Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,192 ★★★★★
    edited December 2017
    Captain Britain (mystic class), MI13 series uniform or a masked variant thereof, not with the beard and eye-patch.

    Has Confidence as a passive ability, which with his Sig activated would start him with 1 bar of power. Confidence would act as a kind of power gain, but if he gets hit by 5 blows, he loses Confidence and his power stops gaining. Going to 10 hits triggers a power drain which depletes his power bar until either empty or he manages a 5 hit combo. If he keeps landing hits on his enemy, his power gain speeds up until his power bar is full and then locks until a SP3 is triggered or his Confidence is broken.

    SP1 does stun for 10 seconds and is a powerful combo of punches.

    SP2 does Stun for 20 seconds and is a flurry of punches and kicks.

    SP3 Sees him grab his opponent, fly them into the air, slam them into the ground, before pulling out Excalibur to hit them with a down stroke blow. Does Bleed and Stun damage if opponent is not KO.

    Synergies with Captain America (Special Relationship), Psylocke (Family), Blade (Team Mates)
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,192 ★★★★★
    Union Jack (Skill class) WW2 version.

    Sig ability is 'Stiff Upper Lip', he's able to regenerate 25% health once below 10% health and blocks any poison/bleed type debuffs.

    Passive abilities include doing Bleed and Incinerate off Specials.

    SP1, 'Not Queensbury Rules', pulls out his silver dagger and slices and stabs opponent in 4 moves. Bleed damage.

    SP2, 'Three Rounds Rapid', pulls out Webley revolver and fires three rounds, for larger Bleed damage.

    SP3 'Guns of Albion', pulls out his Sten gun, fires off a burst of automatic fire, pulls out Webley and fires off six rounds, dashes back, pulls out a grenade and throws it. Bleed damage and incinerate.

    Synergies with Captain America (WW2) and Winter Soldier (Team Mates), Captain America (Allies) and Captain Britain (Best of British)
  • ShtickRickShtickRick Member Posts: 210
    @CrusherOfDreams so many of the champs you suggested were added to the game.
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132

    (dual class: mutant/mystic)

    Selene starts the fight with a unique Degen on her. Any other type of damage over time effect that is applied to her is removed and instead its potency is added to her default degen (for instance, poison, bleed, incinerate, coldsnap, neurotoxin, and limbo is removed and the damage they deal is added to her default degen)

    Sp1: She temporarily increases her attack, crit rate and crit damage for (?) seconds, at the cost of increasing the damage of her degen.

    Sp3: she transfers her degen to the opponent and then she gains a corresponding regen. The degen on the enemy and the regen on her lasts (?) seconds, after which Selene's default degen is applied once again to herself.

    MIND CONTROL (maybe sig ability?)
    Whenever she defeats an enemy, if she was able to do at least 10 times more hits than that enemy (ex. if Selene deals 100 hits and receives just 10 or less hits from the enemy) she gains control of that enemy. That enemy becomes a playable character with health and attack that is a fraction of Selene's attack and health. In case she is a defender in AQ or AW, if she has any mind-controlled minions, these minions have to be fought and defeated first before Selene can be fought. In addition to their default abilities, these minions possess a personnal degen that functions like Selene's degen. (maybe a higher sig ability means the minions have higher attack/health)
  • bowser369bowser369 Member Posts: 6
    Man-Spider (Science)
    Further mutation... Won't be human
    Signature move - Arachnophobia - He disappears into the foreground, as his opponent frantically looks around for him. Paralyzed in fear, the opponent is then tackled down and beaten, ultimately to be wrapped in a web cocoon.

  • REN_BOLREN_BOL Member Posts: 6
    Sandman. Class: science. 4 * Rank 5/50: Health: 14000 effective Sand man starts a fight with one "sand shield" effect. Sand shield is like 8 armor effects. When a sand person has 75% health, another 1 "sand shield" effect is added to it. When it becomes 50% and 25%, one effect is added to the "sand shield". If a sand person has 25% health, then he has a regeneration effect that restores 2% of his total health. The effect will last until the opponent hits the sand man. When a sand man is fighting against any spider person, then 5 effects of rage are superimposed on him. These effects last 10 seconds and appear again after 20 seconds. 1 special attack: sand man beats the enemy with a huge sand fist, throwing it back. On the opponent is applied the effect of "Armor Penetration" which lasts 10 seconds. 2 special attack: sand man with two huge hands beats the enemy like a hulk. The effect is imposed on the enemy "Prohibition on cures" and "Impotence". 3 special attack: the sand man becomes huge, takes the enemy and swings it. The effect of "sand in the legs" is superimposed on the opponent. This effect reduces the effectiveness of all positive effects by 60% and lasts 30 seconds. Imbues the effect of "Prohibition of healing" for 20 seconds and the effect of "Impotence" for 20 seconds. Synergy: Enemies, unique synergy: Spiderman (classic) Spiderman gets + 30% damage. Sand man gets + 0.5% to regeneration. One goal, unique synergy: Ven Ven gets + 30% bleeding. Sand man gets +0.5 to regenerate Friends, unique synergy: Doctor Octopus Doctor Octopus gets + 35% to all positive effects. Sand man gets + 0.5% to regeneration. If all three synergies are used, then to the sand man will be added + 1.5% to regeneration.
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132


    the ability to disarm opponents that have weapons. Possible effects could be reduced damage done by these foes and increased damage done by Air-Walker for a certain duration.

