New account challenge, with a twist... is it possible?

So, now the rewards of the earlier acts have been buffed, I've decided to attempt a challenge I've had in my head for a while. I want to try to beat the story, doing only completion and no other game modes.
The Rules:
- Only story mode is allowed, no EQ, BGs, etc. (I may allow arena later on if the challenge becomes too hard)
- Once I've beaten a story quest, the ONLY piece of content I can do is the next story quest, no going back for exploration.
- I'm only allowed rewards I get from story mode. No bonuses, solo events, objectives, crystals from calendars, free crystals etc. (Of course I have no choice but to break this rule with the crystals you are forced to buy/open at the start of the game)
It's simple enough, but I expect it will be tricky, especially with iso, and the 4* ban in act 6.
I will post updates here of all my progress, and will probably need advice for nexus crystals, path choices and rank ups. Feel free to join me and give it a shot as well!
The Rules:
- Only story mode is allowed, no EQ, BGs, etc. (I may allow arena later on if the challenge becomes too hard)
- Once I've beaten a story quest, the ONLY piece of content I can do is the next story quest, no going back for exploration.
- I'm only allowed rewards I get from story mode. No bonuses, solo events, objectives, crystals from calendars, free crystals etc. (Of course I have no choice but to break this rule with the crystals you are forced to buy/open at the start of the game)
It's simple enough, but I expect it will be tricky, especially with iso, and the 4* ban in act 6.
I will post updates here of all my progress, and will probably need advice for nexus crystals, path choices and rank ups. Feel free to join me and give it a shot as well!
Act 1 was obviously quite easy. Here's the roster. Looking pretty stacked if I do say so myself.
If I beat 6.2
Absolutely, don't think it would be possible without.
Oh yeah, forgot about those. Only 1k though so no 7*.
Can't beat kang without dexterity, cant get dexterity without beating kang.
I was hoping to avoid using resources on 1*/2*s, but it looks like I'm going to have to upgrade someone if I want to beat this guy reviveless.
I think I have 3 options to tackle this fight. Stark spidey, and hope that he evades lots of the sp1s. Cap and hope that he perfect parties lots of tbe sp1s. Or Vision and try to stop him from throwing specials at all.
I think my best bet there is vision, since the other 2 both rely heavily on luck, and cap does no damage, and having a 2 star with power control could be useful in further quests.
Act 2 down. It was surprisingly hellish due to the horrific AI at the start of the game and not having dex. No revives used though. One Lvl1 health pot against the electro boss which was to be expected. Only used a bit of iso to level up vision, didn't rank him.
Finally have dexterity, which will make a massive difference.
Now, for a big choice.
Help me out guys, I know little to nothing about rintrah offensively, and diablo for that matter. Seriously important I get this right, I could be relying on this champion until Act 4 or even 5.
Im calling it a night anyway now. Cant believe act 2 broke me as much as it did lol. Please give me your advice for this nexus too, much appreciated. 🙏
Thanks for the advice guys. Remember this champ is going to have to carry me pretty much solo through all of act 3 and put some work in act 4 as well, so it's not necessarily who's the best, its who's going to be able to cover more fights safely.
Its why I'm starting to lean towards rintrah, since he's naturally tanky. How's his utility though?
Decided to go with rintrah after doing some research.
Unfortunately I have another problem with this challenge.
This calendar that you have no choice but to claim. I considered making it a rule that I cant use the champions I'm going to get from this, but I think that's a bit silly so I'm going to allow it. And I'll probably need them too if i want to stand a chance of making progress.
I'm still not going to touch any of the crystals I get from this calendar, but any champions and rank up mats that go straight to my inventory seem like a hassle to avoid.