Biggest mcoc dissapointment in years.

Honestly. The ONE I didn't want. Completely baffled as to why she's even in a crystal that takes 7 months to get. What a let down. Just worthless. I would have honestly preferred a standard 7 star crystal. Shes my least favorite skill. Black Panther civil war or winter solidier would have been better. Wah. Wah wah. Thanks for listening. 🤣 im so severely bummed man. 

I'm not saying she's the best in the Titan but she's far from being the worst.
Not just true for the crystal, but also for the entire game, the game tries to have something for everyone, not everything for someone. There are lots of things other people want that you don’t want. If the game only makes things you like, there will be a lot of other players that will never get what they want. Just like if the game only added things I like, you probably would not see the things you want either. Sometimes the game does things for people like you, and sometimes it does things for people not like you.
But in a sense, everything the game does helps you, if you’re one of the people that wants a healthy long lasting game. Because a game that only did what you wanted probably wouldn’t last long. A game that does what you want sometimes and what other people want sometimes has more players, more variety, more interest, more engagement, and had a better chance of lasting longer.
So if you want the party to keep on going, give the people who like Jabari Panther a spot in the Titan crystal, even if that means you might pull her. In the long run, it’s better for everyone.
Jabari is far from terrible and does quite well with many different scenarios, but given the sheer number of bangers in the Titan she can seem disappointing. No one made me pop the Titan that yielded her—that was purely my decision. All I can do is make the best of it and mitigate the possibility of similar outcomes from my next Titan.
Dr. Zola
Any path where you need to shrug debuffs from, she excels at and doesn't need a synergy partner like KP.
Need a path where you need debuffs, she's has them.
Need to prevent evade? She can do that.
She's great for a lot of content. It's fine that you don't like her but don't think that shes worthless because she's not.
Nothing against her, I just don't think she's worth a titan crystal. I'd be fine getting her from a regular 7 star, but wouldn't really want her.