How can i be good in this game like the rest of you?

I know most of you are crazy in the game and can pull some sick combos and just in general have some crazy moments, i'm a noob who dosen't know how to pull those crazy combos/do the crazy things you all do. How can i learn how to do them and be better at the game?
(Disclaimer I’m not a pro just someone with general understanding of mechanics of the game)
It's really just practice, time, and muscle memory. If you are too scared to try stuff out or attempt harder challenges, then you'll stagnate and become a "Cavalier players are disrespected" type player
You'll get there. I know this because I did, and I'm the OG noob.
But I think it is important to know what kind of practice matters. Everyone is different. Some people you throw into the deep end of the pool and they learn how to swim, other people you throw into the deep end of the pool and they drown. Everyone has their own specific pace they can learn at.
So the most important thing is to not rush the game faster than you can accommodate. A lot of people think the point of the game is to get to the top as fast as possible, and often they either burn out or decide the game is "too hard" and quit in frustration. The game is not hard, it is old. Many of the veteran players you see playing skillfully had years to learn how to play the game, because the game only added things slowly over time.
When you run into content you can't do or have difficulty doing, do you spend to get past it, or do you actually try to learn how to do it? Spending works once, and it gets more expensive every time you do it. Learning works once, and then pays dividends forever. Don't cheat yourself out of chances to learn. Resist the urge to "catch up" to other people, because if you do that without learning what they learned to get there, you'll actually place yourself even farther behind them.
The game actually does a decent job of introducing you to a ladder of increasing challenges, if you actually run through them. The story arc content (i.e. the "Acts") introduce harder opponents with more complex nodes that require increasing levels of skill to beat as you go up. If you actually stop to learn how to do that content with a minimum of resource spending, you will slowly acquire the two skills that matter most: learning to read and understand nodes, and learning the tappy clicky skills of parry, dash back, intercept, etc.
And I sat there and got a brief chuckle like, isn’t that usually what the general consensus is, use units to get through hard content?
And if that isn’t true, then what else is it good for besides event offers? Cause the same people will **** and moan saying offers are terrible and they don’t spend units. They also advocate against opening new featured crystals. So now they’re just hoarding. When do they spend?! I have no clue.
Also, if you run into a wall when trying to complete certain permanent content, don't keep banging your head against the wall. Leave it for a while and focus on other game modes. You'll be surprised at how much you have improved just by playing. I can't even count the times I felt like certain content was completely impossible and videos showing people completing it were obviously fake, but then a month or two later I ripped through it, easily.
Finally, skill is obviously important, but you need to continue to develop your roster. Content that is very hard with some champs can be trivially easy with others. It is fine to listen to opinions on who is good or not, but never forget to focus on champs that are good for you. There are some amazing champs that have very strict playstyles. If you are not able to play them the way they "should" be played, they may not be any better than other champs. Find the ones you like playing with and whose playstyle meshes with your own. I will neeeeeever be able to Quake. So I stopped wasting time trying to learn and found alternative champs that allowed me to get through the content other people just Quaked through.
I need another 4k to catch up to that number.
If that ever works out for me, I’ll report back here.
These starter tutorials are still all there on his channel Dork Lessons:
Search for the videos with "Like a Ninja" in the title @Barrel836 like said above - apart from practicing in arena and ROL these videos show the basic mechanics that more advanced youtubers like MCOCNoob, MSD, Karatemiike etc build upon.
Anyways, practice every action multiple times, and you'll eventually get skilled
Step 2: Tell yourself "that seems easy, I can do that too"
Step 3: Fail
Step 4: repeat steps 1-3
Step 5: profit