    After Air-Walker dies for the first time in a quest or war, once he is revived, he gains the "robot" trait (with the usual immunities to bleed and poison)
  • sfu_koraxsfu_korax Member Posts: 246 ★★
    WE NEED KORG and more gladiators from planet hulk
  • Ansh_TiwariAnsh_Tiwari Member Posts: 1
    My suggestions for a new character - - -

    Heimdal (cosmic/mystic)
    Odin (cosmic)
    Bishop (mutant)
    Quick Silver (mutant)
    The Thing (cosmic)
    Mr Fantastic (cosmic)
    Human Torch (cosmic)
    Invisible Girl (cosmic)

  • nield04nield04 Member Posts: 27
    Why not make some "Infinite" type characters playable? (e.g Collector, Maestro, etc.)
    1-4. ALL of the Fantastic Four
    5. Kraven
    6. Nova
    7. Wasp
    8. Galactus
    9. Korvac
    10. Infinity Gauntlet Thanos
    11. Lizard
    12. Captain Marvel (the male variant)
    13. Beta Ray Bill
    14. Captain Britain
    15. Spider-Man 2099
    16. Dark Phoenix
    17. White Phoenix
    18. Hobgoblin
    19. Namor
    20. Dr. Doom
    21. Nick Fury
  • RockonRockon Member Posts: 271
    nield04 wrote: »
    Why not make some "Infinite" type characters playable? (e.g Collector, Maestro, etc.)
    1-4. ALL of the Fantastic Four
    5. Kraven
    6. Nova
    7. Wasp
    8. Galactus
    9. Korvac
    10. Infinity Gauntlet Thanos
    11. Lizard
    12. Captain Marvel (the male variant)
    13. Beta Ray Bill
    14. Captain Britain
    15. Spider-Man 2099
    16. Dark Phoenix
    17. White Phoenix
    18. Hobgoblin
    19. Namor
    20. Dr. Doom
    21. Nick Fury

    awesome list I too want to see these same characters, also BOB from AIM accounting and Dogpool just because you put in Howard the Duck
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    How bout these guys:
    White Tiger
    Spider-Man 2099
    Spider woman
    Lockjaw (Make him playable pleeeeaa)
    Molten Man
    Anti venom
    And last but certainly not least please please PLEASE buff all the champs who need it... is it possible to do crossovers? Cause dear god if I could get 5* Batman or Sephiroth... Good Game
  • adamjakubiadamjakubi Member Posts: 42
    These 30 champs would all be rad additions - no particular order...

    Emma Frost
    Mr. Sinister
    Omega Red
    ANY Fantastic 4
    Jean Grey
    Lady Deathstrike
    Dr Doom
    Shadow King
    Silver Surfer
    Kitty Pride
    Red Skull
    Nimrod (or any other sentinel)

  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★
    I'd love to see Cloak and Dagger
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132



    Cornered Animal
    The closer Tigra is to her corner of the battlefield, she gains an attack bonus.

    Scent of Blood
    If the enemy was bleeding in a previous fight (in case Tigra is a defender in war or a part of a quest), Tigra gets an additional attack bonus. (originally an idea for Sabretooth but i heard he'll be joining the contest soon)

    Acute Senses
    Infrared vision - can see invisible champs such as Hood. (and in case the battlefield is dark, enemies will have a reddish glow to them so they are more visible -- useful versus champs that wear black and can blend into the background)
    Acute sense of smell - in case we are going back to hidden defenders, Tigra can identify what the hidden champ is one node away.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Spidey 2099
    Beetle (male or female I don’t care)
    Anti Venom
    Devil Dynosuar
    Revamp the trash champs (you don’t have to make them god tier just make them useable)
    Doctor Doom
    Deadpool 2099
    Black Widow 2099
    Ultimate Goblin
    And plz do crossovers to do these guys
    Dante (DMC)
    Verygil (DMC)
    Chuck Norris
    Sora (KH)
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132


    Robot, with regen that is noticeably inferior to Ultron's regen.

    Mutant Hunter
    passive ability: reduces Mutant ability accuracy by (?)%.

