iPhone 15 control issues

I recently upgraded to an iPhone 15 pro max and I am finding that when I am attempting to block or parry, the character dashes forward/performs a medium attack. On occasion it will cause me to dash back. It is inconsistent but it seems that when holding block and the screen moves past where I am holding block the game interprets it as a dash. I can play a lot of rounds with no issue and then it will happen over and over causing many lost fights. Anyone else having this issue? I’ve reset the phone, uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Any suggestions or is this something that will need to be addressed in a future update?
You’ll probably have some input issues for the next 4-6 months. I had the same with my iPhone 13 Pro back in the days.
Tlrd: it’s unfortunately normal, new iPhones always have issues with mcoc
Dr. Zola
Got my 15 pro max arriving mid to late October. Fingers crossed they get their act together by November update.
Crazy these issues arise every year without fail.
iPhone 15 pro Max
iOS 17.0.3
Latest MCoC release
Getting exact same issues. block becomes dash forward, and combo dropping. Frustrating
But glad im not the only one
@Kabam Miike / Jax , any idea if this is being addressed in November update ?
I have been trying to control my thumbs better but this is very frustrating.
Has anyone tried something like a screen protector to work around this?
Only thing that helped me (but not solved) was:
Open the Settings app. Tap Accessibility > Motion. Turn on Limit Frame Rate
Overall, this is gimping your phone, but can help in MCOC.
Legit can't make this up. Rolled a 0 for support staff apparently.
2 things i've noticed.
either the game doesn't recognize an input and you stand there getting hit in the face and need to press press press until block happens or dex registers
2nd one is the dash forward on block - mostly happens when i try and block a special attack when i'm close to the defender