Deathless Piece in BG is a joke

Putting a trophy champion piece in a game mode that is rife with hackers and whales is ridiculous. To get the piece you need luck to avoid modders or whales with 10+ 7* champs , it’s becoming increasingly annoying especially as now there’s a good chance people will miss out on a piece and then have to spend units for the missing piece later on in the game. Could of been a loyalty or glory cost to increase alliance engagements or even a token price like the 6* so you aren’t relying on making GC
Kabam said that the deathless champs are endgame content, and I think it was very generous for them to give one out for free and one as a reward for getting into GC.
...which will be, you know... very challenging.
Definitely an expensive champ, it seemed more obtainable from the first piece we got for free.
They also said they're looking at potentially bringing pieces back later in other content but they weren't sure yet
I hate BG, but seeing as I REALLY want to try and get the Guilly I decided to just push through, use some shields and did it earlier today
Entitled much?
This is not meant to be easy; this is not meant for everybody to be able to do it. There's no reason you should assume that just because you want to get this Champion, you'll be able to. This is a year-long, challenge event for players to strive towards.
Many will try, most will fail, and that's the intention.
One for Necropolis completion and another for a new Carina Challenge like 7 for 7 … and the last from X-Mas Banquet spending Event.
It’s simply not meant for you to get the 7* if you are not one of these 10+ 7* rosters.
Edit: also when is the video out that was mentioned on the livestream.
And eventhough the chances are low that I'll be able to get every champ, I think this is an incredibly cool event and I can't wait to work through it all!