I almost chose the 4>5 gem, because the min-maxer in me knows that it's objectively the better choice. Saving on resources across the board - but I went for the crystal. Opening two right away would give me a chance at three new 7* champions (I picked Civil Warrior for this purpose) or a small chance at duping a champ from the Loyalty crystal.
I got Aarkus and Storm, so with Civil Warrior that's a full arena team. More points, more gold, more battlechips translates to more new champions, more units/energy.
4>5 is still objectively the best choice. Save your resources. But I wanted more champions, no regrets.
I pulled the trigger too soon and went for the 7* crystal, didn’t realized it’s in the loyalty store. Got aarkus and happy with it. Then got another loyalty crystal from loyalty store. Pulled void. Not too useful since I have an R4 void max sig.
Thinking back. I should had went with the 4-5 gem and buy the loyalty crystal from loyalty store.
No regrets, R5 Gem sounds tempting, but materials for that will come quicker and quicker over time and after X-Mas it will be widely accessible anyway while another 1.5 million Loyalty are hard to earn.
Trade offer. I'll give you my Howard. You give me your black cat lmaoo
Probably would have been fine with Howard, but Felicia was my #1.
Dr. Zola
Hey is black good even unduped? People are saying she's the best in the pool is that true?
I like her combination of abilities and damage. DAAR is very useful; she bleeds opponents; and she has a fun and easy to use play style.
Personally, I don’t think the dupe is necessary, but it can be nice to have. Basically, it gives her a combo shield (nice to keep the DAAR up) and a chance to evade.
As for the best…I tend to think Black Cat, Storm, Howard and maybe Aarkus are the top pulls. Void is fine too, but you’d really prefer to have him awakened. Mordo isn’t my cup of tea.
I got Aarkus and Storm, so with Civil Warrior that's a full arena team. More points, more gold, more battlechips translates to more new champions, more units/energy.
4>5 is still objectively the best choice. Save your resources.
But I wanted more champions, no regrets.
Thinking back. I should had went with the 4-5 gem and buy the loyalty crystal from loyalty store.
For some reason i liked this weird movie as a kid. For nostalgic reasons i’m gonna learn quack fu!
Pulled a Mutant.
Personally, I don’t think the dupe is necessary, but it can be nice to have. Basically, it gives her a combo shield (nice to keep the DAAR up) and a chance to evade.
As for the best…I tend to think Black Cat, Storm, Howard and maybe Aarkus are the top pulls. Void is fine too, but you’d really prefer to have him awakened. Mordo isn’t my cup of tea.
Dr. Zola