Super underwhelming deals?

Maybe it’s just me but the deals for paragon and especially valiant are horrible. They still feel focused on 6* and made my decision to not spend super easy. L event, pray to god banquet is a huge step up from this.
What do you guys think?
What do you guys think?
So yeah, you could get another 7* R3 for 500$
We see these conversations every sale and we always chat about setting your own expectations.
If you approach these events with a very narrow image of what you want from them, yeah, you'll probably be disappointed. Try to remember that this is a game and it's meant to be fun, open yourself up to fun y'all!
We also have talked explicitly about how these deals shouldn't allow anyone to leapfrog way out into a ridiculous advantage, which is something we see concern about here all the time (including posts about it this morning).
Maybe not everything in here hits you with a serotonin boost, but I'm sure there's something there for you to be excited about. And if not, we'll have free Zemos for all (once xsolla fixes issues)! Rejoice!
But you forget one thing. Many players have been around for a lot of years and have seen soooo many deals come and go. We have learnt the value of our currency and can to some extent tell if the pricing of deals are good.
My personal problem this year is not that the deals are actually that bad. But that they are bad when you look at them compared to their price.