When will the generosity end?!
Member Posts: 145 ★★
Clearly as a paragon player this is WAYYY too good for me and Kabam deserves all the praises In the world for such amazing threat 5 rewards!😩
No one is forcing you to do anything in this game. I skip content all the time, if I don't find it fun.
I'll do them for the sigs.
I’m not even really mad at the gold but if we gonna act like it’s the saving grace of this month sq…yikes… expectations are severely low
I’ll probably end up waiting till the last week, seeing who the easiest boss is, and grinding that one for the gold I’m in desperate need of.
The BG push kinda burnt me out so I’ll be playing less for a while anyway so I’m not sad this side quest is less rewarding because I don’t feel like I’m missing out as much and getting the top tier rewards only takes 4 runs after some easy duels.
So I agree, rewards are meh, but I’m ok with that this month. And we’ve got the Deadpool thing going on for extra stuff too.
But since you mentioned how paragon players now have access to r2s and 3s, explain to me the significance of doing sq In order to achieve them goals of r2 and 3 7*s? “Invest your time wisely” are you telling me to it play sq like everyone else? Or are you gonna tell me you able to achieve all those ranks up through this month sq? Cause I’m genuinely confused as to what point you tried to make here
I thought the rewards for 2 boss fights so far are fine
To each their own i suppose
Those people complaining, need these resources to grow their rosters. They can't make 40 different size quests for the range of different rosters out there. Do them or don't do them. It's up to you but you need to keep the big picture in mind for those players who still value that stuff.
Most players think the goal of content rewards should be for the rewards to be as high as possible without breaking the game. But it tends to be the reverse: they are as low as they can be and still function as reasonable content incentives, because the higher they are, the higher overall game inflation is, and the sooner the progress ladders have to be extended. This acts to widen the player progress curve, making it harder for newer players who join the game later to be able to catch up to the center of mass of the player population, which in turn makes the game more hostile to newer players, which has an overall negative effect on the long term viability of the game.
Every player has different thresholds and different valuation perspectives. The devs cannot target the players who need the largest amount of rewards relative to incentive. They have to target the average. They measure their success by how many players vote with their time and actually play the content. You could say some players would say it isn't worth it but do it anyway, but that's not how this works. If they play it, they are voting that it is worth playing by definition. So they are always aiming lower than what some players think is proper, and deliberately so. That's not going to change, so long as the majority of players feels differently.
Different people will disagree on the precise details, even different game economy designers will do that. But I think most game developers and most economy designers would agree with that idea in general terms. Different content has different intentions and requirements, and thus they are balanced around different criteria. But an overarching priority is not to induce more inflation than necessary, which tends to create circumstances where some rewards stand out, and others are more pedestrian.
Just pulled a 6* Attuma…happy 🥳 R3 2morrow, ready for BG defence next season 🧨💥👻
-The 4 chests you get throughout the month? I can’t complain about. Yeah maybe I personally wish the r4 resources were at least 1.5 or 2, but like some of you mentioned; paragon been out so long that’s NUMEROUS different “levels” of paragon accounts, so yes fair. And 2k 7* shards( in addition to the other events) is great. I would be greedy to complain to about that, when 7*s progression exponentially faster than previous times( 5* $ 6*s)
- If you have the time, units, and/or money, necropolis is great, and while a unit dump still; it’s designed significantly better than previous long form content imo. Though this isn’t for this majority of people I’d say, it’s still majorly important and an improvement in the area nonetheless.
I’m not here to be ignorant, I do want to discuss like I said earlier. My sole point is I feel Side quest this month(SPECIFICALLY) is a bit of a miss outside of the 4 chest. If we’re gonna get so many ropes(which I’m not complaining about), I would wish the content itself felt more rewarding, even with keeping in mind that the totality of rewards is broken up in roughly 30-31 entries