Since when does a cosmic nullify

Venoms special 1 says nullify and his nom nom was always a work around for that nonsense. Now it says in his kit it's a nullify. I don't remember that ever saying nullify.
The only symbiote that can remove buffs without technically nullifying is Venompool right now.
Venompool is the one who works against nullify immune characters as well
Kamala Khan also Nullifies on her Special Attacks.
And Cosmic Ghost Rider has a Fate Seal.
Venompool can also eat buffs; whilst Ronan can 'convert' Armour into armour break, and Fury into weakness.
Nullify effects are effects that are literally labelled "Nullify" in the game, whether we see the label or not. Venom's SP1 is a Nullify. OS is immune to Nullify effects, so Venom's SP1 cannot remove OS buffs. However, Venom's heavy deals Armor Break. An Armor Break is an effect with the label "Armor Break" on it, and this effect does two things. First, it places an effect on the target that lowers armor rating. And second, it removes one armor buff. Actually, there's an additional technical wrinkle, if I recall correctly Armor Break effects "ask" the target to pretty please self-nullify one armor buff off of themselves. That is actually how some champs cannot have their armor up effects removed by armor break. They just ignore that request. Either way, Omega Sentinel is not immune to Armor Breaks from Venom, so Venom can remove armor buffs from OS with heavy, but not with SP1.
Because Armor Break effects are not Nullify effects, Omega Sentinel is not immune to them, even though one of the things they do is execute the low-level game mechanic that is coincidentally called "nullify." Same is true with Medusa's armor breaks (or any other armor breaks in the game).