Win matches or fights for objectives?

Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 931 ★★★★

As title states, are full match wins required for objectives or individual fights? If it's match wins required, this event just became a lot more grindy


  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike Are objectives working as they should? I thought we have to win fights not the whole match to get objectives done!?
  • Jclark3168Jclark3168 Member Posts: 85
    I’m on the 4th milestone now. Won 2 MATCHES but only have 2 points in the milestone. Where the tasks under the battle grounds tab listed as win 2 matches is now complete.
  • NastyPhishNastyPhish Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    they intended it to function one way. it didn't, they didn't catch it, and now corrected the text to make what we have in game (since thats what us players have to deal with) correctly worded, to be achievable. I understand it's different than the post. For now, get over it and get your rewards.

    original plan? no.

    ok fix? sure.
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,392 ★★★★
    I knew something was off. I just did a match this morning and checked my progress after the fact and said out loud “pretty sure this said ‘fights’ yesterday when I was playing…”

    Glad to know I’m not going senile that quickly.
  • WinterFieldsWinterFields Member Posts: 777 ★★★★

    Jinxesaxe said:

    they intended it to function one way. it didn't, they didn't catch it, and now corrected the text to make what we have in game (since thats what us players have to deal with) correctly worded, to be achievable. I understand it's different than the post. For now, get over it and get your rewards.

    original plan? no.

    ok fix? sure.

    I have no problem with it being match wins. I have problem when it’s unacknowledged and changed without any sort of explanation.

    This is the lack of transparency everyone talks about when it comes to Kabam. I understand making a mistake. I draw a line when you refuse to make any comment on that mistake, and try to quietly change it.

    I have a lot of respect for the Kabam team. They do a lot of good that is often overlooked. This is a situation where that respect is being tested and strained.

    TL;DR I don’t mind having to win matches over fights, the lack of statement about the change is what I care about


    Couldn't agree more. My only reason issue with the fights/matches change is it's 32 fights @ 100% win rate. Is that possible, yes. Odds of that happening, pretty slim. But the radio silence is plain garbage
    zuffy said:

    Expecting to win 32 matches is just insane. Kabam need to fix this. They had it in writing. You can’t play dumb and go revise it from fight to match.

    It's not 32 wins and doesn't require a 100% win rate to only do it in 32 matches. It's 16 wins and 16 completions, which is significantly easier than 32 wins. Still far worse though than if it was fights
  • DrauglinDrauglin Member Posts: 192 ★★
    This post has been up for 24 hours without an official response @Kabam Miike Any explanation for the silent change even if it’s the usual “the original forum post and objective wording was not what was intended,” would be appreciated.
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