Maestro rebalance??

Will Maestro be looked at as a new champ would be for a tune up? He really should have REGEN like Overseer. That is a huge miss for his kit. Also, his heavy does nothing that’s boring. Persistent charges to ramp up his abilities would have been nice and would not have made him to OP on defense since charges are only for offense. At least look at giving him a precision buff after a heavy. That would help his SP2. I absolutely love Maestro and have been waiting to play him for years. It just seems like he needs to be in rebalancing along with all the new champs for a tune up. It’s only fair to include him as he is technically brand new. Not the LABRYNTH MAESTRO
But, as a r4 he's doing well defensively in BG. Dude is a wall
Honestly just needs a buff to his furies, not sure why they are so weak. Hes the most powerful cosmic make him comparable.
Also: Regeneration is the smallest part of Overseer's kit. It really doesn't do a lot except on defense. So if you're going to wish for something, I recommend that you wish for something else.
I rather pick a 5* crystal over a7* iron fist, he is that useless
And don’t underestimate him offensively, his damage is actually decent, especially against tech champs thanks to his superiority. And he’s got some really great utility, triple immunities to 3 of the most common DOT effects is insane. Makes him a great hazard shift attacker, his iso buffs can’t have their ability accuracy reduced, if they are nullified it just ramps him up faster and he just gets passive versions, so he’s a cosmic that doesn’t rely on buffs and can fight mystics. Glancing all basic attacks is a slept on offensive utility, it lets him ignore nodes like bubble shield, ignore champs that apply effects through block, and counter champs like Hulkling. You can block his basic attacks without him gaining pierce or unblockable buffs. He’s not a flashy attacker but he’s one of my new favorites.
Also his sig ability is important for his offensive rotation, allows him to ramp up with one sp2 and then spam 1 for maximum damage.
Oh?!? He’s a defender… jeezus I didn’t even consider that. Thank you I totally overlooked that! I am so sorry I even mentioned him getting an offensive tune up. You’re right that makes no sense. Because if he’s a good defender then that automatically makes him enjoyable to use. I mean he’s my favorite villain and when I put him on my team and can’t wait to use him it doesn’t matter that he’s not as enjoyable as and powerful as he could be.
I mean, It does a say he’s the most powerful cosmic in his abilities so, it must be true.