Missing Items in Stash [Merged Threads]



  • IamNortonIamNorton Member Posts: 26

    5k iso
    Revives potions alfa t1
    Everything gone ... KABAM FIX THIS

    So you can just do a quest that would put an item in storage and it gives you everything back stop crying
  • GoofballanatotGoofballanatot Member Posts: 165
    Yea as soon as I added to my stash again it all came back too. I was able to screen shot it this time so I don’t lose anything
  • IamNortonIamNorton Member Posts: 26
    Duo_Kulio said:

    Oh no KABAM you messed up again, please fix it and hopefully the correct amount of resources will be returned! Because if they have a problem with returning the content, it will be the biggest problem KABAM has had.

    Do 1 quest that gives an item that puts it in storage and you get everything back it's a visual bug stop crying
  • FrankWhiteFrankWhite Member Posts: 183 ★★
    **Temporary fix**

    Open a PHC and the stash is back till you restart the game
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    IamNorton said:

    So you can just do a quest that would put an item in storage and it gives you everything back stop crying
    If you restart it disappears again.
  • asramasram Member Posts: 4
    asram said:

    I opened 10 crystals and the new excess show up in the stash, but my old stash is still gone.
    Restarted again, and now my stash is empty again.
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  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    asram said:

    I opened 10 crystals and the new excess show up in the stash, but my old stash is still gone.
    Try opening a 3* crystal to get some iso from a dupe. That has worked for me several times now but my stash disappears every time I restart the game.

    The fact that it all comes back gives me hope that it’s not all lost but the lack of update makes me wonder what is going on. Hopefully they think they are close to a fix and are waiting for the fix before they post.
  • MikeHancho31MikeHancho31 Member Posts: 247 ★★★
    IamNorton said:

    So you can just do a quest that would put an item in storage and it gives you everything back stop crying
    Yeah, that doesn't work.
  • MikeHancho31MikeHancho31 Member Posts: 247 ★★★

    **Temporary fix**

    Open a PHC and the stash is back till you restart the game

    Nope, just did that and opened up some 4 hour crystals, reset my game and nothing.
  • runtru1runtru1 Member Posts: 3
    Hey...long time player. I have a stash of over 1k catalysts, ISOs, items etc. I logged in today and everything is gone!

    I was even rewarded 2 ISOs at login and they showed up as the only 2 things in my stash. I, obviously, panicked and reset the game. Again, my stash was empty including those 2 ISOs.

    Note: this is not an item expiration issue...I play often (multiple times a day) and watch those often.

    Has this happened to anyone? I've spent a lot of money on MCOC and this is pretty disheartening.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,451 ★★★★★

    Hey all, sorry for the late reply. I've been following along with the team, and we are aware of this issue and are working to fix it ASAP.

    I will have more information for you as soon as I can get it.

    How will you know how much we had before it disappeared?

    Dr. Zola
  • yitfout_1yitfout_1 Member Posts: 2
    I have also lost my entire Stash today.

    Beyond frustrating.
    1,000s of items gone.

    Sent KABAM Support a concerning email , waiting to hear back.

    ... & today is a Level Up.


  • ILLUSION8ILLUSION8 Member Posts: 244
    DrZola said:

    How will you know how much we had before it disappeared?

    Dr. Zola
    The data is still within the game as many players including myself have had the stash reappear before going again. This the info is still there.
  • FabiusBRFabiusBR Member Posts: 303 ★★★
    DrZola said:

    How will you know how much we had before it disappeared?

    Dr. Zola
    And even if items are restored, how will we know what has expired while waiting on a fix? I went into the game earlier to use an energy refill and other items getting ready to expire and they are all gone.
  • KoiBoy18KoiBoy18 Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    Also need to account for items that expire when the overflow is missing
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  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★

    The items don't physically exist in your account, stash, or device. All of that data still exists on the server, which is where it always is. The issue is that there is a problem accessing that information right now.
    I’m trying to finish the last 5 repetitive paths of the paragon quest. I just used boosts. Now I don’t know which revives to use first since I don’t know which are expiring first. Suggestions?
  • GFactorGFactor Member Posts: 21
    Same here, don’t know if I should be relieved that I’m not the only one.😳
  • BadahBadah Member Posts: 323 ★★
    Another day, another bug… no one gets fired there? with all the money that Kabam makes, can’t they hire professionals to develop/maintain the game? It looks like it is done by teenagers using ChatGPT to code…
  • RC51RC51 Member Posts: 212
    edited August 2023
    Just adding to the confirmation pile: everything is gone from Inventory and Stash for myself and several alliance-mates.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,210 ★★★★★
    Osfan8 said:

    I’m trying to finish the last 5 repetitive paths of the paragon quest. I just used boosts. Now I don’t know which revives to use first since I don’t know which are expiring first. Suggestions?
  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    I guess I let the boosts expire.
  • GFactorGFactor Member Posts: 21

    Found the fix. Pop a crystal to reveal your stash again. Don’t spin but pop anything

    Thanks, this worked for me!🙃
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,323 ★★★★★
    @Osfan8 said:

    I’m trying to finish the last 5 repetitive paths of the paragon quest. I just used boosts. Now I don’t know which revives to use first since I don’t know which are expiring first. Suggestions?
    Open a crystal. You should see the stash restored.
  • 11993451199345 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    That works until you close out/restart the game
  • CsuttonCsutton Member Posts: 231 ★★
    Same entire stash of cats, iso, items and unclaimed rewards gone
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