    Emergency Teleport
    When Nimrod is severely injured, he has a chance to teleport out of the battlefield. His retreat will count as a "kill" for the purposes of AW. This ability is disabled if he is a defender in quests or in AW.
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132


    a few ideas:

    Her attacks deal mostly psychic damage. This damage does not influence a champ's health. Instead maybe a separate "psychic health" bar can be placed so players can track the amount of psychic damage inflicted. After the enemy has suffered a certain amount of psychic damage, that champ is KO'd regardless of its remaining health. Psychic damage cannot be healed by the normal regen ability.

    Organic diamond form
    After executing a special attack, she activates this form, rendering her immune to bleed and resistant to physical damage and temperature extremes. But this form deactivates her telepathy, and thus limits herself to dealing just physical damage.

    Cyclops (White Queen starts and ends the fight in diamond form)

    Black King or any other Hellfire Club member (White Queen now counts as a villain, and she gains a significant psychic damage increase)
  • SpikydeathballSpikydeathball Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2018
    I have 17 champions I would love to see in the game.

    1. Throg (cosmic)
    2. Emma Frost (mutant)
    3. Mantis (cosmic)
    4. Quicksilver (skill)
    5. Mr. Fantastic (science)
    6. Thing (science)
    7. Human Torch (science)
    8. Invisible Woman (science)
    9. Nova (cosmic)
    10. Jubilee (mutant)
    11. Maximus (cosmic)
    12. Spiderman 2099 (science)
    13. Mysterio (mystic)
    14. Heimdall (mystic)
    15. Blob (mutant)
    16. Wasp (tech)
    17. Skurge (tech)

    I hope some of the champions can be added in the game.
    Dan99 wrote: »


    a few ideas:

    Her attacks deal mostly psychic damage. This damage does not influence a champ's health. Instead maybe a separate "psychic health" bar can be placed so players can track the amount of psychic damage inflicted. After the enemy has suffered a certain amount of psychic damage, that champ is KO'd regardless of its remaining health. Psychic damage cannot be healed by the normal regen ability.

    Organic diamond form
    After executing a special attack, she activates this form, rendering her immune to bleed and resistant to physical damage and temperature extremes. But this form deactivates her telepathy, and thus limits herself to dealing just physical damage.

    Cyclops (White Queen starts and ends the fight in diamond form)

    Black King or any other Hellfire Club member (White Queen now counts as a villain, and she gains a significant psychic damage increase)

  • SharkPowerr99SharkPowerr99 Member Posts: 163
    Anti venom, pls
  • ToksicToksic Member Posts: 2
    Silver Surfer (Cosmic), would be great champion for MCOC, he could use the tier 4 class catalyst crystal as his crystal and he would be a great AW attacker, I hope you take my suggestion in!
  • FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    Silver Sable (Skil Champion)
    Felicia Hardy - Black Cat (Science Champion)
    Quasar (Cosmic Champion)
    Polaris (Mutant Champion)
    Mystique (Mutant Champion)
    Mandarin (Mystic Champion)
    Sandman (Science Champion)
    Madam Hydra (Skill Champion)
    Professor Zola (Tech Champion)
    Nova (Cosmic Champion)
    Super Skrull (Science Champion)

    Just a few suggestions for some new champions.
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64
    Champs for 6 months going off of kabams track record of entering champs

    Month 1
    Quicksilver (science/mutant)
    High evolutionary (tech/science)
    The Thing (skill)(if they did it for agent venom why not Ben Grimm?)
    Human Torch/Johnny Storm (cosmic)
    Dr. Doom (tech/mystic)
    Mr. Fantastic (science/cosmic)
    Invisible Woman (cosmic)
    Red Skull (science/skill)
    Arnim Zola (tech/science)
    Man-Thing (mystic)
    Werewolf-by-night (mystic)
    Hercules (skill/cosmic)
    Ares (skill/cosmic)
    (Again for these 2 if they did skill for Thor ragnarok why not these 2, they don't have crazy powers besides their brute strength)

    Other randoms I couldn't think of a good story arc for:
    Amadeus Cho [science(hulk)/tech(iron spider)/cosmic(prince of power)]
    White Tiger/Ava Ayala (mystic/skill)
    Ghost Rider/Robbie Reyes (mystic)
    Baron Zemo (skill)
    Crimson Dynamo (tech)
    Sunfire (mutant)

  • Fortune_soldier123Fortune_soldier123 Member Posts: 19
    Quicksilver and giantman please
  • CanarioCanario Member Posts: 167
    Would love it if they added a retro champ called jack of hearts or og yellow jacket and charlie-27
  • Zakonn1Zakonn1 Member Posts: 30
    Six armed spiderman
    Mutated spiderman
  • StormezzzStormezzz Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2018
    I've only seen one other person mention Sandman. @BearHugger. His animations could be endless. I look forward to how the Kabam team sets him up.
  • PsylockePsylocke Member Posts: 5
  • PsylockePsylocke Member Posts: 5

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