BG draft order still not random

I'm 5 fights into the season and I've selected first each time.

I realize that 5 isn't yet a statistical improbability. But I am cataloging this to hopefully get some traction and a response. I didn't see a single thread on this issue from last season that got an admin response.

I realize that 5 isn't yet a statistical improbability. But I am cataloging this to hopefully get some traction and a response. I didn't see a single thread on this issue from last season that got an admin response.
Also what make you you think you are the only one picking first? for all you know your opponent could go 50 matches as first picker.
It's entirely possible that I missed some forum communication, but I've tracked several threads on this issue. I don't recall any of them being merged, commented on by admin, or generally acknowledged in any way, despite the tendency of the discourse on this issue to get a bit off the rails.
If they can chime in on who has and hasn't cheated, or the quality of cyber weekend deals, then the silence I've seen on this issue seems pretty intentional.
This has been around for a while, never been officially acknowledged. You aren't going to find any sympathy on the forums for this or an acknowledgement from the team. It could be a top priority for the devs or not, we don't know. When there is a fix it'll probably be in the patch notes. I wouldn't expect any additional communication on this.
I'm not asking for anyone's sympathy. I'm pointing out a bug that systematically damages some players. I will point to it until the developers issue an official statement.🖖
I agree that this is a substantial cost on people who are affected, equivalent of hundreds of units, probably more. If you keep continuing just be prepared that some forum members will try to shut you down, irrespective of the proof you have.
is it a problem?
yes it is .
will kabam respond?
I don't think so.