month fighting a bugged boss that should have fallen with my first Sp3.

    Kinda overly convenient that the bug wasn't removed when Kabam were the beneficiary.

    We can’t fix bugs during a cash grab event. Now that we have the money, we will nerf him and call it a bug.
    Cash grab event? Lol you must be terrible at the game for you to call anything in July a cash grab.
    Another “git gooodee” kabam apologist.
    Well.... Yeah. Seriously, if you think anything in July was a cash grab, you probably aren't very good and need something to place blame on. We know you won't admit you don't have the skills so you call it a cash grab.
    The cash grab was showing Hercules with a certain ability, then people popping crystals and spending highly to get him. After the event they silently nerf one of his awesome abilities now that it doesn’t benefit them.

    Seriously, wake up.
    Lol. Okay, sure. You're tinfoil is a little tight there. How's the Prof Hoff nation these days? Tin foil still easy to come by?
    Yeah, that’s what I thought. Deflection, spin, repeat.
    You don't know what the definition of a cash grab is. Crystals sales is not an event. It's not a cash grab. Kabam didn't run some sort of advertisment saying "buy these Herc crystals because of his ability to tank sp3's".

    All the content creator videos were geared around talking about his damage output, not tanking a Sp2. Even then, most content creators are given dev notes on how a champ works and they try and figure out a rotation from that. Even they aren't fully aware of all the potential of a new champ. So if you're relying on a content creator for champ buying decisions, that's on you. Still not a cash grab.

    A "cash grab" is an event designed to cost you money. Like the claw machines in an arcade. Optional crystals you can buy to get a champ faster vs running arena is not a cash grab.

    Kabam hasn't ever changed the wording in Hercs description. It's stayed the same this whole time. They also didn't come out and specifically say "herc can do this". The community assumed by the text that it was possible and there's a video or two showing it. Kabam is saying it was bugged and the description to me me makes me think the same.

    I agree that the change should have been announced. And I also agree if that's the case, the wording needs to be said a little different.

    But in no way was ANYTHING a cash grab in July. Take the tinfoil off and wake up (in your words obviously).
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    Fuzzycat said:

    🤣 🤣 🤣 TRUST Kabam to fix a “bug” of a champ AFTER whales (and non-whales) have spent $$$$$$$$$$ and countless hours grinding in arenas to get that champ primarily because of that “bug” 🤣 🤣 🤣

    There are so many Youtube videos showcasing this specific ability of Hercules when he first came out. If this was a “bug”, how come Kabam didn’t “fix” it earlier but waited for the hype to die down before it decided to covertly “fix” the “bug”!!???!! 🤣 🤣 🤣


    No, whales did because of his prestige. Others did because of his offensive abilities. If you're playing right, you shouldn't ever have to tank a Sp3.

    You need more emojis.
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